Third Debate for 2016 Presidential Race


I just watched another Hillary Clinton love fest, astoundingly orchestrated by, of all people, Chris Wallace of Fox News. I think Clinton was given easily twice the opportunity air time for Trump bashing than even a democrat could believe. While allowing Clinton almost every opening argument to every question, and cutting Trump off at every opportunity, perhaps even before he used “allotted time slot.”

Hillary Clinton was permitted to ramble on for several minutes before being stopped, I sincerely believe that Chris Wallace is a paying supporter of the Clinton campaign. There is no other reasonable explanation for this travesty bordering on flat-out disrespect to a republican candidate.

 I have absolutely no respect for any of Chris Wallace’s reporting any more. I suggest he leave Fox News, and go work for CNN,or MSNBC.


Trumps ten year old Comments


Once again the desperate media attempting to discredit Donald Trump. Any woman with any strength of character knows that all men say innocuous comments about women, especially if they find them attractive. These women that Donald Trump made comments about should be flattered, in fact it’s when a man makes no comment, that a woman should be more concerned.

Maybe if some of these idiots in the media, particularly the women, put their ear up to the door of their significant other’s mancave during a football game when their buddies are over, they would get a dose of reality.There are only two reasons that a man wouldn’t make a similar comment about women, at one time or another. He’s gay, or his wife or girlfriend’s leash is about to choke him out, because she has it pulled so taught!

Oh yeah and let’s not forget the sexist and demeaning Bill Clinton, who “..did not have sex with that woman!”

2016 Trump – Clinton Election



So sad, so sad, that the oppressed, dependent, uninsured,  subservient, and even the underemployed, are so desperate for leadership, from the dejected void left from the Obama administration, that they would basically elect anyone whose name they could remember or recognize from television.

The pathetic attempts by the media to discredit any republican candidate, even make things seem even more disgraceful on the side of the democratic party.

The fact that the condescension is okay with them is even more telling of the lack of integrity of the party. Any person of any affiliation that has any integrity would find this stuff so offensive on both sides. It seems that I have only seen and heard Donald Trump speak out about it, though.

Trump Pioneer


Although there are a lot of folks that view Donald Trump as a disaster to politics, with his unscripted, and sometimes even outrageous statements, or even behaviors, but a true progressive and free-thinker should view him as a pioneer. For the first time in a very long time this country could possibly have  the leadership of someone other than a lawyer.

Even if he doesn’t win the election, he has paved the way for not only a  wealthy non lawyer-person to run, but perhaps one day, even a regular guy that is smart and sensible about things would have the opportunity.

I thought that was the kind of thing liberals and free-thinkers cared about. Large centralized government and socialist ideals are contrary to the very concept of being a liberal.

The Obama administration, and Hillary Clinton’s views are that of a socialistic or even a dictatorial society. Truly the people who call themselves liberal and democrat are essentially schizophrenic, because the two concepts are complete opposites by definition.

Racial Unrest



President Obama and his racist appointees Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Rahm Emanuel, along with his administration, for who I would consider a domestic terrorist organization, and Al Sharpton are directly responsible for the race riots. The perpetuated narrative that black people are suffering some sort of oppression, is simply false. There are more handouts and government programs designed specifically for blacks than you can shake a stick at!

The other problem we have is these entitled racist black “religious leaders,” spewing this same divisive rhetoric, while Native Americans sit on reservations fighting for their land in North Dakota apparently not worthy of much media coverage, but race riots? Oh yeah, let’s make the general public fear people of color.  These self righteous  religious leaders  need to be punished for what is equivalent to inciting domestic terrorism.

 The liberal policy has always been to give the “disadvantaged” freebies in the hope that would free them up to use their income and time to better themselves. It obviously doesn’t work! These programs are no different than slavery subjecting those who belong to them to government servitude.

Donald Trump is offering a way out for these government servants, only through personal accomplishment can people regain the self esteem and dignity required to lift themselves out of this servitude.

Jobs and education are the answer. Free housing, cell phones, and all the other subsidies are simply giving people an excuse not to better themselves. No matter how much the subsidy is increased it will never be adequate, just as someone who works hard at a job, can never be truly satisfied until they reach the maximum level of advancement that the job has to offer.

Some of the people that have become reliant on these programs consider this the same as being employed. Generational dependency has stripped people of their dignity for so long that they can no longer recognize the disadvantage they are trapped in.

The use of racial difference to leverage an agenda that tries and convicts those who simply seek true equality should be considered a crime. Equality doesn’t mean exceptional treatment in society for any one race over any other. To hear some of these prominent black religious leaders speak, the black community will not be content untill there are separate laws for them, set apart from what all others have to abide by.

I guess from now on, if a police officer encounters a crime in progress, and the suspect is black, whether he is armed or not, the officer should not engage, that way no one will riot and pillage the community where the infraction occurs.

This is absolutely absurd, a society can’t be held hostage in this manner! The liberal left have created  this inequality through politically correct propaganda! Most of these racially bias programs need to be eliminated, so these people can achieve true equality in society.

Presidential Medical Records

Does anyone else find it the least bit suspicious that Americans want to see medical records of both presidential candidates, and Donald Trump gives a report from a hospital, with actual test results, but Hillary Clinton provides a doctor’s note.

What I find even more suspicious is that the note doesn’t state that Hillary can return to work, but that she is fit to be president of the United States.

I don’t know of any doctor that has ever specified a person’s career choice in a report of fitness to work, with exceptions for heavy lifting, or long periods of durations, standing or sitting.

The American people should not buy into this deception whatsoever, it is just another word gambit from the Clinton propaganda machine.

What a Clinton Administration will Mean to America


If elected President, everyone can be assured that Hillary Clinton will continue to abuse the power of the Executive Branch of government. This continued overreach will eventually set “precedence” giving the Supreme Court no alternative, but to make a ruling giving the unilateral authority of the President to bypass Congress. This puts the last piece of the puzzle in place towards total Socialist rule. Whether any one realizes it or not, we are very nearly there.

The Judicial branch has already been corrupted politically, The Federal Bureau of Investigation obviously has been corrupted, The Internal Revenue Service obviously has, and the scandals with the Veterans Administration is out of control as well as the continued blatant control over the Media. If anyone thinks all these inconsistencies and failed indictments are just coincidences, particularly under one administration, they are just plain delusional.

This stuff has been carefully orchestrated from the oval office. What do you think Obama meant by professing “fundamental change?” I certainly hope Clinton supports think it meant streamlining, or increasing government efficiency, because that certainly hasn’t happened. Putting all these pieces in place is very expensive. Why do you think the Federal deficit is double what it was seven and a half years ago? Cost of living increases? Federal employees get paid a lot, and it costs a lot to corrupt  people, and there are a lot of recent hires in the past seven years.

Come on, people this stuff isn’t that complicated. Has anyone seen this type of ugly determination from any political party against any candidate? Ever? Short of an assassination attempt? The conservative candidate, Donald Trump, with a business like approach to running government flies in the face of this extremely corrupt, and overblown administration. He is going to fire all these leeches and stop the sucking of taxpayer funds from where they should be going. All these losers are going to be relegated to all those jobs that the illegals are going to give up, that “nobody else wants” when they are lawfully deported. I can’t understand the public outcry and misguided compassion for these folks. This cleaning house approach solves the problem completely.

Hillary’s Memory Problem


For all  the disaffected Democrats, Independents, and anyone else who intends to cast a vote for one of the presidential candidates this November…if Hillary Clinton is lying about the use of a private server to send or receive classified government information she should be disqualified from becoming our next president.

If Hillary Clinton is not lying, and really can’t remember what the ( C ) meant on the documents she was e-mailing then this should disqualify her also. She is either too incompetent or a liar. No American should want either for a commander in chief.

Personally speaking, I’ll take the assertive arrogant business tycoon any day!!!

Pathetic Hillary Supporters


cropped-1-images.jpg    I am almost feeling badly for Hillary Clinton supporters. In the fall of 2015 they were promised what most of them believed to be not only the first woman to become President, but the accusations by Republicans were nothing more than a “witch hunt.” Instead, the Democrats have fallen for one of the oldest carnival scams ever. The old “bait and switch,” what’s even worse it’s been inflicted on them by their own party! They should have paid closer attention, the constant deceptions by the Obama administration. “You like your  doctor you can keep your doctor,” “your insurance premiums are actually going to go down,” “I never sent or received any e-mails marked classified.” I mean, come on, are any of you Democrats interested in buying some ocean front property in Colorado? I’m sure if you donate to the Clinton Foundation, the Clintons can arrange it for you. SMH.

The Democrat Party’s Lies

abraham-lincoln  It was Democrats who indentured the people without means to resist and created the environment to keep it that way. It was the relentless endeavor of a determined Republican, Abraham Lincoln, to free those from perpetual servitude. I believe it is the intention of another determined Republican in Donald Trump to overcome a much greater obstacle, with media’s misguided bias, and a far more determined adversary in  the Democratic party, to free those who are currently indentured by the federal government in perpetual and generational servitude.

For decades now, the Democrats have conditioned those same people to respond negatively to any criticism regardless of the intent, or the obscurity. They have done this through racial intimidation, discrimination and intentional depravity, of those who would not have the educational ability to see the contrasts for themselves. We are not unequal, this is just what Democrats would have you believe. There are of course a few  who may see it otherwise, but Donald Trump is not one of them. As a matter of fact, Donald Trump has far more exposure to cultural diversity than The Elitist, Privileged Hillary Clinton ever has.