Attorney General William Barr Controversy

Rumor has it that a thousand judges, I can assume they are all Democrats, have signed a petition forAttorney General William Barr to step down. This is all because Barr agreed to a judge’s decision reversal about the sentencing recommendation reduction from nine years of prison time for Roger Stone, a long time associate of President Trump, which would probably have him die of old age in the correctional facility.

The whole Democrat dumpster fire started because President Trump tweeted that he was dissatisfied with the decision. This, however, happened after the judge presiding over the case flip flopped a couple times and before Barr or The President even weighed in, publicly about the issue, but as usual the Democrats and their media servants are so hungry for some red meat that can be used against The Trump Administration, that they flew off the handle and jumped to conclusions, and aired them on primetime, before knowing the actual facts and timelines of the situation. 

I suggest that The Trump Administration keep track of the names of these judges and seek to have them thrown off the bench. Any judge that is willing to make a predisposed decision before the facts are laid out before them has no business occupying the position. I feel sorry for the poor bastards that are being tried in courtrooms before these hacks, no matter what the political affiliation, and forget about it if these judges already know that the person is a Republican.

The Democrats keep hammering it home that nobody is above the law. The problem is, as an example, that The Speaker of The House of Representatives can commit a class b felony by tearing up an official document that is destined for The Library of Congress, in front of millions of witnesses, but not tickets are written, no charges filed. This country has a huge problem when political theater is exempt from legal ramifications, never mind the double standards for these treasonous Democrats that are supposedly public servants.

 Any American has to be extremely concerned about these obvious miscarriages of justice regardless of political affiliation, unless they are living under a rock. To condone this stuff is like betting on a race horse, knowing damn well it’s on steroids or a boxing match where one guy has lead weights in his gloves, and profiting from the results.

 I don’t care how devoted someone is to a political affiliation, there is right and there is wrong no gray area with this stuff. Has this country got to a point where winning is all that matters? No matter how rigged the contest? Would it be okay if The Chiefs won The Super Bowl because they had a copy of The Forty Niner’s play book?

Let’s Evolve Already

The Liberal Left controlled Congress passed a bill called The Equality Act today (05/17/19). This heavy handed authoritarian legislation is designed specifically to further divide the masses to more easily force the American population into succumbing to Social Engineering and it is literally the first step to abolishing The Constitution. It is a direct assault on religious liberty, which is the first amendment in The Constitution. This new bill essentially forces the will of an extremely small percent of a percent of the population onto the other 99.995%.

The bill was passed under the guise of the Liberal Left’s perception that there somehow the LBGTQ population has fewer rights that the rest of America. This is simply not true! All Americans have equal protection under the law. Anti-discrimination laws that are already on the books do not exclude the LBGTQ.

All this legislation does is force the heavy hand of The Federal Government into the private lives of citizens. It places innocent children directly in harm’s way by not only allowing, but forcing, by law access to them by individuals that would pervert the law for criminal intention. It forces upon vulnerable and impressionable children, information about sexual orientation before they are mature enough to properly process and understand the information. It would place puberty aged teens in direct contact with their sexual counterparts that would inevitably lead to rampant promiscuity, and undoubtedly a surge in teen and premature pregnancies and births. All women and children, and probably even some men, would be easy targets for rapists and other sexual assaults from predators who would exploit the flawed law, through character misrepresentation.

Who would be enforcing this insanity? How would it even be possible to determine the eligibility of those whom the law is supposedly protecting? Who is going to stand at the millions of bathrooms, locker rooms, dressing and changing room doorways and protect those who are vulnerable? I can’t think of a much more vulnerable situation than when one is either on the toilet, or in some state of undress. What would those who enforce this law do? Ask the person in question if their intention and gender identification are genuine? Even if there was an honest answer to the question, would that act itself not be considered discrimination? Would government agents have the right to raid houses of worship to force compliance?

How do these lunatics get elected? This is the epitome of the insane who are running the asylum! There are more holes in this legislation than a spaghetti strainer! There is one extremely simple solution to all this insanity. A law passed that all restrooms, changing rooms and other places that put public safety at risk, be required to be able to be locked from the inside. Instead of bathrooms having signage to list multi-gender access, simply have single occupancy access, have a lockable door, and have a sign that reads “restroom”.  Yes, some public bathrooms will need to be renovated, including schools but it’s a lot cheaper and safer to renovate once so all restrooms are single occupancy. This law would not only be easier to enforce, it would limit the infringement on private citizens’ liberties from the already heavy handed Federal Government.

Post Script Rant – What is it with our society that wants to continue to have these large public restrooms? We no longer bathe in public, why are we still accepting the idea that peeing and defecating in multi-occupancy restrooms is acceptable? Especially for school aged children? They are the most vulnerable. Let’s evolve.

Methane to the Rescue

These days there is a lot of conflict about global warming and the practical solutions that avail mankind. I have blogged before about the use of the most abundant resource on the planet, and possibly the universe, Hydrogen, as a possible aid to solve some of the energy challenges facing humankind.

There is another abundant resource that is a direct byproduct of humankind’s exploitation of the harvesting of animals as a food source. Although widely criticized by those on the extreme left, there is still a need to consume the protein source not just for the protein, but the vitamins and minerals that often are hard to find in plant based nutrition.

One day, it is inevitable that fossil fuels will become a scarce commodity. Before that happens, however, there are many other practical alternatives that may need our attention for consideration. Not necessarily as immediate replacement, but to stem the tide, as to not use up the fossil fuels so quickly. As a consideration, instead of abandoning the idea of meat protein, because of the methane emissions, how about capturing the methane gas as a viable fuel source for various uses?

There are methane plants in operation right now that uses refuse and other sources of humankind’s waste products for raw materials to produce the fuel source. Since there is a strong argument from those on the left that immigrants do jobs Americans doesn’t want to do, maybe we need to have huge collection facilities for our waste. Immigrants would then, instead of qualifying for public assistance programs, first serve for a period of time, to collect the waste from cows and any other sources for use in methane plants creating another energy resource for all of us.

 This would slow the inevitable expiration of fossil fuels, have the people pay their way into our society as unskilled labor, and of course help solve some of our energy concerns in the process.

Jussie Smollet’s Racist Stunt

The actor Jussie Smollett has taken a page right from the racist playbook of Al Sharpton. He unfortunately has fueled the fire of racial divide in this country by accessing the will of Democrats to prosecute someone before trial.

 His claims of an attack by people wearing M.A.G.A. hats is what now appears to be some sort of sick twisted publicity stunt. The so called assailants have been picked up by police and admit that Smollett orchestrated the whole thing.

Al Sharpton launched his career back in the eighties by representing a black woman found naked along the highway in Dutchess County N.Y. late at night, who claimed she had been assaulted by the police. Dutchess County police officers were placed on administrative leave, and there was a concerted attempt by Sharpton and other black leaders to discredit the police as well as the department. Racial tensions in the area grew to a fever pitch, just as the reaction to Smollett’s little stunt is doing. As it turns out the Tawana Brawley was in fact lying both to Sharpton and investigators. In fact the incident was a result of a domestic dispute between Brawley and her family. Both Al Sharpton and Tawana Brawley were sued for defamation of character by one of the alleged accused attackers, Steven Pagones, the New York prosecutor. Pagones won his suit against Sharpton and Brawley.

People who perpetuate these kinds of fabrications need to be severely punished. The swift judgmental responses by Liberals eager to indict those accused need to cool their jets and wait for real evidence to emerge before stirring the racial tensions in this country any further. The remarks made by Pelosi and other Congressional leaders on Twitter need to be retracted with apologies to those at whom the remarks were made.

Government Shutdown

There is a perfectly reasonable way to deter these government shutdowns. When Congress reaches these types of impasses, and the government is partially shut down, the first people that should go without a paycheck should be those responsible for the shutdown. Both houses of Congress should be the first to lose their paychecks. Like Dr. Phil says, “You just don’t reward bad behavior”.

 As with any circumstance, if your son or daughter wrecks the car, they must learn from the experience before you buy them a new one, otherwise the mistake will reoccur. Such as the case before our country now. Only Congress can fix this, and only Congress should be punished for it. I suggest that not only they not be paid, but that the pay they would normally receive be redirected to keep National Parks and tourist sites open.

Not only are these politicians not learning from their bad behavior, but they are thumbing their noses at any attempt to rectify the situation. Nancy Pelosi somehow has the notion that the President serves at her convenience. Her most recent stunt, demanding that the President not give The State of The Union Address as scheduled, containing blatant language in her letter to him, that directly contradicts the President’s constitutional obligation and authority (see Article II, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution). The President is required to give the address, and he has the authority to call both houses of Congress before him to do so, at any time he deems it necessary. Pelosi and these other obstructionists have the tail wagging the dog here. Neither the President nor the public serve Congress, they are there to serve the people.

 Nancy Pelosi is directly responsible, and she and others have either been vacationing in Hawaii, or Puerto Rico, or planning to be a.w.o.l. with a trip at the American taxpayers expense, which includes, by the way, a security detail, to the Middle East for another week.

This further solidifies the fact that Nancy Pelosi has no regard for the welfare of those who are going without pay, which she espouses to be concerned for. Graham Ledger, a commentator on One America News articulated perfectly, what President Trump should do: He should give The State of The Union address, as scheduled, call both houses of Congress, as is his Constitutional authority, and at that time call the border crisis A State of Emergency and put an immediate, stop to these obstructionists agenda, for the sake of the laid off workers and the rest of America.

On the Matter of a Manufactured Crisis at the Southern Border

On what most on the left considered short notice, President Trump gave a public address to the nation to explain his concerns for the security and well being for the American people with regard to the situation on our southern border.

The disturbing thing was not what was said in the address, but the response from the leaders of the Democratic party, particularly the comments made by Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. Immediately following the President’s remarks, they issued their rebuttal. Their claims were that the crisis on the southern border is all a manufactured crisis by the President. The complicit media then set out with the usual propaganda campaign, literally repeating the hypocritical statements from Pelosi and Schumer word for word.

The Democrats are accurate in their analysis that it is a manufactured crisis, but it has been manufactured by the Democrats, through an aggressive advertising campaign perpetrated by operatives that have been deliberately sent to the Central American region to convince people, particularly, pregnant women and children, to come to America for the promise of a better life, with all the freebies that come with our social welfare programs. These people were deliberately told that there were  loopholes in American immigration laws, and to claim asylum when they arrived at our border. These migrants were also told that women with children would be cared for and given entry into America. The people were then given instructions and routes to follow, as well as some logistics to provide food, water, and shelter along most of the journey.

The sad thing about this is not only  the denial by Democrats to admit the facts, but the cover up of the whole scheme. To deny that there is a crisis at the southern border, and having the complicit media follow suit is nothing less than criminal, and those responsible for this humanitarian crisis should be prosecuted. The media has been reporting about these migrant “caravans” for months now, and not only is this a threat to national security, but the migrants attempting to get here are being sexually assaulted, robbed, plagued with illnesses, and risking their very lives because of the deception perpetrated on them by these Democratic operatives. All  this done to try to gain Democratic majority and control in government to figure out, in their best interest, ways to spend the American taxpayers money.

You can be certain that someone in a think tank operating in the interest of the Democratic party somewhere, thought this mass migration would tear at Americans heart strings and guilt all of us into favoring the Democratic party for compassionate humanitarian reasons.

Let me put this out there: If twenty five strangers showed up at your house demanding not only entry and permanent lodging, but to be fed, clothed, and medically evaluated, and treated if necessary. Would you just open the door? This is the situation at our southern border. Pundits on both sides of the aisle are criticizing the President for considering a declaration of national emergency to address this situation. There are even Republicans that are saying that there is a high political price that President Trump faces for doing so.

The Democrats are already trying desperately to come up with ways to impeach the President. How much higher can the political price get at this point? If the President acts now, I submit that he can fund the project of protecting Americans from this imminent threat through military action, deter the incentive, as well as remove any political leverage that the Democrats are holding over him on this issue. The Army Corps of Engineers can then build the wall, as well as roll out rows of razor wire in areas where it isn’t practical because of adverse natural terrain to construct the wall, barrier, or fence, as some would rather call it.

Illegal Immigration Fed by Treasonous Politicians

President Trump  stated that  people   attempting to cross the border illegally have become smart enough to learn about the loopholes in our immigration laws. I just don’t think they are that smart.

It is my opinion that well-funded Liberal Democrats have sent treasonous missionaries to some of these Central American countries to educate these people, through social media and other more direct means, as to what these loopholes are, and how to abuse them.

These immigrants have no access as to what specific laws are on the USA books, that reference illegal entry by family units with children. Why else would there be so many unverifiable adults claiming these minor children are theirs?

I am an American citizen and I don’t even know the applicable laws. The drastic sudden increase in accompanied and unaccompanied family units illegally attempting to enter our country can’t be simply the result of  multiple countrywide epiphanies in these Central American countries, that simultaneously are just occurring out of thin air.

If the F.B.I. should investigate anything, it should be the activities, and bank records of the most outspoken Liberal members of Congress about the separation of family units attempting to enter our country. I wouldn’t be surprised in the least, if there was found to be a direct link to these individuals and the increase in illegal border crossing attempts by both legitimate and illegitimate family units. I have no doubt that the recent border crisis is entirely caused intentionally, not coincidental as the mainstream media would have the gullible public believe.