NAZIS are NOT Right Wing Extremists

A recent bust in Spain has found thousands of rounds of ammunition, hundreds of firearms, and lot of referenced memorabilia to Adolf Hitler, including period uniforms, photos, and other artifacts.

 The problem I have is that those arrested were labeled as “Right Wing Extremists.” Although misguided individuals have attempted to align themselves with “The Right”, nothing could be farther from the truth. These modern era Nazis are more aligned with “The Left”, just like the misguided so-called “Liberals”, which in the very description contradicts their big government initiatives. I hate to break the news, but Liberal means in essence “to be free of”. I don’t see how big government squares with that. The news outlets would have everyone believe that those who associate with, or align with Nazis are “Right Wing” when they are actually supporters of Socialism.

 I suggest that O.A.N.N. and all the other news outlets open a history book. The Nazi party was a Socialist form of government. So in closing, I would appreciate it if these purveyors of information in our society stop perpetuating lies and propaganda to The American People!