As if Jim Carrey’s despicable rendition of Sara Sanders wasn’t repulsive enough, he had to ad his degrading comments questioning her faith, belittling himself even more.
Like most of these Hollywood elites or shall I say “so called Americans” their aspirations to live in their Socialist utopia puts them so far out of touch with reality, that they have lost all sense of morality.
It’s true that one could call this depiction “art” but let’s have a look at the outrage from the left, over the caricature depiction of Mohammed that supposedly sparked the attack on Benghazi, a lie perpetrated by Susan Rice’s Liberal propaganda spread on the fake news channels.
Venezuela is in complete chaos, maybe these elites could all go down there and form their own Utopian Socialist state, and bring order back, rather than smothering everyone with this type of garbage, and justifying it by calling it “freedom of expression”.
Using a quote from Jim Carrey in Ace Ventura, “he’s a Loosaahaherrr!!!”