Coronavirus Hysterics

The real pandemic regarding The Coronavirus is the panic being induced by Democrats. This is a fairly benign virus with a low mortality rate, but if you believe The Democrat’s rhetoric, you would think its The Black Plague all over again. Both Schumer and Pelosi made statements intending to cause a panic among the general public stating that President Trump wasn’t allocating enough tax payer money to combat the disease.

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in the United States the top leading cause of death in 2019 in the USA are as follows:

  • Heart disease: 647,457
  • Cancer: 599,108
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 169,936
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 160,201
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 146,383
  • Alzheimer’s disease: 121,404
  • Diabetes: 83,564
  • Influenza and pneumonia: 55,672
  • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 50,633
  • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 47,173
  • Gun Deaths 15,292

 To date, one person has died from the coronavirus in the United States. So we really need to keep things in prospective.

 Worldwide there are 85,000 cases, but the U.S. has only 60 cases. These 60 cases, I believe, are a result of those who have either been brought here for treatment, or travelled here before the travel restriction from China.

 Does anyone besides myself, notice that the countries with the worst outbreaks are the ones with socialized medicine?

Pelosi and Schumer’s Political Posturing

Today, May 22, 2019, there was a meeting scheduled with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi to supposedly discuss an infrastructure plan with President Trump. Before entering The Rose Garden, however, Pelosi thought it would be a good idea to stop and do some Trump bashing to reporters.

Like any red blooded American, this did not go over too well with The President. President Trump told the two of them that there would be no deals with Democrats until the bogus investigations came to an end. Schumer and Pelosi immediately retaliated and told the bias media that Trump had a temper tantrum. Trump did exactly what he should have done! The time has long passed for President Trump to stop cooperating with these idiots. He has gone far and beyond what he had any obligation to do as far as cooperation goes, and that is where the problem lays.

This is a textbook example of giving an inch, and the opposition taking a mile. It was one thing to cooperate fully with the Muller probe, but that is where the line should have been drawn. Attorney General William Barr should have never been instructed to turn over the report’s findings to the salivating, bloodthirsty, angry, Democrat oversight committee. He was under no legal obligation to do so.

It is now time for President Trump to end the “Mr. nice guy” approach and utilize his executive privilege, or whatever else in his legal authority to end the onslaught from these angry Democrats. If these Democrats are going to continue to throw these baseless accusations at The President, then let them prove them. Last time I checked, this is still a free country, and the burden of proof lies with the accuser, not the accused!


What most people don’t understand about the border wall is that it’s all about respect. Most homeowners in most parts of the world don’t need a physical barrier to delineate their property lines. There’s usually a hedgerow or different type of landscaping or even the grass is cut at a different height. In most situations the neighbors respect those borders. They know not to walk their dog there, not to park their car there, not to dig or plant bushes there.

The problem arises when the neighbor fails to respect the boundary in some way. First, one might call some official, building or code enforcement inspector, surveyor, or law enforcement if things get too far out of hand. If those efforts fail, most reasonable people decide that putting up a physical barrier is way better than a physical confrontation with the neighbor. It is way less expensive too, rather than having an assault charge is brought against you.

This is exactly the case at the U.S.-Mexico border. It’s not about the drugs, human trafficking, gangs, or family units trying to gain access to our social services. All those things are matters of disrespect. The people that are crossing our southern border, in most cases know damn well were the border is, yet they make a choice to disrespect it. Rather than physical confrontation, even though it has gone way beyond that, a barrier must be put in place. Just as you would do if your neighbor kept disrepecting your propterty boundaries.

All efforts to deter the disrespect through peaceful means have failed at the U.S.-Mexico border. The ignorant neighbors at our southern border need to have the physical barrier to restore their respect for our property.

Democratic Socialism

For decades the Democratic Party has based its fundamental principle on the idea that government can simply tax and spend its way to solve the challenges that confront it. This principle was effective for a while, but runaway spending and unchecked expenditures have made that theory unworkable.

 It is human nature to be greedy. Decades of unchecked greed through lobbyists, nepotism, and government contracts through connections have severely diminished the ability of government to provide responsible and reliable results for its endeavors. There are decades of research results that show the ineffectiveness of government. There have been accounts of government spending twenty dollars for a wrench that cost fifty cents in the private sector.

Now there is a push from Democrats on the extreme fringes of the left of their party for Socialism. Given the inability for government to efficiently operate at every level as it is, who in their right mind would think that the U.S government could make a successful crack at Socialism.

It barely functions on the guidelines set forth in a clearly written constitution that outlines every aspect of what is needed to succeed. The propensity for rampant corruption and chaos is just a brief distraction from the rule of law away. Not only would it be a disaster, but the conditions are perfect for failure, given the level of incompetence and corruption that infects our government as it is.

Imagine the level of rampant corruption without the regulations and guidelines that partially keep things in check now. Allowing the government to have the ultimate authority over the will of the people is absolutely insane!

Flawed USA Immigration Policies

I have my own personal “tale of woe” to tell about how our nation’s flawed immigration policies have negatively impacted my life. I want people to really understand the mentality of most of these migrants from a personal interaction perspective. I spent the better part of my life working in construction, side by side with migrants from all different countries; I can tell you first hand some facts that may elude most folks.

 Most of the immigrants that I encountered were here illegally. People need to understand that for the most part, these immigrants come from extreme poverty. Yes! Extreme poverty! The American ghetto looks like paradise compared to this kind of poverty. In most of these Central American countries, for a few pesos one can buy a live chicken and some dried beans or rice, enough for the one or two main meals during the week. These people come from countries where the law is taken into one’s own hands for the most part. The police are mostly pawns for the drug and other illicit trades. Sexual assaults, muggings, robbery, murders, drug overdoses, and homelessness, are simply the normal way of life and a direct result of the dysfunction of how these Dictatorship governed countries operate.

Now back to my original point – when I worked on job sites and had conversations with those who knew enough English, they came here and worked, with the sole intention to bring the rest of their family here. As much of their paycheck as possible was sent back home to be saved up to be able to pay the coyotes to bring their family here. As more and more of these migrants entered the construction field, the price paid out for jobs dropped. As a drywall subcontractor, paid by the square foot, and making decent money, in just a few years, it became impossible for me to afford to have a new vehicle and a mortgage payment. The main companies that I subcontracted work from figured out that it was way more profitable to bring in illegal workers, house them, train them with the skills necessary, in house and pay them less than half of what it cost the company to sub out the jobs. These immigrants came from such poor conditions that to be crammed eight or so people into a small apartment and getting a paycheck of any kind was like a gift from God to them. I have to laugh out loud, when these politicians make general comparison of economic strife of these immigrants to our way of life here in America, and use these skewed guidelines to form the concepts of immigration laws.

This is a story that millions of American workers could tell, if anyone ever had the wherewithal to research it. Every single subcontractor that I was associated with experienced this, and this was back in the early nineties. I can only imagine what has become of the industry now. All this type of labor is probably being done now by first generation immigrants. I guess that’s what President Obama meant when he and other Democrats said “they are doing jobs no Americans want to do”.  What they mean is the jobs that no Americans can afford to do anymore. Fortunately, for myself I was able, with some continued education, a sharp wit, a few lucky breaks, and hard work to change careers. May of my colleagues lost all they had worked for years to accomplish. That is the true immigration crisis in America, not the bleeding heart propaganda about how hard it has been for these people that struggle to reach our border.

Veto Spending Bill, President Trump


One has to know that if Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi love the spending bill it has to go against every principle that you stand for. You campaigned on the promise to drain the “swamp”.

These R.I.N.O.’s and Democrats that passed this over 2,000 page bill, are “the swamp”. Not only must this bill be vetoed, but Congress must be forced to stay in session until it’s READ and hammered out!