President Obama and his racist appointees Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Rahm Emanuel, along with his administration, for who I would consider a domestic terrorist organization, and Al Sharpton are directly responsible for the race riots. The perpetuated narrative that black people are suffering some sort of oppression, is simply false. There are more handouts and government programs designed specifically for blacks than you can shake a stick at!
The other problem we have is these entitled racist black “religious leaders,” spewing this same divisive rhetoric, while Native Americans sit on reservations fighting for their land in North Dakota apparently not worthy of much media coverage, but race riots? Oh yeah, let’s make the general public fear people of color. These self righteous religious leaders need to be punished for what is equivalent to inciting domestic terrorism.
The liberal policy has always been to give the “disadvantaged” freebies in the hope that would free them up to use their income and time to better themselves. It obviously doesn’t work! These programs are no different than slavery subjecting those who belong to them to government servitude.
Donald Trump is offering a way out for these government servants, only through personal accomplishment can people regain the self esteem and dignity required to lift themselves out of this servitude.
Jobs and education are the answer. Free housing, cell phones, and all the other subsidies are simply giving people an excuse not to better themselves. No matter how much the subsidy is increased it will never be adequate, just as someone who works hard at a job, can never be truly satisfied until they reach the maximum level of advancement that the job has to offer.
Some of the people that have become reliant on these programs consider this the same as being employed. Generational dependency has stripped people of their dignity for so long that they can no longer recognize the disadvantage they are trapped in.
The use of racial difference to leverage an agenda that tries and convicts those who simply seek true equality should be considered a crime. Equality doesn’t mean exceptional treatment in society for any one race over any other. To hear some of these prominent black religious leaders speak, the black community will not be content untill there are separate laws for them, set apart from what all others have to abide by.
I guess from now on, if a police officer encounters a crime in progress, and the suspect is black, whether he is armed or not, the officer should not engage, that way no one will riot and pillage the community where the infraction occurs.
This is absolutely absurd, a society can’t be held hostage in this manner! The liberal left have created this inequality through politically correct propaganda! Most of these racially bias programs need to be eliminated, so these people can achieve true equality in society.