Articles Handed Down

The judicial committee handed down two articles of impeachment this week, and with no surprise, also gave tentative approval of The U.S.M.C.A., but apparently there are a lot of strings attached by the organized labor unions.

 The first being “abuse of power”, the accusation being that President Trump abused his position to have a foreign country investigate a political rival when he asked The Ukrainian President to investigate the actions of former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter, allegedly, in exchange for financial aid. The accusation being that Trump was trying to interfere with the upcoming election, or ask The Ukrainian President to do so, for his own political gain. The problem here is that Joe Biden has not yet been endorsed as the Democratic candidate, so therefore he is not a political rival, the aid was not withheld, and no subsequent investigation of The Bidens ensued. 

The second is “Obstruction of Congress”, for withholding both witnesses and documents from Congressional subpoenas. Unfortunately, here too, The President retains the right of Executive Privilege, and Congress must apply through the courts to have their requests be adhered to. Both Adam Shiff and Gerald Nadler failed to follow the law and proper procedure in both their respective committees and make those requests to the courts. Instead these guys who accuse Trump of being an imperialist have done that exact thing themselves, bypassing procedural law and ramming this impeachment down everyone’s throats in just over two months, all the while claiming to be constitutionalists.

 Lastly, of course, The Democrats had to pass some version of The U.S.M.C.A. because they were getting such flack from their constituents back home during the holiday. I say too little, too late! Vote them out in 2020!

Take the Vote NOW!

The Whistleblower Law clearly states that the whistleblower must have eyewitness account of the incident to be considered “credible”, as I suspected since the beginning of this witch-hunt. Mysteriously the rule changed right before the complaint was filed. I submit therefore that whoever the Inspector General was that deemed the information given by this whistleblower to be credible to The Director of National Intelligence, is a mole acting on behalf of Democrats to take Trump down. They should resign to save face now, or be fired immediately for failing to follow the letter of the law.

The Director was also told by the Inspector General that the whistleblower followed the law, and he expressed that adamantly in the hearing. Guess what? That was also misinformation given to the Director. The whole thing stinks, and not only the complaint, but the process should be investigated. 

In light of this new revelation, anything the Director of National Intelligence said in response to questions in the Congressional Committee hearing should be stricken from the record, and any future subpoena issued to anyone from the committee, based on the whistleblower’s report be deemed null and void.

 I want to know how these Congressional Democrats can be punished for this travesty of justice. Are there no repercussions for rogue behavior of these congressmen and women? I thought they were all supposed to be attorneys. This whistleblower report is nothing more than trash to be discarded in the waste paper bin, like yesterday’s newspapers.

 I think Republicans should bring impeachment to the floor now, and force a vote now. This way we can put all this nonsense to bed. I don’t know why they have to wait for Democrats to hold their hand for everything they do. GROW A PAIR!!!