Bloomberg has jumped in the Presidential race, and is already flooding the television with ads. He is boasting as a unifier, job creator, and all around problem solver. In his ads, however, a familiar theme is being put forth. He boasts of health insurance for all, yet if you like your insurance as is, you can keep it. The unfortunate thing about that is that ship already sailed, and sunk with President Obama.
It is a virtual impossibility to have government run health insurance and leave the free market as is. For no other reason than the simple concept of billing, as the government seeks reimbursement from the taxpayer, whatever the standard rate becomes, the private industry will seek the same. There will be a veritable feeding frenzy because the taxpayer funded liability has literally, an endless supply of funds, whereas the private industry has to have a little thing called transparency.
So, as more people lean on the government for their health insurance, the private industry simply can’t compete, and collapse is imminent. In short, the Bloomberg ad that you can keep your insurer is a flat out lie.