Document Declassification ‘or Trump trumps Democrats’

President Trump has now given Attorney General Barr the green light to declassify the flawed FISA documents that Comey, McCabe and Rosenstein deceptively signed off on. There was an immediate response from representative Blumenthal and Schiff. They are in full blown panic mode. Blumenthal claiming that it’s a distraction, and Schiff claiming that Trump is weaponizing the D.O.J. against the Democrats, and that it’s un-American.

Funny how both these Democrats insisted on the release of the Muller report in hopes that their Russian hoax would somehow come to fruition through their partisan bulldog Robert Muller. Let’s remember an old adage “when one points a finger at someone, the other three are pointing back at one’s-self”.  All these Democratic hacks that thought their plan was ironclad should be very afraid. Comey and Brennan are already throwing each other under the bus, and they haven’t even been charged and offered a plea deal. If that isn’t an indication of wrongdoing, I don’t know what is.

 Plain and simple, this whole scheme was formulated by the Obama justice department, as a personal favor from President Obama, himself, in an attempt to repay Hillary Clinton for depriving her of her presidential bid in ‘08, by fixing the 2016 election in her favor. Face it folks they thought they had it covered from all angles. The only thing they couldn’t control was Clinton and her inability to control her arrogance.

Frankly, I think if it weren’t for the ‘deplorable’ statement, and a few other slips of the tongue, and the uncovering of her selling America’s Uranium to Russia, and perhaps the money laundering through The Clinton Foundation, she might have won. By the grace of God, she didn’t win, and America, perhaps, has been saved from certain disaster, because she would have sold it to the highest bidder to advance her and her husband’s personal portfolios.

A socialist Town Hall Meeting

A town hall meeting was held last night on Fox News, where a comparison between Socialism and Capitalism was being made, with Fox Business Charles Payne and Herman Cain hosting. Stuart Varney, Kennedy, and Lou Dobbs were also brought in for commentary. A college professor named Richard Wolfe and so called Democratic Socialist Bianca Cunningham represented the Socialist proponents.

 A series of questions were raised by two panels of the opposing viewpoints. Wolf boasted that China has a good model of Socialism because of its rapid economic growth. What was not rebutted by Varney, Cain, or Payne, was that the growth came on the backs of underpaid, overworked, and child labor in deplorable conditions with no worker protections. Nazi Germany had extremely rapid growth in the forties. Does that make that example a successful model of Socialism? What is sad is that the students in the town hall all seem to have the same gripe; the complaint that there is income inequality. This complaint is born out of jealousy. These academically brainwashed kids are simply too lazy to work hard for success. They have been absolutely convinced from elementary school right through college that they can change the structure of government so that everyone will have a “fair shot” at success through Socialism.

 A question was asked; how can this country make the transition from Capitalism to Socialism? Kennedy from ‘Late Night on Fox’ replied with the appropriate response; the way it has always been done, by force!

 The woman Bianca Cunningham kept harping about the same talking points. She has also drank the “Cool Aid” that makes these people think that Socialism would free people to pursue only careers that make them happy at work, and therefore would produce better economic results to pay for the delusional Socialist Utopia. Unfortunately, history has shown that in a Socialist governed society, citizens do the jobs that are demanded of them by the dictator that governs the population. There is no room for free will of the people. It detracts from productivity in a Socialist society.

 Wolf also used Germany as a successful model because of their free college tuition. What was not said is that they can afford to do so because they don’t have much of a military budget because America insures that for them at minimal expense to their economy. It is a fool’s errand to even have the debate about these two systems of government, because the supporters of Socialism are debating the issue without being honest with themselves about the historical facts.

I am constantly hearing from these college kids about the prospect of “Democratic” Socialism. There is no such thing as “Democratic” Socialism.  Socialism only exists under Dictatorship rule, because those who want to “follow their own path” are counterproductive to the rest of the workforce, and create jealousy and apathy. This is simply not tolerated, and those who insist on doing so are usually jailed and never heard from again. The fear of this incarceration is the only chance the government has to keep the workforce in line, and have any hope of generating the kind of money needed to keep the Socialist economy afloat.

 I am also hearing the diluted idea that Socialism creates a “living wage”. Socialist governments pay a wage that is determined by the ability of the given country to utilize its resources, compete in the world economy, and accommodate the needs of the population, and the government does this with a minimalistic approach. A Socialist Dictatorship doesn’t just give everyone fifteen dollars an hour, and then see how little money is left over to compete in the world market and address the needs of the population. The workers pay is the lowest concern of a Socialist government.

Late Night Comedy with the Senate

William Barr, the Attorney General testified before the Senate on May 2, 2019. I wouldn’t call it a testimony; however, it was more like late night comedy. Any person, regardless of political affiliation, couldn’t help to come away from that in total astonishment. The Democratic hacks are so far off the rails; even the staunchest Democrat supporter had to scratch their head in disbelief.

 I hate to say this, but the worst displays of irrationality were displayed from the African American senators, particularly Harris and Booker. This has been the pattern for decades. Well educated people of color in these type of positions in government, have a history of creating division and discontent, through this type of theatrical rhetoric. It is directed at the less informed, poorly educated people with whom they identify closely with simply by skin color. It is done for the sole purpose to anger people, and keep themselves in positions of authority, by gaining popularity through voter deception.

 As far as the Mueller report, there is no ’there’, there. The Attorney General was under no legal obligation to release any of the Mueller report, period!  He also has the absolute authority to analyze the report, and make any legal decision necessary as to its findings. It is obvious that Democrats have no problem trampling all over our Constitution in favor of their unwavering desire to have absolute authoritarian rule of The United States of America, and access to its extraordinary wealth. Fortunately there are the calm, level headed Republicans that overwhelmingly are exposing just how bat crazy these partisan Democratic nut jobs really are.

The staunch comparison from calm and level headed questions directed at Attorney General Barr from Republicans, compared to, what seemed even angry irrational and often nonsensical questions by the other side of the aisle, which often cherry picked only a couple words of the report of some four hundred pages, made things very clear. The Democrats have no concern for the American people, or even their own constituents. This is about revenge, for the flawed and failed run at The White House by Hillary Clinton.

The hypocrisy is big enough to choke an elephant.  Where was this same media outrage when Attorney General Eric Holder stated that he was President Obama’s “right hand man,” or when it was discovered that Holder had a secret operation to provide weapons to the Mexican drug cartels, one of which was responsible for the death of Brian Terry, a U.S. border agent? He was even held in contempt of Congress, but nothing ever came of it. He was never charged with anything. Lois Lerner pled the fifth for the weaponization of the I.R.S. against conservative nonprofit groups. She has never been charged with any thing. Attorney General Lynch had a, what was intended to be secret, meeting with former President Bill Clinton, during Hillary’s campaign.  Fortunately, and much to Lynches dismay, there was a news reporter at the scene that captured the incident. She never recused herself from the hapless so called Clinton investigation, or had to appear before the committee to explain herself under oath in an open forum. It was all done behind closed doors. Surely a comparison of transparency can’t be made of this administration.

Fiasco at the Congressional Oversite interviews

A hearing was held by The Financial Oversight Congressional Committee this week, with many of the largest financial executives sitting for questioning by the committee. Maxine Waters asked some of the executives why there were so many mismanagement problems with student lending and subsequent loan defaults. As usual, as in most of the interactions involving Waters, she was clueless. Much to her dismay, she was informed that during the Obama administration, the student lending process was taken over by the government and no longer obligated the Financial Institutions.

 Just another example of what the government should not be doing. What was absent from the hearing, were two points. The first being any discussion about the relaxed lending practices through Dodd-Frank legislation, and the financial instruments created and backed by those unsecured loans, that caused the historic banking and insurance collapse in 2009.

The second being any discussion about the failure of financial institutions to put stop limits on investors trade orders, or short orders to hedge their losses, and the failure of the Securities and Exchange Commission to hold them accountable to pay restitutions to those who lost a fortune in their retirement accounts, many of those accounts being held by the investors’ employers. Those employees had no option to sell or trade out of those accounts without severe financial penalties, leaving them exposed to the full collapse of the market and severe decline of their retirement accounts; many who still have not recovered from their losses now 10 years later.

The Democrats want to pay restitution to descendants of slaves, for Pete’s sake, but not to those who lost their life savings from the failed Democrat policies as outlined in points 1 and 2 above, which were responsible for the financial collapse.

Methane to the Rescue

These days there is a lot of conflict about global warming and the practical solutions that avail mankind. I have blogged before about the use of the most abundant resource on the planet, and possibly the universe, Hydrogen, as a possible aid to solve some of the energy challenges facing humankind.

There is another abundant resource that is a direct byproduct of humankind’s exploitation of the harvesting of animals as a food source. Although widely criticized by those on the extreme left, there is still a need to consume the protein source not just for the protein, but the vitamins and minerals that often are hard to find in plant based nutrition.

One day, it is inevitable that fossil fuels will become a scarce commodity. Before that happens, however, there are many other practical alternatives that may need our attention for consideration. Not necessarily as immediate replacement, but to stem the tide, as to not use up the fossil fuels so quickly. As a consideration, instead of abandoning the idea of meat protein, because of the methane emissions, how about capturing the methane gas as a viable fuel source for various uses?

There are methane plants in operation right now that uses refuse and other sources of humankind’s waste products for raw materials to produce the fuel source. Since there is a strong argument from those on the left that immigrants do jobs Americans doesn’t want to do, maybe we need to have huge collection facilities for our waste. Immigrants would then, instead of qualifying for public assistance programs, first serve for a period of time, to collect the waste from cows and any other sources for use in methane plants creating another energy resource for all of us.

 This would slow the inevitable expiration of fossil fuels, have the people pay their way into our society as unskilled labor, and of course help solve some of our energy concerns in the process.

Why Democrats Want Open Borders

The Democrats push for open borders is not accidental, or just a push to the left. The push for open borders is deliberate and pre-calculated in the party think tanks. Since the sixties, the Democratic Party has kept African Americans on the plantation, with legislation designed to keep poor blacks appeased through massive hand out programs, while fighting against any tax reductions. This was done because the Democrats knew if taxes were lower, that would create opportunity. Opportunity is the antithesis of the Democratic philosophy.

 Democrats were successful for decades to hide their true intentions, because human nature of free and easy hand-outs for the most part kept the poorer African American population at bay. Now, as more light is being shed that the whole purpose of these easy access welfare programs was to keep the blacks down, and keep their voting bloc. The African American people are waking up to realize that through hard work, like every other American, dignity, and responsibility are the path to a better future. Not generational dependency.

My point is that as more of the African American population come to realize they have been duped by Democrats, simply for their votes, the Democrats need another sucker to dupe. This just conveniently happens to be the massive influx of poorly educated illegal immigrants that are pouring into our country.

 Just as opportunity for better education for blacks in the sixties provided the ignorant populous needed for those additional votes then, there now is a new readily available source of ignorant voters ready and willing to swallow the guff of freebies to provide a whole new bunch of suckers to vote Democrat for the exchange of the welfare bribe readily available.

The Memes have it WRONG!

I have read a meme that is being spread around on social media, that references both Corporate and Democratic Socialism. The sad thing is that both references are essentially oxymoron in nature.

The first reference to so called Corporate Socialism implies that all of both houses of Congress are being influenced by corporations. So much so that the laws of this country are being made to favor the corporate interests. That means that a minimum of two thirds of all our representatives are voting to enact said legislation. The actual fact is that Corporate America isn’t influencing government; it’s the other way around. Overbearing government involvement into the private sector through burdensome regulation and taxation are dictating the way corporations do business.

There is no such thing as “Corporate Socialism”. Socialism is a form of governance that requires all those who serve under its rule to work equally at an equal wage to support the will of the leadership. There is no such thing as Democratic Socialism either. There is no Democracy in a Socialist governed country. The people’s will is dictated to them, not by them. The concept of Socialism essentially pits one worker against another and actually demoralizes the population, not lifts its people up. People actually become less inspired to work, because all the incentive for class mobility is removed. The Socialist Governed workers are eventually gripped with jealousy and discontentment for how the rulers live an extremely wealthy lifestyle, while the populous lives in disparity. This disparity between the governed and the government always leads to governmental and social breakdown.

 All through recorded history this Socialist experiment has been tried. It has never succeeded, ever! Here are some examples: The Faros tried it, Caesar tried it, Alexander tried it, Czar Nicholas tried it, Hitler tried it Maduro tried it, all without success. Why on God’s green earth would anyone even think of trying this again? The only reason that it has yet to completely fail in Russia is through strong government intimidation, and the adoption of some of America’s capitalist ideals.

All one has to do is look at the Socialist programs that exist in government right now. They, in only fifty years, are collapsing under the weight of their financial burden to accommodate the growing number of dependents and the fraudulent misuse of their intended purpose. If there was total Socialism, total collapse would be imminent.

Here is the fantasy meme:

Disparity is the Fault of the Desperate

If wealth redistribution by a government was a feasible solution to the income inequality problem in the United States, George Soros, or Oprah Winfrey, or Elizabeth Warren, for that matter, could set up a ‘go fund me’ site for all the wealthy Liberals.

The site could then redistribute the millions, if not billions (if you go by Alexandria Ocasio Cortez seventy percent taxation suggestion), to all those poor less fortunate overworked and underpaid folks they pretend to be so concerned about.

 According to Mr. Ryan, Democrat Congressman, the richest 400 people in this country have the same wealth as the poorest 150 million. These entire hypocrite Democrats like Sanders, Warren, Obama, Winfrey, and dozens of actors and actresses are all worth hundreds of millions each, with Winfrey alone worth billions. If these Democrats are so unhappy about class disparity let them solve it. It is well within their financial grasp to give them money, if you do any basic math.

Why should it fall on the backs of those who work, in some cases a lifetime to achieve, to give any part of their money up for this absurd cause? The disparity is the fault of the desperate, not the rest of the working class.

 Let’s try showing the results of those who came from nothing and have, through hard work, made millions, instead of focusing on the lazy and dependent. That’s what’s great about America; I don’t have to feel sorry for anyone if I choose not to. I don’t need government to force that on me.

Dear President Trump:

For Christ’s sake, there is another invasion force of migrants heading here, Pelosi will not negotiate, it is time to call this a national emergency, already! Let the chips fall where they may, politically.

Face it Mr. President, the next two years are going to be nothing less than more of this crap from the Democrats. Ask yourself, what do you think Obama would do in this situation? The answer is anything that is necessary to move forward with the agenda. Stop playing a stooge for the Democratic left, grow a pair and get this done. Otherwise the Democrats are going to find a way to tie you directly to the suffering of those laid off government workers. Face facts! The Democrats are just hell-bent on impeachment anyway. ”The Art of The Deal” will not work in this situation.

 Obama had no problem governing from the Executive Branch and neither should you, Mr. President. Forget about the optics, and just get things moving forward, despite Pelosi, Schumer, and the rest of the Socialists. The political price has already been paid at this point.

Idiots and Fools in Congress

Congresswoman Alexandria Cortez has ambitious plans to shift American reliance on fossil fuels in the next decade to green renewable sources. To most of those who embrace these ideas the concept is to tax the pathway to this aspiration. This will only drive those who keep America’s economy going to flee and find better tax climates to do their business. Besides, it is a known fact, that even if everyone was taxed at one hundred percent, it wouldn’t buy enough green energy to do the job.

I would like to know how the Congresswoman plans to make intercontinental commerce possible without fossil fuel, or  rail transport and commerce, or air travel. Are we to go back to steam technology? How about wooden sailing vessels of the sixteenth century? Oh no we can’t do that, because of the deforestation. Without diesel electric transportation devices, or jet engines, practical domestic and world commerce simply isn’t possible. Maybe we could get the “pony express” back up and running for nationwide mail delivery. Even the big commercial machines that plow, plant, and harvest crops that feed America, rely on this technology. Though a lot of the machinery operates unmanned, it still needs to have the ability to run for days on end to accomplish the tasks to manage thousands of acres of farmland.

 This woman has no clue of reality. I would like to know what kind of constituency elects a lawmaker without a law degree? This obviously poorly educated Socialist has now compared herself to both Lincoln and Roosevelt as far as what she believes are radical ideas to benefit mankind. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez should first begin with a crash course in economics and public relations, followed by another in both domestic and foreign commerce, and then perhaps a fundamental guide to understanding the basic principles of how the United States Government works. If she can prove the intelligence required to accomplish that, then maybe she could get accepted to a college to try to get a law degree. I would suggest that those who would give any credence to what this woman says to take the time to watch a movie called ” Idiocracy!”