The Democrats are trying to impeach President Trump based upon the presumption of a Quid-Pro-Quo, or bribery as they are trying to change the linguistics. Unfortunately, interaction that The State Department, The Office of Foreign Affairs, or any other agency does, that concerns a second party, or foreign country, can be considered a Quid-Pro-Quo.
For example: The United States will send troops to a foreign nation if that nation has a cease-fire and is unable to thwart off a national threat. Our troops cost The American taxpayers money, therefore it is a Quid-Pro-Quo for The U.S. to send troops, and that action must be directed either by The President or Congress. So, I guess, under the current standards for impeachment, every military intervention to give assistance to a foreign country should have prompted an impeachment hearing.
Here’s another example: In order for foreign nations to rely on N.A.T.O. they are expected to pay The U.S. a small percentage of their G.D.P. Guess what? This is a Quid-Pro-Quo! These types of deals happen all the time, and frankly, both The U.S. and the nations that these deals are made with would be in a world of hurt without them.
What do you think every trade deal with every country we do business with is? Answer: A Quid-Pro-Quo! As a matter of fact anything that is traded, sold, or bartered, if it is of any measurable value to one party or another, is A Quid-Pro-Quo!