Obama Care 2.0

The federal government has been trying for years to get into the health insurance business. They have had a symbiotic relationship through the various entitlement programs like Medicaid and Medicare, but now with “Obama Care” the government can not only be in bed with the insurance industry, they can pull up the covers and put the alarm on “snooze”.

The Obama administration set this first major step towards Socialism in motion, by blowing this insurance carve-out through a partisan Democrat process with zero public input. Now that the “kool-aid” has been dispensed to an eager population of unhealthy, overweight, lazy and entitled public, caused by the same party’s failed economic policies, and now been consumed to the delight of the larger health insurers, in will be nearly impossible to be rid of.

Make no mistake, my friends, the only major beneficiaries of this Socialized medical insurance tax, will be those insurance companies that are large enough to monopolize the industry, with the help of the federal government of course. The “pre-existing condition” argument is too compelling to allow the industry to return to the private capital marketplace.

Since a majority of 60 votes is required to just flat out repeal the insurance tax, it probably will never happen. The only other hope is that a class action suit be brought before the Supreme Court for taxation without representation, and the law is overturned.

This could be done, though highly unlikely since the arguments have already been presented to the Supreme Court (two Liberal appointees of which had been previously put in place by the same partisan senate.)

Although healthy people are not represented by this law, they are being taxed. It would be far less expensive for the taxpayer, if those who claim to have these “pre-existing conditions” are given qualifying guidelines, and once met, be placed on the existing entitlement programs, and all others return to private insurance marketplace where they belong.

This would relieve insurers of the burden of both weeding out fraudulent claims and having to carry the liability of expensive claims of duration, drastically reducing the cost of health insurance. There are no other fixes to this monstrosity on the table, and as long as government has involvement in the process, it will find a way to make use of taxpayer funding in perpetuity.

The Unaffordable Care Act

The Republican Party has been dissected by the aspirations of the quickly growing Socialist party to which the Democratic Party is leaning towards with gusto. The lack of adequate leadership and political conviction is tearing down the fabric of conservatism, for fear of political backlash from Democrats and the bias media.

The whole premise to “replace the A.C.A. or Obama care” as it has been affectionately referred to, is an intimidation tactic by Democrats for political gain. There is no real substantive argument to replace the “health care insurance tax” other than to give the insurance industry another government subsidy. There is absolutely no reason that Republicans can’t repeal the tax immediately. The failed leadership in congress by Paul Ryan is solely responsible for the delay.

Apparently, the Democrat’s intimidation of both media and political reprisal has gotten to Ryan. Simply put, the repeal of the tax is an easy Yay or Nay matter. The intimidation from Democrats that there is no replacement seems to be the stickler for the Republicans. These little panty-waisted gutless, spineless girly boys that call themselves “representatives” need to pull up their pants and stand for something for once, before they allow these Socialist Democrats to govern from a bully pulpit, behind the scenes. Wake up! You dummies, repeal the stupid tax, already, and resolve the rest through reconciliation. If Paul Ryan doesn’t have the backbone, get rid of him!

Ryan and McConnell are the two biggest obstructionists to the Republican Party, short of Schumer and Pelosi.

The simple solution to this legislative nightmare is that the Congress votes to repeal the tax. Then the Senate approves it. Then the President signs it. Then new legislation is created to force the insurance industry to not only cover “pre-existing conditions”, but to create guidelines as to what qualifies as such, and to place a mandated cap on what the insurers can charge for their rates.

What does the term “pre-existing condition” mean, anyway? Once you head down that slippery slope, the door is wide open for loose interpretation. Does a peanut allergy you had since childhood qualify? Or how about arthritis from an old football injury? Or maybe persistent migraine headaches. Diabetes? Should Americans reimburse the insurance companies for someone’s Tylenol or Insulin that they are claiming on their insurance?

The idea to hold Americans hostage so that the insurance industry can get fatter is absurd. Under the A.C.A. the insurance industry determines what a “pre-existing condition” is then, by law, Americans are being forced by law, to compensate insurers for the coverage that, again the insurer deems is appropriate.

The  A.C.A. is a prop-up for the insurance industry, that makes the insurance companies richer. This is amusing, since Democrats created the law, yet have also claimed that big rich companies are America’s evil, and demonize them at every chance they get.

The only difference between this tax and the Boston Tea Tax is that Americans haven’t got the guts to stand up to fight against it!