Say Good-Bye to America

The last stop for freedom

The Democratic majority of Congress wouldn’t normally be of much concern in days of old. Now, however, it appears to be more like a case of the inmates taking charge of the asylum. The idea that Jerry Nadler and Maxine Waters would head up two Congressional committees is downright frightening at the least. I wouldn’t let these senile old radicals babysit my grandchildren, or pet sit, never mind have Congressional authority over taxpayer expenditures and rule of national laws to be written that direct how and where those expenditures go. These two lunatics in particular, have already been outspoken about their willingness to subvert the Constitution of the United States to attain personal and ideological gratification, despite any opposition, even in their own constituency.

This brings me to my second point. The seeds of discontent have already been sown to divide  Americans at the very core of our deepest values and beliefs. The Obama Presidency, through complicit social media and public education, has convinced America that rejecting illegal immigration is “un-American”. That Americans can rely on government to provide healthcare, housing, and other services so that no one should do without. Even for those who don’t pay any taxes, are not citizens, or have any allegiance to this country for that matter. To criticism this ideology is now deemed “un- American”.

At the inception of social welfare programs back in the early 1960’s, the concept of support programs for the less fortunate at the time, seemed like the compassionate thing to do. Unfortunately, it was not considered, that to give someone something for nothing, the person would lose the ambition to do anything for oneself. This has led to generational dependency and rampant unchecked fraud. Regardless, the expense required to support these programs is, and has been putting a huge burden on those that are taxed to support them.

In fact, this government of ours has been borrowing, investing, and trying to print its way out of this mess since the inception of the concept and failing miserably. The concept of “budget accounting” is partially to blame. Budget accounting is a fictional process, by which those who do the accounting are not held to account for the expenses. The shortfalls are simply passed on as increases to the next annual expenditure estimate. The federal government has no authority to tax its citizens for  expenses such as Housing and Urban Development, The Department of Education, Environmental Conservation, and a whole host of other “ departments”. The United States Government has one job; to protect its citizens from threats both foreign and domestic, period!

Americans are being fed propaganda from both sides of the political spectrum. Instead of the people governing ourselves, we are now, the governed from the bureaucracy of a two tiered justice, and political system! One side claims fiscal responsibility, while the other claims that more taxation will cover the additional expense of the entitlements. Unfortunately, the metric of what any given individual’s right to claim any given  entitlement is so diminished, at this point, all one has to do is become overweight to receive government assistance or have a “pre-existing condition”.

This brings me to my third point. It’s not about the social welfare, or the responsible execution of these programs, or anything else; it’s about the coffers. It’s about greed, and the possibility of accessing  some portion of the tremendous amount of money that is being generated through the taxation process, being funneled into any given representative’s pocket. The Judicial, Legislative, and Executive branches of this government have become pawns of the extremely wealthy, and politically powerful, able to take advantage of those in even the most sensitive positions through human’s most vulnerable flaw;  the raw fundamental survival instinct of greed!

My fourth, and final point is that with all the whispers of things like “single payer” health care, and “open borders”, politicized Department of Justice,” social  and other types of media censorship”, media bias, voting influences, these are all things that essentially destroy the concept of a government ‘by the people for the people”; In other words, say goodbye to the Bill of Rights, and our Constitution! These things we hold so dear are not designed to survive the guilt laden society burdened with the responsibility to be politically correct about all aspects of life.

When those who are in need outnumber those who can support them, government of and by the people is unsustainable. Ergo the Socialist concept is given birth through a Dictatorship government survivable only by forceful  taxation and oppression of the people it governs. Governed by leaders like Pelosi, Nadler, Waters, Schumer,  Clinton, Obama, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Lynch, Holder, Ocasio-Cortez, Sanders, Soros, and hundreds of others like them who, through wealth and propaganda, have enabled them to tear at the fabric of this, the last bastion of freedom and democracy in the world… America.

Supreme Court New Appointee

Once again, the Democrats are trying to extinguish the flames, as their hair has spontaneously combusted over the inevitable appointment of another Supreme Court Justice by President Trump, because of the retiring Anthony Kennedy.

As boasted by Senate Democrats, they would rather obstruct the nomination, than allow the wheels of the judicial system to turn freely. Obstruction of the President’s agenda is more important than the rule of law in this country. Let’s not forget that President Obama also appointed two Supreme Court Justices, Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan. These Democrats that insist on obstruction, simply for obstruction sake are doing a huge disservice to this country, and need to either face censure or impeachment.

 Even more disturbing, is the treasonous actions of Maxine Waters to engage in a public request of American citizens to commit the unlawful act of harassment of public officials, simply because the are on opposite sides of the political aisle. Waters, a devout racist in my opinion, has been the loudest voice to accuse the president of crimes not yet defined, and the first to call for impeachment.

I think she and all those in Congress that support the theory that the president is guilty until proven innocent, should be the first for consideration of impeachment, and actually, Waters should be arrested for her actions. If she and others in the Liberal wing of the Democratic party had it their way, and we were under a Socialist government; Waters would be arrested for subversion, and most likely never see the light of day again.