Red, White & Blue, Replaced by only Red

The infection is spreading uncontrollably now. There seems nothing can stop the “Snowball Headed For Hell”. I’m not referring to the benign covid virus, but the infection of Socialism that runs rampant in this rogue coup through ballot manipulation, and voter identification circumvention of The Government of The United States of America.

Now it seems that even a third party can claim The Social Security Benefits of another person. Any employer can now claim an exemption from paying into their employees Social Security Tax, if the employee takes time off related to the virus for up to $511.00 a day for up to ten days. That’s right, folks, the employer, not the employee gets the tax credit. The amount claimed by the employer basically double dips from the Social Security Benefits of their employee for his own monetary gain on this upcoming year’s taxes. The employee, by law, must have the taxes withdrawn from their check every week, but the employer now can get a credit for some of those taxes, essentially up to $5,110.00 for each employee. All this, draining the already insolvent Social Security System into oblivion, inevitably.

 There are also now loud rumblings from the progressives that we’re headed for single payer Medicare for all. These Socialists aren’t even talking about disguising it as Obama Care, or Biden Care, just simply by going through the Democrat majority reconciliation process in Congress. Just like all the other “Third World Countries” it will bankrupt the country, but only after burdening the working taxpayers into poverty, and borrowing from other countries namely China as the major lender, until our credit rating hits rock bottom and those creditors and the C.C.P calls in the markers on the debt.

 How does this sound like “The Western Territory of China” as the new name of this country? Red, White, and Blue replaced by only Red.

Socialist Sanders Medicare for All

Does everyone in America have mass amnesia? In last night’s Democratic debate there was a brief exchange between Butigiege and Sanders, both of which are competing for virtually the same proposals of Medicare for all. In the exchange, Mayor Pete asked Bernie about how increasing taxes would hurt average Americans in order to pay for his Medicare for all. Bernie replied that the people would pay more taxes, but would save money because they wouldn’t have the insurance bills to pay. He was implying that the tax bill would be lower than the insurance premiums. First of all, this is the same rhetoric that President Obama tried to get us to swallow just eight years ago. 

My response to last night’s insanity proposal is the same now as it was then; What about the millions of people aged between eighteen and thirty-five that don’t have, need, or even want health insurance? What will offset their tax bill? These folks don’t pay insurance premiums to begin with, and the ones that do were paying far lower premiums before Obamacare was implemented. It’s the same old same old, Socialist model that Obama shoved down everyone’s throat. Give everyone who doesn’t work anyhow, expensive government run health insurance, while kneeling on the backs of those who work, are forced by law to pay for it, and don’t want, or need it. Of course the small minority of uninsured people who want insurance, but can’t afford it, love the idea!

Other aspects of the debate included Joe Biden counting out loud, how many ways that taxes can be raised on everything from capital gains, corporate income and higher tax brackets, all of which to be used to bring back, and expand Obamacare. Bernie Sanders also used the term “Democratic Socialist” a few times. This term originated in the nineteen thirties as a profanity by Adolf Hitler to deter the opposing Socialist Party from rejecting his Nationalist Socialist agenda. There is no such thing as Democratic Socialism! The two terms are totally contradictory in their meaning. Bernie’s other offensive remark was that we have a lot of Socialist programs now, so what’s the big deal. 

Elizabeth Warren basically was saying the same thing as Sanders, just with a little Joe Biden and bleeding heart slant on the justifications for the raising of everyone’s taxes. Klobuchar and Bloomberg, just as they were positioned physically on the stage, served as bookends or backstops for the shots being lobbed at them from the other candidates. Bloomberg taking the brunt of which, however, and rightfully so, given the baggage he carries with him.

Town Hall with Andrew Yang

I watched a very short part of Andrew Yang’s town hall in New Hampshire on December 30, 2019 and couldn’t believe that these New Hampshire residents are dumb enough to swallow what he was dishing out. These people need to do a little research about how the insurance industry works. Yang was trying to convince these knuckleheads that a government insurer would lower costs, and drive out the private industry slowly as to not cause the inevitable chaos that would occur with “Medicare for all”.

Let me explain in layman’s terms. It is the taxpayers that fund all government insurance. These government health insurance policies have no restrictions on the financial resources required to fund them, therefore, they can bill the taxpayer whatever they need to pay out any given claim. For example: If a wheelchair is sold by the manufacturer for $500.00 it becomes irrelevant because the government has to figure in the administration costs, and can bill for five times the amount, because they answer only to themselves. The private insurance corporations have to show accountability to its shareholders, to the accounting office, and to the customer. These private insurers, however, through their underwriters, compares what the government is charging, and some other risk factors, for a given policy and what  its policy liability payouts are for its standards. It is these general comparisons that are driving up the insurance policy rates and the liability payouts of any given claim. “If the government can charge $2500 for the wheelchair, then we should be able to charge $2000” say the private insurers, and this way, they fulfill their obligations of accountability to the government, the shareholders, and the customers and no one can scrutinize the costs.

It is a fact that on its current trajectory, Medicare will soon become insolvent. How will adding 150,000,000 people to the system lower the cost? These Democrat socialists have completely lost their minds, all sense of reason, and anyone that buys into their insane ideas has also lost it!