If Bernie Sanders wins, America loses

Bernie Sanders has eked out a primary win in New Hampshire edging out Butegedge by a point and a half. If Bernie Sanders were to win the nomination and by some miracle defeat Donald Trump for the Presidency, with a favorably controlled Congress and Senate America, could kiss our Constitution goodbye. 

Bernie has vowed to wipe out student debt, free college tuition, free health care, eliminate the fossil fuel industry, and cap corporate salaries at one million dollars. These are just the tip of the iceberg for Bernie. Has anyone actually considered the logistics of any one of these proposals? 

Let us start with the salary caps. In order to accomplish this feat the Federal Government would have to take control of all the corporations. What happens to the owners of those corporations, and the property they own, never mind the loyal employees, if they refuse to hand over their jobs, deeds, and businesses to The Socialist Government? Does Bernie Sanders order them to concentration camps or firing squads? This is exactly what Adolf Hitler did. Adolf Hitler ordered his government takeover of all the country’s businesses, but could only accomplish it by those very means. The same would apply to the hundreds of fossil fuel companies. What does Bernie do to force compliance?

Then you have The Health Care Insurance industry. What would justify cutting out of some businesses, but making a huge carve out for the insurance businesses? Is this the “equality” that Socialism promises? 

Then there’s the academia debacle. In order to give free college to students, the same “takeover” tactics would be necessary. These colleges are owned by one or several people or are actually operating as businesses. Now what does Bernie do to force these businesses to give him their corporate seals and deeds? Imprisonment? Fines? Concentration Camps? Gas Chambers? Mass firing squads?

Put yourself in the shoes of any kind of business owner that Bernie feels is too profitable, and you are told to simply hand over your life’s accomplishments for “the greater good”. What would be The Socialist Government standard as to the tolerated level of profitability? Would it be a million? Five hundred thousand? What happens when The Socialist Government can’t make its financial goals? Does the standard then go down to fifty thousand? Ten Thousand?  Would you simply sign over your deed and corporate seal to The Socialist Government in exchange for “a living wage”? 

Bernie also promises to eliminate student debt. Again, the banks are not simply buildings full of money sitting there for the taking. They are owned by people or businesses. It would be like reaching directly into someone’s pockets and robbing them at gunpoint, all just to keep people from meeting their financial obligations and the life lessons of responsibility. Not only would it involve “taxation without representation”, but would be flat out criminal. All kinds of laws would have to be stripped from the books. Oops, there goes the Supreme Court and all the other judicial institutions. The Socialist Government would have supreme authority to make laws as it saw fit.

Like I stated in the opening, does anyone realize how many of our revered laws in The Constitution that would have to be shredded to accomplish these promises? You can forget about “The Bill of Rights” also, at least the first two, “liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”, and possibly the third “life” for those upstart non-conformists.

 If no one else had the balls to, I personally would start another Revolutionary War to get our Constitution, and The Bill of Rights reinstated, and, if necessary, I would even symbolically break out the old muzzle loader rifle and fire the first shot, like the patriot that laid down his life two hundred and twenty five years ago for the hopes of being free from Socialist oppression!

Liberal Nonsense

I normally don’t comment or respond to shared editorials on Facebook posts, but this one was such a doozy I had to say something. A person named Mike Jones, who believes that working in the technology sector for thirty years gives him the credentials of “Historian”, posted a completely false editorial about The Nazi’s in the 1930’s (see attached link).  In his bunch of nonsense, like a lot of Liberal talking points, Mr. Woods tries to obliterate history by making false claims about Nazi Germany’s government and the concentration camps of that period.

Sorry to inform you, Mr. Jones, Nazi was an English translation for National Socialist German Workers Party. I ask you, Mr. Jones, to note the second word in the translation, because you are somehow under the impression that Nazi Germany was not a Socialist government, WRONG! Like a lot of Liberals out there, somehow you are convinced that there is “good Socialism” and “bad Socialism”, again WRONG! It’s all bad. It always fails, and it eats the country that practices it from the inside out, again you would have to learn a little history to know that. There were no “happy workers” at the concentration camps.

 Your analogy that the Nazis put Socialists in the camps is extremely disingenuous and misleading, because, as Germany set out on its conquest to take over Europe, it interned captured prisoners in the camps. Since most of Europe was governed by Socialist Dictators and Communists at the time, the imprisonment of Socialists couldn’t be helped. People were also absolutely sent to the camps to die, (contrary to your other description of the concentration camps), especially Jews, and it had little to do with their religious beliefs. The Jews were persecuted and arrested for sole purpose that they were a threat to the Socialist Party. At that time, like many countries in Europe, Jews (like my grandparents) who fled Russia, and Tsar oppression, settled and were bankers and business owners. The Jewish people being strong advocates for education made them more successful in business. Simply put, The Socialist Government could not tolerate the individual wealth of these entrepreneurs. It deteriorated the moral of those the government needed to serve it. They were put in the camps, with no conditions for parole, period. The people were expected to work for The Nazi party for the promise of prosperity; “one hour for one Mark” which was the measure of a living wage.

 I am sick of seeing these Liberal rants from misinformed political science scholars that conjure up reasons that Socialism can work in America.  If only they taught history in political science class. Oh, if only Alexander and Nicholas hadn’t risen to power, then Lenin and Marx would be heroes in their own right. Germany was such a success story, if only not for Hitler. Venezuela was such a great wealthy country, if only Chavez hadn’t been so corrupted by its wealth. Well, my Liberal friends, what the heck do you think would happen here, the wealthiest country in the world? If only somehow we could stop those who aspire to Socialize America from becoming corrupt! Then like all these other success stories it might just work here.

When a population of people give up their rights to have a democratic form of government, where there are checks and balances, in favor of a government who taxes and controls EVERY aspect of their lives, promising everyone will be paid “one Mark for one hour’s work” you can bet Bernie Sanders is not going to accept one Mark for his hour’s work, should he become dictator of America.

Here is the link to Mike Jones editorial: https://www.quora.com/When-you-watch-a-stadium-filled-with-white-people-chanting-Send-her-back-about-a-US-Congresswoman-and-our-President-silently-endorses-it-what-comes-up-for-you/answer/Mike-Jones-169?ch=1&fbclid=IwAR2_Ub0fyFMkFvADqketiL1f3RUoL8D5ZH_SkCAmziFBW3scJMU4RYH4xMY&share=7c766062&srid=jYsF

A socialist Town Hall Meeting

A town hall meeting was held last night on Fox News, where a comparison between Socialism and Capitalism was being made, with Fox Business Charles Payne and Herman Cain hosting. Stuart Varney, Kennedy, and Lou Dobbs were also brought in for commentary. A college professor named Richard Wolfe and so called Democratic Socialist Bianca Cunningham represented the Socialist proponents.

 A series of questions were raised by two panels of the opposing viewpoints. Wolf boasted that China has a good model of Socialism because of its rapid economic growth. What was not rebutted by Varney, Cain, or Payne, was that the growth came on the backs of underpaid, overworked, and child labor in deplorable conditions with no worker protections. Nazi Germany had extremely rapid growth in the forties. Does that make that example a successful model of Socialism? What is sad is that the students in the town hall all seem to have the same gripe; the complaint that there is income inequality. This complaint is born out of jealousy. These academically brainwashed kids are simply too lazy to work hard for success. They have been absolutely convinced from elementary school right through college that they can change the structure of government so that everyone will have a “fair shot” at success through Socialism.

 A question was asked; how can this country make the transition from Capitalism to Socialism? Kennedy from ‘Late Night on Fox’ replied with the appropriate response; the way it has always been done, by force!

 The woman Bianca Cunningham kept harping about the same talking points. She has also drank the “Cool Aid” that makes these people think that Socialism would free people to pursue only careers that make them happy at work, and therefore would produce better economic results to pay for the delusional Socialist Utopia. Unfortunately, history has shown that in a Socialist governed society, citizens do the jobs that are demanded of them by the dictator that governs the population. There is no room for free will of the people. It detracts from productivity in a Socialist society.

 Wolf also used Germany as a successful model because of their free college tuition. What was not said is that they can afford to do so because they don’t have much of a military budget because America insures that for them at minimal expense to their economy. It is a fool’s errand to even have the debate about these two systems of government, because the supporters of Socialism are debating the issue without being honest with themselves about the historical facts.

I am constantly hearing from these college kids about the prospect of “Democratic” Socialism. There is no such thing as “Democratic” Socialism.  Socialism only exists under Dictatorship rule, because those who want to “follow their own path” are counterproductive to the rest of the workforce, and create jealousy and apathy. This is simply not tolerated, and those who insist on doing so are usually jailed and never heard from again. The fear of this incarceration is the only chance the government has to keep the workforce in line, and have any hope of generating the kind of money needed to keep the Socialist economy afloat.

 I am also hearing the diluted idea that Socialism creates a “living wage”. Socialist governments pay a wage that is determined by the ability of the given country to utilize its resources, compete in the world economy, and accommodate the needs of the population, and the government does this with a minimalistic approach. A Socialist Dictatorship doesn’t just give everyone fifteen dollars an hour, and then see how little money is left over to compete in the world market and address the needs of the population. The workers pay is the lowest concern of a Socialist government.