Red, White & Blue, Replaced by only Red

The infection is spreading uncontrollably now. There seems nothing can stop the “Snowball Headed For Hell”. I’m not referring to the benign covid virus, but the infection of Socialism that runs rampant in this rogue coup through ballot manipulation, and voter identification circumvention of The Government of The United States of America.

Now it seems that even a third party can claim The Social Security Benefits of another person. Any employer can now claim an exemption from paying into their employees Social Security Tax, if the employee takes time off related to the virus for up to $511.00 a day for up to ten days. That’s right, folks, the employer, not the employee gets the tax credit. The amount claimed by the employer basically double dips from the Social Security Benefits of their employee for his own monetary gain on this upcoming year’s taxes. The employee, by law, must have the taxes withdrawn from their check every week, but the employer now can get a credit for some of those taxes, essentially up to $5,110.00 for each employee. All this, draining the already insolvent Social Security System into oblivion, inevitably.

 There are also now loud rumblings from the progressives that we’re headed for single payer Medicare for all. These Socialists aren’t even talking about disguising it as Obama Care, or Biden Care, just simply by going through the Democrat majority reconciliation process in Congress. Just like all the other “Third World Countries” it will bankrupt the country, but only after burdening the working taxpayers into poverty, and borrowing from other countries namely China as the major lender, until our credit rating hits rock bottom and those creditors and the C.C.P calls in the markers on the debt.

 How does this sound like “The Western Territory of China” as the new name of this country? Red, White, and Blue replaced by only Red.