Red, White & Blue, Replaced by only Red

The infection is spreading uncontrollably now. There seems nothing can stop the “Snowball Headed For Hell”. I’m not referring to the benign covid virus, but the infection of Socialism that runs rampant in this rogue coup through ballot manipulation, and voter identification circumvention of The Government of The United States of America.

Now it seems that even a third party can claim The Social Security Benefits of another person. Any employer can now claim an exemption from paying into their employees Social Security Tax, if the employee takes time off related to the virus for up to $511.00 a day for up to ten days. That’s right, folks, the employer, not the employee gets the tax credit. The amount claimed by the employer basically double dips from the Social Security Benefits of their employee for his own monetary gain on this upcoming year’s taxes. The employee, by law, must have the taxes withdrawn from their check every week, but the employer now can get a credit for some of those taxes, essentially up to $5,110.00 for each employee. All this, draining the already insolvent Social Security System into oblivion, inevitably.

 There are also now loud rumblings from the progressives that we’re headed for single payer Medicare for all. These Socialists aren’t even talking about disguising it as Obama Care, or Biden Care, just simply by going through the Democrat majority reconciliation process in Congress. Just like all the other “Third World Countries” it will bankrupt the country, but only after burdening the working taxpayers into poverty, and borrowing from other countries namely China as the major lender, until our credit rating hits rock bottom and those creditors and the C.C.P calls in the markers on the debt.

 How does this sound like “The Western Territory of China” as the new name of this country? Red, White, and Blue replaced by only Red.

Bloomberg joins the circus

Bloomberg has jumped in the Presidential race, and is already flooding the television with ads. He is boasting as a unifier, job creator, and all around problem solver. In his ads, however, a familiar theme is being put forth. He boasts of health insurance for all, yet if you like your insurance as is, you can keep it. The unfortunate thing about that is that ship already sailed, and sunk with President Obama.

 It is a virtual impossibility to have government run health insurance and leave the free market as is. For no other reason than the simple concept of billing, as the government seeks reimbursement from the taxpayer, whatever the standard rate becomes, the private industry will seek the same. There will be a veritable feeding frenzy because the taxpayer funded liability has literally, an endless supply of funds, whereas the private industry has to have a little thing called transparency.

 So, as more people lean on the government for their health insurance, the private industry simply can’t compete, and collapse is imminent. In short, the Bloomberg ad that you can keep your insurer is a flat out lie. 

Obstructionist Democrats

An attempt was made late last night to repeal the insurance tax, imposed on Americans, known affectionately as Obama Care. The attempt to repeal failed because Senator John McCain sided with the obstructionist Democrats, who are clearly trying to achieve a single payer health care system, modeled after socialist countries.

Two things to keep in mind here. The first, being that John McCain, was recently diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer, and probably won’t survive long enough for a re-election bid in 2018. The second is to consider McCain’s cognitive ability presently. He has obviously been impacted, because of his previous stand on this issue.

Republicans need to allow this insurance tax to fail on its own and continue to remind everyone that this was the Democrat’s signature legislation during Obama’s tenure. The false narrative by the Democrats is that millions will lose coverage if the tax is repealed. The fact is that millions will lose coverage if the tax remains.

The whole problem with this insurance tax law is that the tail is wagging the dog here. Instead of insurance companies being taxed to cover health care for people, the people are being taxed to cover the insurers. Taxing the insurance businesses is far more practical than taxing individuals. Taxing the individual for health insurance that they may not want or need, to pay the insurance industry to give coverage to those in need, is simply put, Taxation Without Representation.

Anyone who has learned even basic American history knows what the probable outcome will be if this kind of taxation continues.


Obama Care 2.0

The federal government has been trying for years to get into the health insurance business. They have had a symbiotic relationship through the various entitlement programs like Medicaid and Medicare, but now with “Obama Care” the government can not only be in bed with the insurance industry, they can pull up the covers and put the alarm on “snooze”.

The Obama administration set this first major step towards Socialism in motion, by blowing this insurance carve-out through a partisan Democrat process with zero public input. Now that the “kool-aid” has been dispensed to an eager population of unhealthy, overweight, lazy and entitled public, caused by the same party’s failed economic policies, and now been consumed to the delight of the larger health insurers, in will be nearly impossible to be rid of.

Make no mistake, my friends, the only major beneficiaries of this Socialized medical insurance tax, will be those insurance companies that are large enough to monopolize the industry, with the help of the federal government of course. The “pre-existing condition” argument is too compelling to allow the industry to return to the private capital marketplace.

Since a majority of 60 votes is required to just flat out repeal the insurance tax, it probably will never happen. The only other hope is that a class action suit be brought before the Supreme Court for taxation without representation, and the law is overturned.

This could be done, though highly unlikely since the arguments have already been presented to the Supreme Court (two Liberal appointees of which had been previously put in place by the same partisan senate.)

Although healthy people are not represented by this law, they are being taxed. It would be far less expensive for the taxpayer, if those who claim to have these “pre-existing conditions” are given qualifying guidelines, and once met, be placed on the existing entitlement programs, and all others return to private insurance marketplace where they belong.

This would relieve insurers of the burden of both weeding out fraudulent claims and having to carry the liability of expensive claims of duration, drastically reducing the cost of health insurance. There are no other fixes to this monstrosity on the table, and as long as government has involvement in the process, it will find a way to make use of taxpayer funding in perpetuity.

Inauguration Anticipation

When Obama won The White House in 2008 and a battle weary George Bush was finally able to retire, the wait between election day and inauguration day seemed to pass quickly. I think it was because of the uncertainty of what was to be. When Romney was defeated in 2012 it passed quickly because of the Benghazi scandal and the questionable nature in which Democrats were able to deceive the American people deferring intentionally the actions of The White House’s blunder until after the election.

Now, however, it is the certainty that Donald Trump is going to rectify the disaster that has gripped the nation over the past eight years that is excruciating to wait for. This has been like a starving person waiting on a line for food, and hoping there will be some left when they finally reach the front of the line.

As a self-employed land developer, I have seen a total shut down in the real-estate market, low interest rates make it almost impossible for banks to write mortgages. All my assets have basically been frozen for almost nine years. The rise in health insurance costs have forced me into foreclosure on one of the assets. The Affordable Care Act, which should be called The Insurance Monopoly Tax, has bankrupted most of the smaller competitive insurance companies.

The racial divide created by an omnipotent and divisive successive pair of Attorney Generals could be compared with the dark ages of the late 50’s and early 60’s of bigoted segregation, only the color of actors has been reversed. The liberal agenda to be politically correct  without any regard for common sense has led to several attacks on American soil by foreign actors taking advantage of the blind ignorance of these policies.

The nation’s debt doubling under the load of artificially generated statistics with regard to economic growth by dumping cheap money into the economy, in just eight years. The quagmire of failed foreign policy that has left America in a problematic situation, both with allies and adversaries. The intentional corruption of our republic to conform to an ideal of global socialism, leaving our very way of life in tatters, by bastardizing the constitution through executive action.

All this falling on the shoulders of the incoming commander-in-chief, a tall order to say the least. It is the promise of real hope for a free and sovereign America, the way America is supposed to be, that makes the wait untill inauguration so very excruciating.

I doubt that the intentions of the liberal socialist Obama administration can be reversed in two terms of Donald Trump, I can only hope that there can be a successor with the courage to follow him, and stand for American liberty, and thwart those who would let liberty be swallowed up by the obscurity of all the other failed socialist experiments in the rest of the world.

More Americans Murdered

written – June 17 2016

The FBI, CIA and IRS are under the direction of the U.S. President. In all three attacks, Orlando, Boston and San Bernardino, the FBI had knowledge of the killers. They could have enforced the law and held all of them for suspicion of Treason. All three attacks would have been prevented. Obama is directly responsible for all the deaths. I believe the FBI has orders from the president not to enforce the laws regarding treason. Obama’s direct threats made when he spoke at the Orlando memorial for the victims, promising more attacks unless his gun control agenda is agreed to, only reinforces this theory. This is also why Hillary Clinton will never face any charges for her acts of treason. If Obama and those who agree with his socialist policies are not stopped, our constitutional rights will be stripped away one at a time until we are under a dictatorship like other socialist countries. The military and other federal agencies are there for the people’s defense and protection not pawns for the President’s personal agenda. This is why a TRUMP presidency is such a threat to the corrupt, secretive and dishonest Obama administration. Additionally the burdensome medical insurance tax should not be given such a glamorous name as Obama Care. It is just one of the many steps taken by this administration towards a dictatorship socialist government. I am hopeful that a DONALD TRUMP presidency can reverse the tragic loss of constitutional rights and socialism that the country is inevitably headed for.