Bribery or Quid Pro Quo?

The Democrats are trying to impeach President Trump based upon the presumption of a Quid-Pro-Quo, or bribery as they are trying to change the linguistics. Unfortunately, interaction that The State Department, The Office of Foreign Affairs, or any other agency does, that concerns a second party, or foreign country, can be considered a Quid-Pro-Quo.

 For example: The United States will send troops to a foreign nation if that nation has a cease-fire and is unable to thwart off a national threat. Our troops cost The American taxpayers money, therefore it is a Quid-Pro-Quo for The U.S. to send troops, and that action must be directed either by The President or Congress. So, I guess, under the current standards for impeachment, every military intervention to give assistance to a foreign country should have prompted an impeachment hearing. 

Here’s  another example: In order for foreign nations to rely on N.A.T.O. they are expected to pay The U.S. a small percentage of their G.D.P. Guess what? This is a Quid-Pro-Quo! These types of deals happen all the time, and frankly, both The U.S. and the nations that these deals are made with would be in a world of hurt without them.

 What do you think every trade deal with every country we do business with is? Answer: A Quid-Pro-Quo! As a matter of fact anything that is traded, sold, or bartered, if it is of any measurable value to one party or another, is A Quid-Pro-Quo!

What About Biden?

It’s becoming more apparent as the days pass that there was a deliberate attempt by the Obama Administration to not only prevent Donald Trump from getting elected, but plans were in place to undermine him if he was elected. The later is quite obvious, as the attempts are still underway. There is a lot of talk about what Comey, Clapper, Brennen, Strzok, Page, Orr and his wife, even Hillary Clinton, who knows how many others, and possibly President Obama’s involvement in the process, was, or still is.

The one suspect I am not hearing anyone mention, however, and probably the most relevant right now, is Joe Biden. None of the previous names I have mentioned are currently running for president, yet Biden is just as likely to have both known about this attempted coup as anyone. For all anyone knows at this point, he may have been overseeing the whole operation. My thinking is President Obama is smart enough to have insulated himself from the whole thing. In the event things went south, Obama would avoid being implicated, however, Biden, doesn’t seem like the “sharpest tool in the box” and I don’t think he would have a clue that he was being set up as the fall guy.

DACA and the path to USA Citizenship

D.A.C.A. – The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or The Democrat Amnesty for Children Aliens is another festering boil caused by the Obama administration that has reared its ugly head. The result of freebie offerings to illegal immigrants, which if they can get past the border patrols, they can become recipients of the gracious handouts given away by the expanded entitlement state, that was created during Obama’s tenure.

Now, as usual, the subsequent administration has to deal with cleaning up the mess, putting the genie back in the bottle, so to speak. Between 2012 and 2016 unprecedented numbers of illegal border crossings were made, in the hopes to climb on to the backs of the American taxpayer, because of statements made by President Obama, with the promise sanctuary and compassion.

Since this boil on the backside of the American taxpayer has popped, what do we do about it? There is little choice at this point, with regards to children brought here by their parents, or parent. There must be a path towards citizenship for them. My suggestions are as follows:

  1. Any child of 16 or older that works and pays taxes for a period of five years, and has applied for a work visa, shall be granted citizenship if the other requirements on their applications are in order.
  2. Any person 18 or older that serves in any branch of military service for no less than 4 years, and has met the other aforementioned criteria, shall be granted citizenship.
  3. All children under the age of 16 living with a parent or relative shall be required to register with I.N.S. for a full review of their situation. If the parent or guardian is receiving entitlements rather than being gainfully employed, they are subject to deportation, or given the opportunity to pay restitution, through gainful employment, for the entire five-year period, and meet all application requirements, before a final review can be determined.
  4. If the parent or guardian of the child or children has been employed, and paid federal taxes for five years without needing any enrollment in any entitlement program, and meets the application requirements aforementioned, citizenship shall be granted.

Just as parents are subject to child welfare laws for endangering the child’s welfare in domestic cases in America, so should the parents of these children that risk their lives to cross the border illegally. These penalties must be added to the consideration and determinations of their ability to become citizens. American citizenship is a privilege, not an inalienable right to all those who seek it. President Obama had the twisted notion that it was a right, along with driver’s license, health care, “free cell phones” and voting, and with the help of Democratic majority, we now have to deal with the reckless outcomes from the Obama administration.

Witch Hunt

President Trump needs to stop entertaining these “flavor of the month” accusations from the Democrats.  Assistant A.G. Rosenstein needs to be fired, and the witch hunt that is being orchestrated by the special counsel Bob Mueller and his Democrat henchmen needs to be terminated at once.  Mueller is on a mission for revenge to make Donald Trump pay for firing his buddy, James Comey. Believe me; Mueller will create his own evidence to harm Trump’s reputation. There is no theory in which this can have a favorable outcome.

The first thing the President has to do is use his twitter feed in a proactive manner. He can do this by tweeting first, then taking action, instead of using it in a reactive way. He can do this by first tweeting out that he is tired of the Democrats wasting his time, and taxpayer’s money on this frivolous witch hunt. Ten months already, no collusion found are we going to waste another ten months on no obstruction?

The second thing is to then fire Rosenstein for his role in obstruction, by allowing the Democrats to push for a special counsel when there was no evidence of a crime, and that Comey himself admittedly baited the assistant A.G. into it to begin with.

The third thing is to request the A.G. to remove Mueller on the basis of political bias, since he, and all on his team have all been contributors to the Clinton campaign.

The fourth thing is to disregard any further attempts by Democrats to obstruct his agenda.

The Obama administration did this very thing to Republicans when they objected Obama pushing his agenda. He at least had the balls to stand up for what he believed in. We tried it his way for eight years, it was unsuccessful. Now it’s Trump’s turn to try it his way. He needs to stop sucking up to the Democrats, run his agenda, and see if it is a success. Let them piss and moan all they want, and if they get too out of hand, have them investigated for obstruction.