Strzok Hearing

I have a few thoughts after watching some of the theatrics of the Strzok hearings. In recent months, several public officials have resigned their positions amid accusations of sexual misconduct. It is a well known fact at this juncture, that Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, another employee at the F.B.I. were having an affair. Though Louie Gohmert’s (Republican) comments about the possible awkward interaction between Strzok and his wife were out of line, it made me wonder; why has Strzok not been asked to resign? Is adultery not considered sexual misconduct? Never mind all the other stuff that is coming to light regarding his mishandling of both the Clinton and Trump investigations.

Additionally, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the Russia collusion probe being conducted by Robert Mueller has become a game of pin the tail (crime) on the donkey, with all sorts of people being charged with everything but, helping Russia interfere with the election process. One Democrat had his own ‘dog and pony’ show by holding held up signs with the faces of people that have been charged with unrelated crimes, and somehow trying to link them to Trump. This is another feeble attempt by Democrats to delegitimize Trump’s Presidency.

Watching and listening to these hearings, and seeing the great lengths the Democrats were undertaking to distract from the issues, only reassured me further, that there is real merit to the accusations laid out against Peter Strzok. Some Democrats claimed that the hearings should focus on the couple thousand illegal immigrants that have been separated from their families while attempting to illegally enter the U.S. I guess that is more important than the millions of American citizens who could be at risk of being charged wrongly of crimes, based on some F.B.I. agent’s political bias.

I had to laugh out loud, when another Democrat stated that if Strzok had reported to the media that Trump was under investigation, prior to the election, we would have a legitimate president now. I have to ask; if at the time, both presidential candidates were under investigation by the F.B.I., why would one be more legitimate than the other?

Oh yeah, by the way, if Strzok had leaked anything to the press, he would have been fired, like Andrew McCabe was, without collecting his pension.

Shame on Facebook

The S.E.C., F.T.C., F.B.I. and the U.S. Congress all need to get a handle on the runaway train that is internet related criminal activity. Mark Zuckerberg should be jailed. There is no circumstance that excuses the invasion of privacy that has occurred at Facebook.

These high and mighty ultra wealthy people that have created these access sites on the internet, somehow feel that their political views need to be used to invade people’s privacy for the betterment of humanity, even at the expense of everyone else’s civil liberties.

It is virtually impossible to use Google-search to look up any political figure without being bombarded by views of the left. These people like Zuckerberg, Bezos, Pichai, Cook and others need to be reigned in, and keep their political views at home and out of the supposedly free internet.

The powers that be in evaluating the legality of this activity need to put an end to this stuff. Congress is worried about Russian intervention-interference, but they also need to get a handle on these internet moguls, because the implications of their interference are exactly the same thing.

Interference into the very fabric of our election process or civil liberty is a criminal act from Russia or Zuckerberg, and the penalties should be the same for anyone.