Rumor has it that a thousand judges, I can assume they are all Democrats, have signed a petition forAttorney General William Barr to step down. This is all because Barr agreed to a judge’s decision reversal about the sentencing recommendation reduction from nine years of prison time for Roger Stone, a long time associate of President Trump, which would probably have him die of old age in the correctional facility.
The whole Democrat dumpster fire started because President Trump tweeted that he was dissatisfied with the decision. This, however, happened after the judge presiding over the case flip flopped a couple times and before Barr or The President even weighed in, publicly about the issue, but as usual the Democrats and their media servants are so hungry for some red meat that can be used against The Trump Administration, that they flew off the handle and jumped to conclusions, and aired them on primetime, before knowing the actual facts and timelines of the situation.
I suggest that The Trump Administration keep track of the names of these judges and seek to have them thrown off the bench. Any judge that is willing to make a predisposed decision before the facts are laid out before them has no business occupying the position. I feel sorry for the poor bastards that are being tried in courtrooms before these hacks, no matter what the political affiliation, and forget about it if these judges already know that the person is a Republican.
The Democrats keep hammering it home that nobody is above the law. The problem is, as an example, that The Speaker of The House of Representatives can commit a class b felony by tearing up an official document that is destined for The Library of Congress, in front of millions of witnesses, but not tickets are written, no charges filed. This country has a huge problem when political theater is exempt from legal ramifications, never mind the double standards for these treasonous Democrats that are supposedly public servants.
Any American has to be extremely concerned about these obvious miscarriages of justice regardless of political affiliation, unless they are living under a rock. To condone this stuff is like betting on a race horse, knowing damn well it’s on steroids or a boxing match where one guy has lead weights in his gloves, and profiting from the results.
I don’t care how devoted someone is to a political affiliation, there is right and there is wrong no gray area with this stuff. Has this country got to a point where winning is all that matters? No matter how rigged the contest? Would it be okay if The Chiefs won The Super Bowl because they had a copy of The Forty Niner’s play book?