A small basket of short cuts

  1. Allow your lawn to grow an extra week. Then when you mow, rake up excessive grass clippings and pile at the base of garden plants to hold moisture and lower watering requirements of the plants.
  2. When changing engine oil use your finger to measure the size of the screw in part of your oil filter. Sometimes a less expensive filter can be used if the outside dimension and threaded hole in the middle match your old filter’s dimensions.
  3. For measuring distances without a tape measure or ruler: walk placing heal to toe, a size 10 shoe is approximately 12 inches long.
  4. When driving, if you think you have had one too many, and are being followed by police, use cruise control to set the speed on your vehicle, increasing your ability to focus on good driving habits.
  5. Loud exhaust system? If the hole is in the pipe between the engine and the muffler, cut the ends off a soup or coffee can, slice open and wrap over the spot using two hose clamps to tighten it. This should last at least a month.
  6. Leaky pipe in the house? A piece of leather belt with automotive hose clamp will sometimes fix it.
  7. To make French salad dressing mix together ketchup and mayonnaise. To make Russian dressing mix together ketchup, mayonnaise and chopped pickles. To make BBQ sauce mix together ketchup, molasses and season salt.