Ankle Monitors

I’m putting this as plain as it gets. Every immigrant that is seeking asylum or for any reason, who needs to return to court for any purpose, must be fitted with an ankle monitor. After all, we use them on Americans that are on parole or probation, or are registered sex offenders. If it’s good enough for American citizens, it’s good enough for the Immigrants.

If the detainee refuses to show up for their hearing, like the millions of others, we can track some of them down. Of course, lots of them are going to somehow hack the bracelets off, but it’s worth a try.

Trump’s Deal & State of Emergency

Today President Trump finally declared a State of Emergency with regard to the invasion at our southern border. This is long overdue, and what most people like Jim Acosta @ C.N.N. don’t want to recognize, is the crisis has long been manifesting itself within our borders.

 Our Public Assistance programs are shelling out hundreds of billions of fraudulent payments to illegal immigrants that are living in America. Yes, my friends, that’s right, billions with a B. Recent investigations show that about seventy percent of those here illegally are tapping into our public assistance programs, and most of them have no plans of letting go of this cash cow. Most of the others are in prison, and they too have no intention of letting the cash cow go either. The problem can’t be blamed solely on the illegal immigrants, though. The federal government has an extremely poor track record of both verification and accountability in most of the welfare, or Socialist programs, as I regard them.

These programs are a runaway train wreck waiting to explode one day, as they drain the resources paid into them by working businesses and individuals. This is why people abuse them, because the federal government rarely actually sends a person of authority to the locations where the payments are going, never mind, to verify who is actually spending our money or cashing the checks. This ballooning financial burden gets a little worse as each illegal gains entry and immediately begins exploiting this lucrative means of income. The biggest lie being perpetrated by C.N.N. and other networks including Fox is that most of the people climbing our fences at the border are coming to work. Why the heck would someone who is used to getting paid twenty dollars a month working in Guatemala work here, when they can get twenty thousand or more annually on public assistance? Loopholes in the system and the lack of checks and balances can pay for food, housing, transportation, medical care, education, even funeral expenses.

This and finding a way to give voting rights to illegals is the real reason the Socialist wing of the Democratic party is fighting so hard to deceive Americans. It’s simple, if illegals keep pouring in, and the government continues to support them, the voting bloc of the dependent grows to a point where it out numbers those who are opposed. Socialism is then the inevitable outcome.

President Trump’s executive order

President Trump has expressed the idea of halting claims of asylum  by the caravan through executive order. There is also a rumor that he may try to temporarily contest the “birthright” part of the 14th amendment the same way.

House speaker Paul Ryan sharply criticized President Trump for considering this. My advice to our president is to sign as many executive orders, regardless of the criticism, as it takes to thwart the efforts of those wanting to illegally gain entry into this country, regardless of political opposition, even from Republicans, who have also embraced this misnomer  until the proper legislation can be passed to correct the problem.

After all, President Obama enacted “the dream act” or D.A.C.A. through executive order, and it has held up well to criticism, although it has not been legally enacted through the legislative process.

Prosecuting Illegal Immigrants

Let us reflect for a moment on the whole principle of prosecuting illegal immigrants. Wouldn’t this be considered the ultimate in oxymorons? Isn’t the whole premise of prosecution in general terms, an attempt to get restitution from a criminal actor? Whether they pay the debt to society through a term of incarceration or public service or the form of a fine imposed on the convicted person. So I ask this; how do you suppose arresting and charging someone who has attempted to enter the country illegally, and prosecuting them, are we as Americans getting restitution for the crime of those who actually go through the process?

Are these people being tracked and their wages garnished when and if they are gainfully employed? Will putting them into an already overburdened prison system at an expense to taxpaying Americans somehow be misconstrued into a debt paid rather than burden to society? There is no debt or restitution that can be obtained from those who attempt to enter our country illegally, period. The only reasonable course of action is to temporarily detain these people until enough of them for instance, from any particular country, can be transported back to their country of origin in the most cost effective manner possible.

In other words, when let’s say fifty people from Guatemala are detained, or can fill the seats on an aircraft, or other transport, they are deported back to that given country. After these repeat offenders make the arduous journey a few times resulting in their ultimate return to their country of origin, they will get the message. Applying the principle of prosecution is the epitome definition of “squeezing water from a stone”. 

Though daunting, the process of transporting as a means of deportation is far less expensive, and far more humane than long terms of incarceration, while the wheels of American justice turn their course, and ultimately result in the offender entering the country illegally anyway. We are a country of laws, but when the offense is essentially trespass, what can be gained through the criminal justice process?