There must be something seriously wrong with the organization called Black Lives Matter if Leo Terrell, a Democrat black activist, doesn’t approve of what they are doing. It is obvious, though, that something sinister is in the works at the organization. They, as Terrell has so eloquently described, have failed The Black community miserably. It seems that the only black lives that matter to them are those whose tragedies can be used as a tool to cause racial controversy. Black on black murders that are occurring in the triple digits weekly, are of no concern to Black Lives Matter, only racially diverse crime gets their attention. Hmmm, seems to me that they are the racists here. 

Before President Obama was elected, racial discord was minimal in America. The President and sidekick Eric Holder, however, found it necessary to use racially charged rhetoric at every opportunity, and fan the few embers of racism that remained into full blown forest fires. They repeatedly inserted racially charged comments in several high profile cases. In every instance, President Obama made public appearances, spewing this hateful racist rhetoric prior to any known facts of these cases were revealed. In every case, Obama was incorrect in all of his assumptions. Obama’s racially charged statements were responsible for not only loss of life, but bodily harm and millions in damages from the ensuing riots that broke out as a result, particularly in the Michael Brown case in Ferguson, Mo.

The press conferences and media in The Ferguson Case, were accompanied with a “Mr. Goody Two Shoes” photo of Brown in a cap and gown, but were actually a far cry from the criminal thug that committed the “strong arm” robbery moments before assaulting a police officer, again, in a “strong arm” manner, that Brown outweighed by fifty pounds or more, where he tried to disarm the officer in an attempt to kill him. The officer was discharged, and had to go into hiding for fear for his life before any trial date had been set. 

This is where The B.L.M. “movement” got started. It was started under false pretenses, and continues under those same parameters. The organization claims it is for social justice, but in actuality, its mission is civil discourse. B.L.M. has aligned itself with the” Defund Police” movement, an objective of the domestic terror group that calls themselves Antifa, that is mostly funded mostly by Socialist George Soros. Antifa is supposed to be short for “anti – fascism”, but ironically it functions exactly as a fascist organization themselves. Their tactics of looting and burning of property and businesses mimics exactly the tactics used by Adolf Hitler and his Nazi thugs in the late thirties and early forties when he attempted to rid his country of the Jews that operated most of the successful businesses at the time. Like Antifa, these tactics only led to the demise of Germany from within.

Covid-19 craze

How do we even know how truly significant this CoronaVirus is? Scott Shellaby, otherwise known as “The Cow Guy” a trader The New York Stock Exchange articulated it very succinctly this morning. “We have nothing to compare it to,” he said. Where are the statistics on all the other pathogens that infect Americans every year? Why are we not rigorously testing for Influenza like this virus?

How do we know that this isn’t just a minor virus with a whole lot more attention being drawn to it in a presidential election year? Why was there not nearly the same attention given to H1-N1 or Swine Flu? The mortality rates for the Swine Flu were higher than this one to date according to the CDC. Also according to the CDC, “From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, CDC estimated there were 60.8 million cases, 274,304 hospitalizations and 12,469 deaths in the United States due to the (H1N1) pdm09 virus.”

 During this 2009 pandemic did the main stream media report hysterically every minute and drive people in fear to hoard food? Were we testing people for the virus? Did people stop working and hide in their houses? NO!

 The crazed media has The President, and everyone else chasing ghosts with a fly swatter. This virus is no different than any other pathogen. It comes and goes, predominantly in the winter months. 

The Federal Government or local governments, for that matter can’t force people to “stay home for the good of the rest of society” without being able to accurately target those who pose a danger to society. What has the media driven us to, a society subservient to the government like Russia?

 Last I checked this is America, a free country, where The Government is supposed to be subservient to the will of the people. There is a process for this kind of thing; first the threat is identified, isolated, and then Marshall Law must be declared to keep those that are infected from contaminating others, while the threat is being neutralized.

None of these guidelines have been adhered to prior to The Federal and local Government’s requesting people to “shelter in place”. They have the whole thing backwards; keeping healthy people at home to keep the sick ones from infecting them!

COVID-19 Vaccine

I keep hearing talk that a vaccine for the Corona Virus could be months out before it can be approved by the F.D.A. Wouldn’t the “Right to Try” law prevail here? If this virus has even one fatality, then anyone who fears for their life should have the opportunity to have any experimental vaccine tested on them, therefore bypassing the F.D.A’s cumbersome approval process.

 The biggest problem with this virus is the blanket media frenzy to put the entire country into panic mode. Do the math: There are 327 million people in the USA and 3,200 people have the virus. That is 0.00000978593 of the American population – way less than 1%. In real terms, if you were in Miami at the stadium watching The Super Bowl in a packed house, one or possibly two people might test positive for the virus. More than a thousand times the reported deaths every year are caused by Influenza, not the Corona Virus. 

The Liberal Media outlets that are intentionally spreading this panic need to be fined for this behavior. “Freedom of speech” does not mean you can run into a movie theatre and yell “FIRE!!! 

If The White House should do anything, it should be to set a national standard for what percentage of infected persons actually qualifies as a “Pandemic”. The fact that this Corona Virus has not been previously identified does not mean that it hasn’t existed before in humans, in fact, this could just be a name being labeled to what most people consider “The Common Cold”.

This, I believe, is a typical tactic used by Democrats, and their complicit media, to exaggerate the incident, cause fear, and panic to divide and conquer to gain public favor in the upcoming presidential election in November. This of course is a huge gamble, but look at the history of attempts to bring down this president. So far all huge gambles, and so far all have ended in utter despair. 

Any reasonable person should see this for what it is. The idea that this viral infection means certain death for those who contract it is simply propaganda that is being spread to forward some other agenda, and based on history, most likely The Democratic Party. 

During his entire term, Liberals have accused President Trump of being a “Protectionist”. I would like to remind the skeptics that it is “Globalist” and “Open Border” policies like those of The Obama Administration that are responsible for exactly this scenario. The resulting economic collapses and social chaos are an inevitable bi-product of those types of policies, simply because they are too reliant upon global stability. This is an unmitigable circumstance for any one country to have control of. If anything is to be learned from this so-called “Pandemic” it is that this country needs more “Protectionism” not less.

Corona Virus Politicization

All the Liberal news networks are trying to peg this virus’s implications to the population on the Trump Administration’s ability to nail it down before it becomes a pandemic. These buffoons are missing the point completely. The truth is that previous administration’s corporate tax policy and out of control unions have forced the pharmaceutical industry to outsource all the manufacturing to China. These self righteous Democrats have done nothing to curb the fact that slave and child labor in China has been an acceptable way for this country to profit, as opposed to manufacturing goods here.

Particularly most of the medications that keep us alive! Now these idiots act as if it is a huge surprise that we are caught with our pants down when it comes to helping those who need those same medicines to keep from dying. Now you have people like Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden wanting to put our government in charge of all our health care. Did anyone in government not anticipate that allowing a Communist country to take over the responsibility of manufacturing all of our most essential medications like blood pressure and antibiotic medications, that there was no chance of that coming back to bite us in the ass at some point?

Not only is China responsible for creating this disease, but now America is dependent on them to supply the medicines necessary to treat the illness. This is akin to going to war, and relying on the enemy to supply us with the weapons to fight back with. I am so astounded with the irony here that I can’t even describe it.

Qasem Soleimani Aftermath

There are concerns that the Iraqi government will vote to oust American troops in response to the air strike that took out the top Iranian general. Great! Let’s finally leave. In doing so, however, let’s not do what President Obama did by leaving all our logistics and weaponry behind. If we pull our troops from the region, every single piece of hardware must come back with them. There should not be so much as a laptop or gas can left behind! President Obama pulled our troops out and left I.S.I.S. all kinds of military equipment, even M-1 Abrahams tanks, that were then used by the enemy to kill Americans when we had to go back to engage I.S.I.S. Fighters.

This has been the problem with all of American engagements in the region; we keep failing to learn from history! Frankly, we are not welcome there and have no business being over there.

Medicare For ALL

Medicare for all sounds great, except for at least one very expensive consideration: When a Medicare claim is processed the billing structure is totally different for Medicare than that from any doctor to a private insurer. Anyone who is on Medicare, and once had private insurance should know this for a fact. The bill for any procedure can be anywhere from 20% to 525% higher for Medicare in comparison to that of a private insurer. 

 Rather than give carte blanche to the healthcare industry to overbill all Americans in the form of taxation, wouldn’t it be better to reform or reign in the insurance billing standards?

 These standards are excessive because of Medicare, because The Federal Government has allowed it! After all, it’s not The Government’s money it’s spending, it’s ours! For example, let’s just say a Hernia procedure bill from the doctor is twenty thousand dollars. That bill is what the acceptable set standard is by the private insurance industry, however, the bill to Medicare; I can assure you is much higher form the doctor, because that standard is not applicable for Medicare billing.

 Not only that, but The Federal Government has the poorest track record of any entity, business, or industry, of accountability for anything. What makes anyone think that this would be any different? Unless and until The Federal Government can set the standard pricing for every doctors office visit, and every medical procedure, eliminate the private health insurance industry, and enforce those billing standards, it is a complete impossibility to tell the American people what it would cost.

Medicare and Social Security are insolvent now. Let’s try adding sixty plus percent of Americans to the broken system and see what happens. 

So the problem with “paying for it” can’t be accurately measured. These so called estimates are just propaganda. These illusionists are simply adding the estimated sixty to seventy percent to the existing costs. Heck, what’s to stop a doctor from billing Medicare for a heart transplant procedure, when he actually performed a tonsillectomy?  Like all the other Socialist programs that are already written into law, they are all unsustainable because there is no accountability for spending when there is  one payer and that one payer is the government.

Eventually, those that pay for it all, get tired of paying for those that refuse to and the walls come tumbling down, as all socialist governments eventually do.

The “I” Word -Part 2

Let’s face it folks. President Trump’s communication as far as Twitter and even publicly at times, can be downright offensive. He comes across as a bully, is arrogant as hell, and even sometimes insensitive.

The problem most people seem not to understand though is that none of us, regardless of party affiliation have to be his friend. Apparently these negative personal attributes are not affecting his job performance. Isn’t that what’s important when it comes right down to it?

The U.S. has the hottest economy on the globe. His economic policies are spot on. Impeaching this president would literally be like shooting oneself in the foot. One doesn’t smash their G.P.S. when one is hopelessly lost. A person doesn’t fold in a high stakes poker game with a straight flush, because he hates the person he is playing against.

Who gives a crap about The President’s personality? Do you know anyone that is having regular social interactions with him? I don’t care if he cusses like a sailor, farts like a pig, spits at people in public, drinks like a fish, or even makes lewd comments to women. I don’t even care if there is a quid-pro-quo as long as it is in our country’s best interest. It’s called a treaty or agreement in polite terms.

Is he making our country and its citizens safe and prosperous? Those are the questions we should be asking, not searching for the most inappropriate thing he has done or said. Remember, the Democrats and Republicans dug deep into Trump’s and Hillary Clinton’s personal and professional lives before the election. The body count for Hillary was 4 dead in Benghazi and Donald Trump’s dead body count ZERO.

The ‘I’ Word -Part 1

President Trump needs to be less transparent. There was no need to release any transcript unless Congress goes through the appropriate steps to obtain it. Any risk to national security, is because the transcript was released bypassing the proper procedural request.

The Democrats are now calling President Trump a liar because they claim that “there is no evidence” to support his claims about  former Vice President Biden and his son, with regard to the former Vice President making a direct threat to shake down the former President of The Ukraine, in exchange for foreign aid. The only reason there is no evidence is because of the failure of The D.O.J., The D.N.I., The C.I.A., and The F.B.I to investigate Biden or Obama about the Ukraine shenanigans concerning Biden and his son’s affairs there.

Anyone that thinks Obama had nothing to do with it, or knew about what went on, really must think Obama was the biggest dummy ever to be born. Biden boasted about the deal publicly. My advice for the President – MAKE YOURSELF A LOT LESS TRANSPARENT! Anything you say or do needs to be reviewed by your counsel. Wake up! There is an open impeachment investigation. In other words, Mr. President, you are being accused of a crime. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE TO ANSWER ANYTHING YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO HAVE AN ATTORNEY PRESENT BEFORE ANSWERING QUESTIONS. Anything said will be turned around to incriminate you.

President Obama hid all kinds of stuff with no press conferences, the $150 billion to Iran, The Dream Act, Solyndra, ‘keep your doctor’, and only after these things were put into motion, did the press get informed.

 Let the Democrats beat this dead horse for the next twelve months. If you keep giving them fodder, regardless of your innocence, they will prolong the accusations. It’s of no consequence now, but next September it could come back to bite you.

There are a lot of idiots that by the bull crap the Liberal media outlets and social media are selling to them.

 A little less arrogance, a little more poise might serve you well, President Trump, at least for the time being. I know, it’s not getting past The Senate, but let’s get there first.

End Divisivness

Almost all the Democrat candidates speak of unity. They are consistent in their message that President Trump is divisive. The problem lies with where and what the Democrats consider divisive. The main thing to consider here is that all the Democratic candidates want to unite only those who agree with their Socialist agenda. They have absolutely no concern for Middle America, whether the middle consists of moderate Democrats or Republicans. This is not supposition. The message from nearly all the Democrat candidates is unified.

 It is also apparent that any point of view that is in opposition from theirs will not be tolerated, even from those in their own party. So the deceptive talk of unification is the same language President Obama used, when he said “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”, “if you like your health plan, you can keep your health plan”.

 There is only one objective for those on the Democratic platform. The objective is to sell the wealth of this country to the highest bidder, to borrow against the net worth of this country, to line the pockets of those in power, and forever enslave those who drive the commerce and wealth of this country to support the grand ideals of those in power.

If these Democrat’s mouths move, they are lying.  Absolutely none of their proposals are feasible, none of their promises are economically sustainable, nor can be kept to the American people. The promises of unity are only meant for those who tow the line, and follow in lockstep. This is the way of all the tyrants that govern Socialist countries. It is the only way to sustain the expense of these governments. It works for a while, but eventually the people whose paychecks fund the government, grow weary of how hard they work, because there is little reward. Why work hard, get a meager wage and see your neighbor get government freebies? Soon the working become the enslaved people also getting their share of the government handouts.

Then, like all the countries that embrace this form of government, there is ultimately some kind of revolt. Sometimes the populous buys into the promises of another tyrant, sometimes, not. In most of these countries, the citizens are unarmed, or inadequately armed to defend against such tyranny.

In the USA, thankfully, from lessons learned, when the founders wrote our constitution, they had the insight to allow Americans to arm themselves to resist this kind of tyrannical take over. As long as we have a second amendment that gives us the inalienable right to keep and bear arms against those who would terrorize and oppress us (as the Democrats are proposing) we can prevent their Socialist machine from having absolute rule over the people.

Citizenship Question

Once again, we can thank President Obama for the civil unrest caused by another attempt to “fundamentally change” our government, a campaign promise made by the former president. The citizenship question was included on the U.S. census form for fifty years, until Obama in his infinite wisdom decided to remove the question from the form.

 This, I believe was done as an intentional ploy to cause civil discourse, just like inviting Black Lives Matter to The White House, giving credence to a group of anti-American thugs, whose sole purpose is to attack law enforcement, under the guise of claiming racial injustices. President Obama was often biased, in favor of the black individuals that were  involved in racially charged incidences, without waiting for investigators to examine the facts, such as the Martin, Gates Jr. and Brown cases. In these cases, however, Obama was in error in his stance.

This and other racially charged events have caused a racial rift in this country with the sole purpose to divide Middle America from the left. I believe there are two reasons for this; the first is to get a grasp of the actual ratio numbers, strictly for political statistics. The second, is to energize the progressive base and give merit to the instigation, and perpetuate the false narratives being taught in the Liberally run education institutions.

I grew up in the sixties, and remember the real disparities and racial tensions in this country. We as a country were on the path to eliminate these problems through comprehensive legislative reforms. That was all changed in eight years, when Obama, was elected into office. He then selectively appointed a not one, but two successive racist Attorney Generals in Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch. Holder even stated in an interview that he was more loyal to his race than America itself.

 Although many are trying to paint President Trump as a racist, it is only the exaggerated perception of what truly is racism that stokes the accusations.  Since Obama was elected, there has been this narrative, that if somehow the racial playing field isn’t drastically skewed in favor of people of color, then somehow there is racial injustice. Over six million more people were given food stamps and debit cards, during the Obama presidency, and disproportionately so to African Americans.

 The Democrat Progressives now want to shove this same garbage down everyone’s throat again, but now with Mexican and Central American illegals. This is why they are desperate to keep everyone in the dark about the actual number of illegals.The idea that giving economic freebies to people of color somehow makes us all equal racially is flat out absurd. I frankly am tired of this song and dance routine from Democrats. They have been putting on this show since the sixties. It started with “Affirmative Action”, then the lowering of academic scoring on achievement tests, in some cases as much as twenty points out of one hundred. Then it went to the public service sector with the same lowered academic standards for fire, police, and sanitation workers. The results of which have only disadvantaged those whom these applications were supposed to be helping. The positive result from all these “gimmicks” has bought Democrat votes.

The Democrats are simply trying to apply the same principle with the illegal immigrants that they are actively incentivizing to flood over our borders. The Democratic Party is bribing all the people of color that they can, for votes, with the lure of give-aways, in the form of social welfare programs, off of the backs of hard working taxpaying Americans. I’ve said it before; every single immigrant, no matter the country of origin, applying for refugee or asylum status is to be fitted with an ankle monitor, must be sponsored, and will only be eligible for social services, if their claim is approved!