Former Secretary of State John Kerry & the Iran Nuclear Deal

It is being reported that former Secretary of State, John Kerry, is working “behind the scene” to keep the Iran Nuclear Deal alive. Now let’s think about that for a moment. On its face, it sounds like no big deal, but I have to wonder how one gets the contact info for the Mullahs in Iran? I seriously doubt that any average American can just get on the phone and call up any given leader of a country.

So that must mean that John Kerry is using top government clearance information, obtained while he was serving as Secretary to deliberately go behind the backs of the C.I.A., and other officials assigned to these matters of foreign diplomacy for his own purposes. Doesn’t that genuinely undermine the normal process of diplomacy assigned to the responsibility of the current Secretary of State?

I can see no better example of treason. This is the definition of treason – A former top-level government official, working with foreign governments on top-secret matters, concerning nuclear weapons.

Where the heck is the F.B.I., The Justice Department, the C.I.A., and the Foreign Intelligence Committee on this? Kerry should at the very least, be brought in for suspicion of both espionage and treason immediately.

Unless and until some of these high-profile people are treated  under the same rule of law as average Americans, there can be no faith in the legal process in this country.