Dr. Ford’s Accusations

Since Dr. Ford failed to meet with the Senators on Friday 9/21, there needs to be a confirmation vote on Monday 9/24 for Brett Kavanaugh. There at least has to be a few honest Democrats left that can see through Feinstein’s charade. They can’t all be Lemming, that is, in case there are a few R.I.N.O. Republicans that have no stomach for governing. As far as the request from Schumer, Feinstein, Pelosi, and the rest of the other Democrat  swamp creatures to have the F.B.I. act as their lap hounds and investigate Ford’s claims, the F.B.I. does not investigate civil matters.

The fact that all these Democrats are attorneys and act like this is a real option, befuddles me. I guess maybe there are a lot of Americans that are dumb enough to buy into the propaganda. No matter what political affiliation you are I would think anyone would find it offensive to have these politicians trying to sell these lies to us. Dianne Feinstein , I believe thinks she’s one of these old-time  card sharks and tried to pull an ace out of her sleeve. Either way, that’s cheating. I hope her constituents have the moral fortitude to rethink about that when she runs for re-election.

These swampy Democrats are even trying to stop the American people from seeing the slimy corrupt filth that lies in the documents that the president has declassified. Again, asking the D.O.J. and the F.B.I to be their personal lap dogs and refuse the direct request from the commander and chief. I wonder what they are afraid of? Sooner or later the muddy waters of the swamp are going to be right up to Obama’s and Clinton’s necks.