The Smollet Case Socialist Sideshow

One thing I hope can be gained from the Smollett hoax is that the same accountability be held for the media outlets that rushed to be the judge, jury, and executioner of the Trump supporters when the story first broke. The propagandized media has had a consistent narrative of divisiveness since the election of President Trump. This rush to judgment before the facts needs to be punished or it will eventually lead to civil war in this country.

The Congressional leaders need to be held to account also. These Congressional leaders that embrace the divisive rhetoric call themselves patriots. They are not. It is called subversiveness. Their sole intention is not to serve their constituencies, but to subvert not only the duly elected President, but the will of the American people to attain their personal aspirations in the pursuit of power. Just take a look at what most of these congressmen and women have announced publicly; they all want to be president. How can Americans elect a presidential candidate that not only exhibits the disregard for the rule of law, but also  the sheer frothing at the mouth desire to have absolute authority, completely disregarding the will of the American people? These Democratic candidates not only desire the presidency, but some have publicly admitted through their Socialist ideals, actually desire to be Dictators of America.

The hypocrite multi-millionaire Bernie Sanders, for example; of Jewish decent, who slaps the face of every oppressed Jewish person from the concentration camps of Nazi Germany, (a Socialist Government), to those who were persecuted by Czar Nicholas, calls himself a Democratic Socialist. Newsflash! There is no democracy in a Socialist government. This form of government has complete rule through the will of the dictator, and his appointed military generals, period! This goes the same for all these other clowns that want to be Dictators of America. This, by the way consists of most if not all, of those Democrats that have announced their candidacy.

The phrase ‘Democratic Socialist’ is a made up buzz word to deceive the poorly educated in matters of politics. There is either Democracy, (free will of the people to govern themselves through an elective process), or there is Socialism, (government rule over the will of the people). In every case of Socialist rule, the elected Dictator professes that the people can elect anyone they choose. Unfortunately, once in power the corruption of said power denies the will of the people, and the election process is then rigged in favor of the Dictator. How long has Putin been in power? How about the Castros? Maduro of Venezuela is downright refusing to leave his position. What makes anyone think that Dictators Sanders, Booker, or Harris would be any different? Unless and until any given Dictator feels that their personal agenda has been accomplished, (which, by the way is never) they will refuse to step down, unless maybe if their successor has the same agenda as theirs.

Trump/Putin Summit

Unfortunately, I do think President Trump did look like a deer in the headlights when a reporter asked him if he would call out Putin about the Russian meddling in the post meeting  press conference between the two leaders.

Let’s break it down, however. If Trump called Putin out in a public setting like they were in, it would be all over the news that President Trump admitted to the collusion, and the media would have tried and convicted him, and a few decades back, probably had him tarred and feathered. Questions immediately flew around that Trump would rather trust Putin’s word, over that of the American intelligence agencies. I say, he can’t trust Putin, the media, nor his intelligence agencies.

Why would Trump trust these agencies, when he’s had to fire the head of the F.B.I., the assistant is under investigation, the assistant to the attorney general at the D.O.J. is subject of review, even the impeachment word has been circulating, both have publicly indicated bias towards party opposition. The media are constantly fabricating stories to support their questionable agenda. The former head of the C.I.A. has become what amounts to a spokesperson for MSNBC, probably one of the most Liberal left propagandists’ media outlets ever established. Anyone with an I.Q. over 50 would have reason to question the intelligence agencies. These guys have outspokenly put a target on the back of the President to unseat him.

Trump’s response, wisely, was to ask for the corroborating evidence that is required to substantiate the whole collusion premise. We have been given only the prosecution’s side of everything with the Mueller indictments.  What about the defense’s arguments with regard to the relative evidence that could be found or not found on the D.N.C. server, the center of the alleged hack by the Russians?   The D.N.C. server was never released.

What I still find remarkable about the Russian meddling and collusion accusations, is that all the meddling occurred on the Democrats computers and as Trump pointed out, their computer tech-guy has managed to get rid of all the info that pertains to any details pertinent to the alleged meddling.

Somehow, the Republican party and President Trump are the ones that are being accused of wrongdoing. This is like a bank robber that loses the money from the hold up, and the bank employees being accused of the crime.