NAZIS are NOT Right Wing Extremists

A recent bust in Spain has found thousands of rounds of ammunition, hundreds of firearms, and lot of referenced memorabilia to Adolf Hitler, including period uniforms, photos, and other artifacts.

 The problem I have is that those arrested were labeled as “Right Wing Extremists.” Although misguided individuals have attempted to align themselves with “The Right”, nothing could be farther from the truth. These modern era Nazis are more aligned with “The Left”, just like the misguided so-called “Liberals”, which in the very description contradicts their big government initiatives. I hate to break the news, but Liberal means in essence “to be free of”. I don’t see how big government squares with that. The news outlets would have everyone believe that those who associate with, or align with Nazis are “Right Wing” when they are actually supporters of Socialism.

 I suggest that O.A.N.N. and all the other news outlets open a history book. The Nazi party was a Socialist form of government. So in closing, I would appreciate it if these purveyors of information in our society stop perpetuating lies and propaganda to The American People!

Thanksgiving Covid Limitations

The Communist governors in Democratic run states are demanding limitations of how many persons can celebrate in private residences. I can tell you this: if the police show up at my house to enforce these draconian orders without a warrant, they can expect to be fired upon.

This is what they should expect, though, because these regulations are only enforced in Socialist and Communist countries, and in those countries, that’s how the citizens respond.

 If the Democrats want Socialism and all its intricacies they’ll have to expect the whole bag that comes with it. That’s why they push so hard to disarm us. These Socialist and Communist rules can only be enforced by sheer force against the will of any people that embrace freedom.

Covid-19 Mole

Hmmm, 32 days until The Presidential election and now, after nine months, The President contracts the virus. This smells of a mole in the midst of the inner circle of The White House so bad that anyone of an I.Q. over eight can’t deny it. This is not conspiracy theory speculation.

Wake up, Trump security team! Someone in the inner circle of The Trump re-election team has deliberately spread this virus. Ronna McDaniel, Hope Hicks, and several others, simultaneously test positive?! Odd, isn’t it and why not two months ago, one month ago; why not just one month before probably one of, if not the most, significant election in decades.

 The Liberal Left is so close to turning this country into a Socialist Utopia, they can almost  taste it. I’m totally adverse to “Contact Tracing”, but in this case, a criminal attempt on President Trump’s life, and others, has been deliberately perpetrated. Anyone that seems to be out of place, a campaign crony, new security hire, perhaps, even the pilot on the airborne transport, a driver, perhaps, I suggest that no stone be left unturned. Once found, the perpetrator needs to be charged with 1st degree attempted murder.

Contact Tracing Policing of Citizens

Don’t let your desire for convenient technology at your fingertips overshadow your God given right to be free.   SHUT IT DOWN NOW!

Contact tracing is probably the most egregious form of privacy invasion that we have ever seen. Again, for “the greater good” of humanity, Apple, Microsoft, and Google are collaborating to try to track the movements of everyone on the planet. Everyone that can be duped by these Liberal tech giants, that is. Right now Apple and Microsoft are offering an app that allows a person’s movements to be tracked through Bluetooth, so that if they have come in proximity of an individual that has tested positive for the Covid-19 virus they are subject to an interrogation. It is not yet clear what distance qualifies for that “proximity”. Unfortunately, the tracing does not account for solid barriers like walls, glass, or plastic that may be absolute protection for the tracked individual.

These intrusive interrogations ask personal questions about family status, the viability of one’s ability to be isolated in their own home, such as floor plans, and separate living quarters, and if one’s children are adequately protected. As I write this blog, these overreaching tech giants are actively hiring “Tracing Agents”, or the equivalent of The K.G.B. Agents in Russia. These “Agents” are going to have the responsibility of determining not only the status of “Traced” individuals, but will even be authorized to call in  to Child Protective Services to have someone’s children removed from their custody, if they determine that it’s necessary. 

Right now, the app is voluntary for someone to add to their mobile device, but soon it will be already loaded on the devices and the mere signing of the initial disclaimer when purchasing the phone, will allow for the implementation. This is just a “back door” precursor to Bill Gates’ dream of having all of humanity micro-chipped. Just this morning (June 5, 2020), I watched as Joe Biden, (Democratic presidential candidate), announced that 10 to 15% of all Americans are “bad people”. If this “Tracing” gets traction, he, and others can more specifically determine how many Americans there are that they believe are “bad”. Moreover, what does society do with all the “bad people” once these elites make their determinations? Allowing this “Tracing” is the final step to the ideology of having a Socialist Nanny State in America.

America Now an Authoritarian State

I have one question that I think is most relevant. Now that America has been transformed into an Authoritarian Socialist State; where the hell are the testimonials from those who have contracted this virus and overcome it?

Instead of hearing how bad things are going to get, shouldn’t it be most important to hear what it is that we are to be so afraid of? This thing has been shutting down everything for a month now.

Why are we not hearing about the actual victims of the virus, and their journey to a recovery? Does anyone else think that the media blackout in that regard is odd?

America Is Gone

I could swear I’ve heard Donald Trump say “America Will Never Be A Socialist Country”. Well, here we are. The Government is propping up all the businesses in the private sector. The government is guaranteeing a living wage to the unemployed. The government is promising to put every American on its payroll, at least temporarily. The government is setting all the social guidelines, when you can go out, how close you can be to other people, what businesses can be open, some places even have curfews.

I’m sorry, but if this isn’t Socialism, I don’t know what is. This “Virus” is Bernie Sanders’ dream come true. Trump has finally been completely duped by the Democrats.

Guess what country whose ass we are going to have to kiss and be even more in debt to, after these massive spending plans come to fruition. You got it; China… the very same country that got us into this mess to begin with.

Socialism is in the USA – Just Like That!

I would like to know why this political appointee Dr. Faucci has become the only adviser as to what Americans should or shouldn’t be doing with regard to the CoronaVirus. Just because this guy has been employed by The White House for thirty years, does not mean he is the smartest guy to get all our health advice and guidelines from. Shouldn’t we get a second opinion?

This Dr. Faucci seems to be enjoying a little too much, all this news coverage that is, at the very least, driving Americans into full blown panic mode. When I used to see someone wearing a facemask in public, I used to kind of snicker to myself that they are paranoid. Now when I see someone wearing one, I am the one that’s paranoid. 

This kind of fear and paranoia are precisely what Socialism thrives on. Anyone who can’t see the massive Socialist experiment that is happening before us needs a cane and Braille translation. Massive government interventions are happening at every level of government, all supposedly for “our own good”.

Fear and panic are the fuel that fans these flames, and if allowed to overtake our souls, we will become the next Venezuelan experiment to fail!

If Bernie Sanders wins, America loses

Bernie Sanders has eked out a primary win in New Hampshire edging out Butegedge by a point and a half. If Bernie Sanders were to win the nomination and by some miracle defeat Donald Trump for the Presidency, with a favorably controlled Congress and Senate America, could kiss our Constitution goodbye. 

Bernie has vowed to wipe out student debt, free college tuition, free health care, eliminate the fossil fuel industry, and cap corporate salaries at one million dollars. These are just the tip of the iceberg for Bernie. Has anyone actually considered the logistics of any one of these proposals? 

Let us start with the salary caps. In order to accomplish this feat the Federal Government would have to take control of all the corporations. What happens to the owners of those corporations, and the property they own, never mind the loyal employees, if they refuse to hand over their jobs, deeds, and businesses to The Socialist Government? Does Bernie Sanders order them to concentration camps or firing squads? This is exactly what Adolf Hitler did. Adolf Hitler ordered his government takeover of all the country’s businesses, but could only accomplish it by those very means. The same would apply to the hundreds of fossil fuel companies. What does Bernie do to force compliance?

Then you have The Health Care Insurance industry. What would justify cutting out of some businesses, but making a huge carve out for the insurance businesses? Is this the “equality” that Socialism promises? 

Then there’s the academia debacle. In order to give free college to students, the same “takeover” tactics would be necessary. These colleges are owned by one or several people or are actually operating as businesses. Now what does Bernie do to force these businesses to give him their corporate seals and deeds? Imprisonment? Fines? Concentration Camps? Gas Chambers? Mass firing squads?

Put yourself in the shoes of any kind of business owner that Bernie feels is too profitable, and you are told to simply hand over your life’s accomplishments for “the greater good”. What would be The Socialist Government standard as to the tolerated level of profitability? Would it be a million? Five hundred thousand? What happens when The Socialist Government can’t make its financial goals? Does the standard then go down to fifty thousand? Ten Thousand?  Would you simply sign over your deed and corporate seal to The Socialist Government in exchange for “a living wage”? 

Bernie also promises to eliminate student debt. Again, the banks are not simply buildings full of money sitting there for the taking. They are owned by people or businesses. It would be like reaching directly into someone’s pockets and robbing them at gunpoint, all just to keep people from meeting their financial obligations and the life lessons of responsibility. Not only would it involve “taxation without representation”, but would be flat out criminal. All kinds of laws would have to be stripped from the books. Oops, there goes the Supreme Court and all the other judicial institutions. The Socialist Government would have supreme authority to make laws as it saw fit.

Like I stated in the opening, does anyone realize how many of our revered laws in The Constitution that would have to be shredded to accomplish these promises? You can forget about “The Bill of Rights” also, at least the first two, “liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”, and possibly the third “life” for those upstart non-conformists.

 If no one else had the balls to, I personally would start another Revolutionary War to get our Constitution, and The Bill of Rights reinstated, and, if necessary, I would even symbolically break out the old muzzle loader rifle and fire the first shot, like the patriot that laid down his life two hundred and twenty five years ago for the hopes of being free from Socialist oppression!

Bernie Sanders Democrat?

As Bernie Sanders gains traction, in the preliminary stages, a new narrative seems to be emerging from The Democratic Party. The narrative is “when Bernie talks about Socialism, it’s not the bad kind”, like Cuba or Venezuela. That’s like saying “while I do have cancer” it’s not the bad kind.

 Adolf Hitler started The Nationalist Socialist Party with all the best intentions and with great success at first, especially for the working class. This is the very same working class of people who Bernie Sanders espouses to want to help. Unfortunately, like all well intended Socialists, something inevitably goes very very wrong with the whole thing. The whole premise of creating an equal living wage doesn’t sit well with those that simply put, are more capable or smarter than others. In a Democracy these individuals are revered and rewarded and usually it is to the benefit of the rest of society.

 In a Socialist Society, the playing field is leveled, so those more capable are stifled with the lack of financial incentive creating jealousy, and greed, from the very top of society all the way down to the lowest wage earner. Acts like bribery thrive in that environment, and as the government tries harder and harder to maintain order, it resorts to more violent and restrictive measures for containment.

The same inevitable outcome has been repeated several times throughout history, so don’t take my word for it alone. Germany, Italy, Cuba, Russia, and Venezuela have all tried and failed to make it work, and they worked very hard at it all ending with failure. Crime spikes in the Socialist environment like mold in damp dark places, as those who feel they are more deserving try to achieve a better life through illegitimate means.

The whole idea is flawed. It may function in small communities, cut off from the rest of the globe, but with trans-global trade, and boundless financial opportunity, the idea fails miserably. There is no “good kind of Socialism” it’s all bad, just like Cancer and S.T.D.s.

Medicare For ALL

Medicare for all sounds great, except for at least one very expensive consideration: When a Medicare claim is processed the billing structure is totally different for Medicare than that from any doctor to a private insurer. Anyone who is on Medicare, and once had private insurance should know this for a fact. The bill for any procedure can be anywhere from 20% to 525% higher for Medicare in comparison to that of a private insurer. 

 Rather than give carte blanche to the healthcare industry to overbill all Americans in the form of taxation, wouldn’t it be better to reform or reign in the insurance billing standards?

 These standards are excessive because of Medicare, because The Federal Government has allowed it! After all, it’s not The Government’s money it’s spending, it’s ours! For example, let’s just say a Hernia procedure bill from the doctor is twenty thousand dollars. That bill is what the acceptable set standard is by the private insurance industry, however, the bill to Medicare; I can assure you is much higher form the doctor, because that standard is not applicable for Medicare billing.

 Not only that, but The Federal Government has the poorest track record of any entity, business, or industry, of accountability for anything. What makes anyone think that this would be any different? Unless and until The Federal Government can set the standard pricing for every doctors office visit, and every medical procedure, eliminate the private health insurance industry, and enforce those billing standards, it is a complete impossibility to tell the American people what it would cost.

Medicare and Social Security are insolvent now. Let’s try adding sixty plus percent of Americans to the broken system and see what happens. 

So the problem with “paying for it” can’t be accurately measured. These so called estimates are just propaganda. These illusionists are simply adding the estimated sixty to seventy percent to the existing costs. Heck, what’s to stop a doctor from billing Medicare for a heart transplant procedure, when he actually performed a tonsillectomy?  Like all the other Socialist programs that are already written into law, they are all unsustainable because there is no accountability for spending when there is  one payer and that one payer is the government.

Eventually, those that pay for it all, get tired of paying for those that refuse to and the walls come tumbling down, as all socialist governments eventually do.