Cuomo Prime Time

Although I consider myself a conservative, I do watch the Liberal newscasts (I use that term lightly) to gain perspective. I was watching Cuomo Prime Time this week and it infuriated me as to how utterly racist the two African American guests, one was a woman and one a man. I don’t know their names, and it really doesn’t matter. Both of them insisted that President Trump is a racist based on some off color remarks made when he was first in office. One was pertaining to a remark that he made with regard to immigration about accepting those from the underbelly of society from as he put it “s#%* hole” countries. The remark as I remember it was in reference to The South American Triangle as it is referred, but the male guest seemed to think it was about African Countries. If, by the way, we go into that, what has Somalia contributed to the world, other than piracy in The Mediterranean Sea? How about Nigeria, another shining gem of corruption? How about Rwanda, where genocide is a way of life for those who are unlucky enough to live there?

I just wish people would think about the insensitive racial blabber that they are about to spew before they speak. Just because they are black or brown, it doesn’t give them a free pass. I wonder what the threshold of time must go by before any white person, never mind The President, can be forgiven from these racists for any verbal transgression, intentional or otherwise?

How long was it before Al Sharpton was forgiven for perpetuating a lie to accuse two police officers of a racially motivated conspiracy, almost destroying their careers, based on the testimony of a crack addict that was left naked on the highway by her estranged boyfriend. How long was it before President Obama was forgiven for telling America that Republicans in rural districts are poorly educated and cling to “Their guns and religion”? How long did it take to forgive Eric Holder, a sworn public servant, as The Attorney General of The United States for saying he is more loyal to his race than his duty obligations as A.G.? 

You know what’s disparaging to blacks and minorities? It’s telling them they are too stupid to be given equal test scores in both academia and standard achievement tests.

A reminder for all these white people haters like Congressman Al Green, or Congresswomen Maxine Waters, Rashida Talib, Ilhan Omar, Mazie Hirono, and who knows how many others that are sworn to serve their constituents; it’s Black History Month and these public offensive displays are not what the great Martin Luther King envisioned for equality of the races.

 The Congressional idiots that came before them, mostly old white guys, creating “equal opportunity” programs giving people of color hand-outs, and special considerations on aptitude and achievement standards for everything from public servants to collegiate carve outs is primarily responsible for the generational racial divide. The Democratic Party, for decades has been bribing people of color for giving them their dignity in exchange for these hand-outs. Can anyone blame them for being resentful towards whites? But we need to move past that and forgive the transgressions and fix the programs that are responsible not endorse and expand on them as The Democratic candidates that are seeking the presidency are now proposing.

Trump’s Rhetoric

The Democrats are constantly asking for compassion for those who committed acts of war against our country. I’m referring to those who embrace radical Islamic culture, like Ilhan Omar and Rahisha Talib. President Trump lived in New York City when it was attacked on 9/11. Just look at the outrage in Dayton Ohio at the mass shooter. Is anyone asking for them to tone down the rhetoric? Personally, I am still outraged about the attack on our country.

 If anything The President has shown nothing but compassion for the victims of these shootings and extreme restraint when it comes to Omar and her anti-Semitic, and anti-American rhetoric. The President has denounced White Supremists, called for prayer and condolences, and talked about gun legislation, what more do these Democrat hypocrites want?

It’s okay for Omar and Talib to bash America, and others in Congress to embrace changing our Constitutional Republic to Socialism, which, when given adequate consideration, inevitably leads to the abolishment of our constitution, and The Bill of Rights, as it is not compatible with that structure of government. It’s okay for Democrats in Congress to call for the acceptance of more refugees from Islamic countries, without vetting and while we are at war with them, I might add. It’s okay for President Obama to invite the anti-law enforcement terrorist organization Black Lives Matter to The White House, and roll out the red carpet, immediately after white police officers were targeted and ambushed in Dallas. The shooter claimed his allegiance to The Black Lives Matter organization.

Trump’s so called rhetoric isn’t half of what he should be saying. President Obama was the king of divisive rhetoric, and addressed the nation like a slippery tongued used car salesman.

 It’s about time that we have a President that speaks like the common man. The only out of line rhetoric I’m hearing is from racist and Socialist Democrats like Elizia Cummings, Ilhan Omar, Maxine Waters, Corey Booker, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Alexandria Cortez, aw heck, there are too many to mention. The flat out disrespect from Democrats aimed directly at this President is a disgrace to The Democratic Party and The Congress, and in some cases borders on treason.

These idiots won’t be happy until all of us are like fish in a barrel for criminals to attack us at will because we are unarmed. Then and only then will these morons realize that they overreached, and try to react. What the hell would they do then? Have the government give us our guns back? Some of these people in The Democratic Party are so stupid; I honestly can’t understand how they convince people to vote for them! Well, I guess if you offer anyone a lot of free stuff you can bribe your way into office.

Susan Rice to Testify?

Congress wants Susan Rice to testify? What a joke. She’s the one who first appeared on television to tell the American people who the attack on the consulate in Benghazi was the result of an angry protest from a video. If you want to know when Susan Rice is lying, it happens every time her lips move. It is a complete waste of taxpayers’ money and time for Congress to ask her anything. She needs to be charged with treason or espionage and face real prison time before anyone will get anything substantial out of her.

If they do interview her they need to get her to at least purger herself. She held the position of advisor to the President Obama, and anyone who believes the B.S. story that Obama only heard about the whole Benghazi story on the news is an idiot.

Susan Rice’s job was to tell President Obama everything, all the time, whenever she knew it, period. He not only knew of the illegal wiretap on Trump Tower, I believe he ordered it. Any unmasking of names could only have been done by and from Obama’s direct orders.

The people in the federal government who serve under the President do not have autonomy, they work under the direction of the President of the United States.