Not five minutes after a news conference with Donald Trump and the N.A.T.O. General, A.B.C. spun the situation into oblivion. President Trump attempting to bring peace and stability through a cooperative effort with N.A.T.O. is called a “flip flopper”, by A.B.C. news and the usual spin is set in motion by the politically biased news network. Martha Radisson and George Stephanopoulos have such a reckless blinding hatred for the president, that even when he takes action that any Democrat would be proud of, they can’t help but to fall over themselves to look stupid.
President Trump is clearly making a concerted effort to correct the damage done by the lying and deceptions of the previous administration. You know, like “you can keep your doctor” or “we have made certain that all the chemical weapons in Syria have been destroyed”.
The “hands off” approach by the Obama administration have plunged Syria into civil war, allowed Russia to gain a dangerous foothold in the country, perpetuating the unlawful behavior of Bashar Al-Assad, and failed to curb any activities from China, like currency manipulation and unfair trade practices.
North Korea is on the verge of having a deliverable nuke, aimed at the U.S., with Iran not far behind them. All the while the absence of the main stream media, blinded by their infatuation of an African-American president, that has left America on the brink of a world war conflict between I.S.I.S, Russia, North Korea, Iran, Afghanistan, and even Iraq, for abandoning the citizens there, completely bailing on America’s commitment in the region to help them establish a Democratic society.
Where are the compassionate liberals when it comes to this reckless foreign policy that has left hundreds of thousands murdered and displaced, all of which falls on Obama’s shoulders. This doesn’t even touch the domestic disaster left in Obama’s wake. If President Trump can even come close to solving a tenth of the disastrous problems left from the previous administration, he should not be hailed a hero, but a miracle worker, at a level almost of divinity.