Democrat Presidential Ticket

Does anyone else find it strange that an apparently confident, self assured, woman of color in that of Kamala Harris, would be comfortable agreeing to take the position as V.P., knowing that she is there simply to fulfill the token quota individual to meet the standard of Affirmative Action for the Democratic ticket for the presidential race. After all, what else does the extremely white, extremely old guy, career politician, Joe Biden have to offer to the presidential race. Soooooo sad. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Contact Tracing Policing of Citizens

Don’t let your desire for convenient technology at your fingertips overshadow your God given right to be free.   SHUT IT DOWN NOW!

Contact tracing is probably the most egregious form of privacy invasion that we have ever seen. Again, for “the greater good” of humanity, Apple, Microsoft, and Google are collaborating to try to track the movements of everyone on the planet. Everyone that can be duped by these Liberal tech giants, that is. Right now Apple and Microsoft are offering an app that allows a person’s movements to be tracked through Bluetooth, so that if they have come in proximity of an individual that has tested positive for the Covid-19 virus they are subject to an interrogation. It is not yet clear what distance qualifies for that “proximity”. Unfortunately, the tracing does not account for solid barriers like walls, glass, or plastic that may be absolute protection for the tracked individual.

These intrusive interrogations ask personal questions about family status, the viability of one’s ability to be isolated in their own home, such as floor plans, and separate living quarters, and if one’s children are adequately protected. As I write this blog, these overreaching tech giants are actively hiring “Tracing Agents”, or the equivalent of The K.G.B. Agents in Russia. These “Agents” are going to have the responsibility of determining not only the status of “Traced” individuals, but will even be authorized to call in  to Child Protective Services to have someone’s children removed from their custody, if they determine that it’s necessary. 

Right now, the app is voluntary for someone to add to their mobile device, but soon it will be already loaded on the devices and the mere signing of the initial disclaimer when purchasing the phone, will allow for the implementation. This is just a “back door” precursor to Bill Gates’ dream of having all of humanity micro-chipped. Just this morning (June 5, 2020), I watched as Joe Biden, (Democratic presidential candidate), announced that 10 to 15% of all Americans are “bad people”. If this “Tracing” gets traction, he, and others can more specifically determine how many Americans there are that they believe are “bad”. Moreover, what does society do with all the “bad people” once these elites make their determinations? Allowing this “Tracing” is the final step to the ideology of having a Socialist Nanny State in America.

Contangions From China

The thing about China is that they develop very little of their own product and technology. Most of what they build, manufacture, or develop comes from stolen Intellectual Property. The problem with this is that while reverse engineering these ideas, the Chinese cut certain corners in the development phase.

 Often, inferior materials are used to manufacture whatever it is, so that it can be developed both rapidly and inexpensively. Most Americans are well aware of the staunch difference between an American made product, and a similar one that is made in China. One can just imagine the big difference between a product that the Chinese make for export as to the one made for domestic use in China.

My point is this that all these viruses that keep “escaping” from China are being developed from stolen intellectual property. The process is then to reverse engineer the information to develop whatever is in the encrypted file that they’ve managed to obtain. Rather, however, than use the exact specifications for the thing, they substitute with Chinese quality specs. This is why the system, at some point inevitably breaks down and something goes wrong. An exact standard to develop and contain these contagions is not followed, either for cost effectiveness, lack of adequately trained personnel, or unavailability of quality materials needed for the project.

Rule Changed?

Someone in The Intelligence Agency had to authorize the rule change that allowed this whistleblower complaint to move forward. There must be a paper trail with one or more signatures; otherwise the rule change essentially is not a rule change.

 This person or persons should immediately have their security clearance revoked, with disciplinary action to follow. A serious crime has been committed. This is a planned attempt to try to have the President impeached, in other words, treason. Whoever is responsible for this “set up” should appropriately be charged with treason or espionage. I know, the government has an extremely poor track record of policing itself, but this shouldn’t be that hard to nail down, even for them.

The so called “whistleblower” should also be charged with similar charges if found to be involved in the scheme. If those involved are found not guilty, then so be it. Since this obviously was a set up, then all the evidence gathered, including the phone call transcript, should be held for use at the trial or trials of those implicated in the crimes. All the accusations that are related to the impeachment in The Congressional hearings should then be postponed, on that basis, until the initial charges of the individuals is resolved. 

The trial outcomes then become the evidence for or against impeachment, rather than the speculation of the intent of a phone call, based on the interpretation of the transcript of that call. If the individuals involved are found not guilty, then there may be more solid grounds for an impeachment. This is the appropriate process, not the trial by public opinion, as Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, and all the other angry Democrats would prefer.

We have a system of laws and procedures, and they don’t include public circus acts in politically bias theatre, such as these Congressional Committees that are run by the afore-mentioned angry Democrats. Let’s not forget, The Congressional Committees can’t charge anyone with a crime, arrest anyone, or try or convict anyone for anything. They can only make recommendations to The Inspector General.

Take the Vote NOW!

The Whistleblower Law clearly states that the whistleblower must have eyewitness account of the incident to be considered “credible”, as I suspected since the beginning of this witch-hunt. Mysteriously the rule changed right before the complaint was filed. I submit therefore that whoever the Inspector General was that deemed the information given by this whistleblower to be credible to The Director of National Intelligence, is a mole acting on behalf of Democrats to take Trump down. They should resign to save face now, or be fired immediately for failing to follow the letter of the law.

The Director was also told by the Inspector General that the whistleblower followed the law, and he expressed that adamantly in the hearing. Guess what? That was also misinformation given to the Director. The whole thing stinks, and not only the complaint, but the process should be investigated. 

In light of this new revelation, anything the Director of National Intelligence said in response to questions in the Congressional Committee hearing should be stricken from the record, and any future subpoena issued to anyone from the committee, based on the whistleblower’s report be deemed null and void.

 I want to know how these Congressional Democrats can be punished for this travesty of justice. Are there no repercussions for rogue behavior of these congressmen and women? I thought they were all supposed to be attorneys. This whistleblower report is nothing more than trash to be discarded in the waste paper bin, like yesterday’s newspapers.

 I think Republicans should bring impeachment to the floor now, and force a vote now. This way we can put all this nonsense to bed. I don’t know why they have to wait for Democrats to hold their hand for everything they do. GROW A PAIR!!!