President Trump finally declared a State of Emergency with regard to the
invasion at our southern border. This is long overdue, and what most people
like Jim Acosta @ C.N.N. don’t want to recognize, is the crisis has long been
manifesting itself within our borders.
Our Public Assistance programs are shelling out hundreds of billions of fraudulent payments to illegal immigrants that are living in America. Yes, my friends, that’s right, billions with a B. Recent investigations show that about seventy percent of those here illegally are tapping into our public assistance programs, and most of them have no plans of letting go of this cash cow. Most of the others are in prison, and they too have no intention of letting the cash cow go either. The problem can’t be blamed solely on the illegal immigrants, though. The federal government has an extremely poor track record of both verification and accountability in most of the welfare, or Socialist programs, as I regard them.
programs are a runaway train wreck waiting to explode one day, as they drain
the resources paid into them by working businesses and individuals. This is why
people abuse them, because the federal government rarely actually sends a
person of authority to the locations where the payments are going, never mind,
to verify who is actually spending our money or cashing the checks. This
ballooning financial burden gets a little worse as each illegal gains entry and
immediately begins exploiting this lucrative means of income. The biggest lie
being perpetrated by C.N.N. and other networks including Fox is that most of
the people climbing our fences at the border are coming to work. Why the heck
would someone who is used to getting paid twenty dollars a month working in
Guatemala work here, when they can get twenty thousand or more annually on
public assistance? Loopholes in the system and the lack of checks and balances
can pay for food, housing, transportation, medical care, education, even
funeral expenses.
and finding a way to give voting rights to illegals is the real reason the
Socialist wing of the Democratic party is fighting so hard to deceive
Americans. It’s simple, if illegals keep pouring in, and the government
continues to support them, the voting bloc of the dependent grows to a point
where it out numbers those who are opposed. Socialism is then the inevitable