El Paso Tx Massacre

Liberals and their complicit media outlets are again desperately stretching the facts in a feeble attempt  to convict President Trump for the hate crime in El Paso, Tx. President Trump made one off color remark during a protest in North Carolina about there being “two sides” to an interaction between protesters – which is completely true, by the way, regardless of the public opinion of the two sides involved at any protest. 

This recent crazy person who aspires to be a White Nationalist should have been flagged long ago, as well as all the other shooters in previous tragedies. These social media giants can shut down conservative speech at the drop of a hat, but refuse to expose these nuts, because as a result of their actions, the Liberal narrative for gun control becomes louder. To put it as plain as can be, it appears to me that Facebook must have known what this guy was up to and did nothing because it promotes their Liberal agenda, regardless of the lives lost. It follows an old wartime adage that the ‘end justifies the means”. 

Truth be known, these idiot White Supremist are spawned from the Democratic Party Conservatives, who refused to accept The Emancipation Proclamation at the end of The Civil War, not President Trump or Republicans for that matter. Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, set forth that very proclamation. To go one step further, these jerks also align themselves with The Nazis, The Nationalist Socialist Workers Party. This was formed by Conservative Socialists in Germany, around 1940, and is a similar ideology as that which Bernie Sanders is so fond of, Democratic Socialism! The prefixes to the word Socialism don’t change the tragic outcome from its implementation.

Liberal Nonsense

I normally don’t comment or respond to shared editorials on Facebook posts, but this one was such a doozy I had to say something. A person named Mike Jones, who believes that working in the technology sector for thirty years gives him the credentials of “Historian”, posted a completely false editorial about The Nazi’s in the 1930’s (see attached link).  In his bunch of nonsense, like a lot of Liberal talking points, Mr. Woods tries to obliterate history by making false claims about Nazi Germany’s government and the concentration camps of that period.

Sorry to inform you, Mr. Jones, Nazi was an English translation for National Socialist German Workers Party. I ask you, Mr. Jones, to note the second word in the translation, because you are somehow under the impression that Nazi Germany was not a Socialist government, WRONG! Like a lot of Liberals out there, somehow you are convinced that there is “good Socialism” and “bad Socialism”, again WRONG! It’s all bad. It always fails, and it eats the country that practices it from the inside out, again you would have to learn a little history to know that. There were no “happy workers” at the concentration camps.

 Your analogy that the Nazis put Socialists in the camps is extremely disingenuous and misleading, because, as Germany set out on its conquest to take over Europe, it interned captured prisoners in the camps. Since most of Europe was governed by Socialist Dictators and Communists at the time, the imprisonment of Socialists couldn’t be helped. People were also absolutely sent to the camps to die, (contrary to your other description of the concentration camps), especially Jews, and it had little to do with their religious beliefs. The Jews were persecuted and arrested for sole purpose that they were a threat to the Socialist Party. At that time, like many countries in Europe, Jews (like my grandparents) who fled Russia, and Tsar oppression, settled and were bankers and business owners. The Jewish people being strong advocates for education made them more successful in business. Simply put, The Socialist Government could not tolerate the individual wealth of these entrepreneurs. It deteriorated the moral of those the government needed to serve it. They were put in the camps, with no conditions for parole, period. The people were expected to work for The Nazi party for the promise of prosperity; “one hour for one Mark” which was the measure of a living wage.

 I am sick of seeing these Liberal rants from misinformed political science scholars that conjure up reasons that Socialism can work in America.  If only they taught history in political science class. Oh, if only Alexander and Nicholas hadn’t risen to power, then Lenin and Marx would be heroes in their own right. Germany was such a success story, if only not for Hitler. Venezuela was such a great wealthy country, if only Chavez hadn’t been so corrupted by its wealth. Well, my Liberal friends, what the heck do you think would happen here, the wealthiest country in the world? If only somehow we could stop those who aspire to Socialize America from becoming corrupt! Then like all these other success stories it might just work here.

When a population of people give up their rights to have a democratic form of government, where there are checks and balances, in favor of a government who taxes and controls EVERY aspect of their lives, promising everyone will be paid “one Mark for one hour’s work” you can bet Bernie Sanders is not going to accept one Mark for his hour’s work, should he become dictator of America.

Here is the link to Mike Jones editorial: https://www.quora.com/When-you-watch-a-stadium-filled-with-white-people-chanting-Send-her-back-about-a-US-Congresswoman-and-our-President-silently-endorses-it-what-comes-up-for-you/answer/Mike-Jones-169?ch=1&fbclid=IwAR2_Ub0fyFMkFvADqketiL1f3RUoL8D5ZH_SkCAmziFBW3scJMU4RYH4xMY&share=7c766062&srid=jYsF

End Divisivness

Almost all the Democrat candidates speak of unity. They are consistent in their message that President Trump is divisive. The problem lies with where and what the Democrats consider divisive. The main thing to consider here is that all the Democratic candidates want to unite only those who agree with their Socialist agenda. They have absolutely no concern for Middle America, whether the middle consists of moderate Democrats or Republicans. This is not supposition. The message from nearly all the Democrat candidates is unified.

 It is also apparent that any point of view that is in opposition from theirs will not be tolerated, even from those in their own party. So the deceptive talk of unification is the same language President Obama used, when he said “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”, “if you like your health plan, you can keep your health plan”.

 There is only one objective for those on the Democratic platform. The objective is to sell the wealth of this country to the highest bidder, to borrow against the net worth of this country, to line the pockets of those in power, and forever enslave those who drive the commerce and wealth of this country to support the grand ideals of those in power.

If these Democrat’s mouths move, they are lying.  Absolutely none of their proposals are feasible, none of their promises are economically sustainable, nor can be kept to the American people. The promises of unity are only meant for those who tow the line, and follow in lockstep. This is the way of all the tyrants that govern Socialist countries. It is the only way to sustain the expense of these governments. It works for a while, but eventually the people whose paychecks fund the government, grow weary of how hard they work, because there is little reward. Why work hard, get a meager wage and see your neighbor get government freebies? Soon the working become the enslaved people also getting their share of the government handouts.

Then, like all the countries that embrace this form of government, there is ultimately some kind of revolt. Sometimes the populous buys into the promises of another tyrant, sometimes, not. In most of these countries, the citizens are unarmed, or inadequately armed to defend against such tyranny.

In the USA, thankfully, from lessons learned, when the founders wrote our constitution, they had the insight to allow Americans to arm themselves to resist this kind of tyrannical take over. As long as we have a second amendment that gives us the inalienable right to keep and bear arms against those who would terrorize and oppress us (as the Democrats are proposing) we can prevent their Socialist machine from having absolute rule over the people.

Socialcrats Debates

Watching the Democrat debates, or rather as much as I could stand to watch, the theme is the same. The agenda for these future  ‘wannabees’ is that everyone is entitled to all sorts of free stuff, or to revisit the civil rights era in the sixties.

 What these aspiring Socialists are not telling anyone is how they intend to get us there. There is talk of taxing the rich at higher rates, and a carbon tax, and a host of other non specifics. The reality, however, is that in all of these socialist countries that the Democrats adore, and want to model our government after, there are harsh forced social economic laws designed to balance expenditures with economic viability. Not to mention how much more debt this country would acquire. We are in debt for trillions now, and we are a capitalist country. In most, if not all Socialist countries, it is mandatory that all citizens participate for a minimum of two years of military service.  All able bodied persons are required to work, by law, and for a predetermined wage by the government. Failure to comply means imprisonment for dissidents.

All companies are government owned in some form or another, and there would be no more private insurance. So these Amazons, Googles, Microsofts, and Facebooks, of this country that support these Democrat candidates had better think long and hard about their allegiances, because they are the first ones to become property of the Socialist regime. It’s no secret; everyone knows that all the free college, free health care, and “Green New Deal” types of pipe dreams are going to be real expensive.

Do they think the Socialist government is going to get the money from the poorest people in society? No! They are going to go where the richest companies are first. That means Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Facebook arethe first companies on the chopping block. For some of the best and brightest, I have never seen such a bunch of dummies, supporting the very party that will lead to their ultimate demise. If these guys think that they are going to get special treatment for their allegiance, they have another thing coming; these candidates are eating their own now, like rabid wolves. Bernie and Liz are already salivating at the thought of getting Google and Amazon’s money to give to illegal immigrants to secure their reelection.

Democratic Socialism Does Not Exist

Since The Democratic Party was formed around 1840 they have been coming up with creative ways to spend taxpayer dollars. Socialism in its very nature can only function through some kind of financial leverage on the people and businesses whom it governs. So when I hear people like Bernie Sanders use the term “Democratic Socialist” I get shivers down my spine. I haven’t heard him or anyone else actually give a descriptive definition of the term, but I think it’s a polite way of saying “give me all your money, and I will spend it for you”.

Under Socialist rule, there is no cap on taxation. That is determined  by the needs of those in power. The words “Democratic Socialist” may sound sexy to the ignorant, but the two terms are contradictory in essence.

The word ‘Democratic’ indicates that the people have a voice in how they are governed. ‘Socialist’ is a term for a government that gives all authority and power to the government.

The promise of ‘free’ government services for anything, whether it’s college, or health care, a wage guarantee, or even  energy for that matter is an illusion that can only be attained by forcefully taking the funds from the productive aspects of society, or borrowing from others, to fund itself.

Under a socialist government, the government ends up being in control of goods and services. Look at what a mess the Veterans Administration is for our bravest heroes. Until President Trump allowed our Veterans to see any doctor they wanted, they were restricted by the government to see only certain doctors. This is socialism: Not choice, not control, and not ‘FREE”.


Hello Socialist America

In recent Trump rallies the President has touted that “America will never be a Socialist country”. Oh how I wish that were true. Unfortunately, America has become more of a Socialist country than most people realize. An aging population of “baby boomers” has grown very comfortable with the convenience of social welfare programs. Why do you think there is such an influx of immigrants attempting to enter the U.S.? These people are from countries that have Socialist governments, so they well understand how to fit into the social welfare system.

 Our public education system, governed by mostly union representation, has brainwashed most of our young population into the belief that Socialism is a viable alternative to personal aspiration. The fact is that the unions are modeled almost exactly after a Socialist government. That model then influences the manner in which union teachers shape our children’s minds. The union, being a central organization that governs its workers, that are all given the same wage and benefits through its representation. These unions are further propped up by The Federal Government’s support through The Department of Education, which by the way, is a blatant overreach.

 Nowhere in The Constitution does it allow for the government to have this function, or that of social welfare. Objections can also be raised for The Departments of Energy, Commerce, and Transportation also, all created simply for the purpose of taxation.

Recently there has been another push to convert our nation to a Socialist country, in a very discreet manner that almost no one has probably thought through. It’s being perpetrated under the guise of environmental concern. It is none other than the electric automobile. Has anyone thought about where and how the electricity charges these vehicles? These vehicles are not saving the planet. The utility companies that produce power for these vehicles are tightly regulated by the federal government. It costs as much to produce the electricity, and has as much or more impact on the planet as the fossil fuels that it is designed to replace. Anyone thought about the entire refit and repair industry that has to be created to support these vehicles as they age? Electric vehicles are designed for one purpose alone, to create dependency. A dependent population is a compliant one and one that is easily duped.

There is only one viable solution to the use of fossil fuel that allows for the capitalist free market to thrive. It’s called Hydrogen. It’s believed to be the most abundant atom in the universe. There are many reasons that this resource is being discouraged from public use. The most prevalent one is that it is dangerous and explosive. The fact is, like any other energy source, technology and innovation provide the mechanism for safety. Gasoline is explosive. Nuclear power is explosive. Electricity is explosive, none of which are anywhere near as abundant, and leave only water as a byproduct when utilized.

 It’s simple; really, the fear is that technology will eventually allow people to utilize the energy source without government interference. In other words, it would be free, and relieve the population from energy dependence both on the corporate and federal sides. Hydrogen, by the way is already widely being used for rocket fuel and in commercial applications for plasma cutting.

 My advice; don’t be like the rest of the sheep and follow the herd mentality of electric grid dependency. After all, if all these newbie millennial Democrats are pushing it, there has to be a catch.

Democrat Delirium

The Democratic Party is racing to push America off the cliff into the abyss of Socialism hell. The pipe dreams of a Socialist Utopia are beginning to grip the Democrats with a fever delirium like that of a person afflicted with Yellow fever.

Sundar Pichai, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg might want to start reconsidering party affiliation. I know these are smart people because of their financial achievements. That is exactly why they should make some changes. If by chance one of the salivating Socialists is elected as president, all of these guys, and plenty of others stand to have everything they’ve worked to achieve be confiscated for “the greater good” of what will then become The People’s Republic of America, or some other fancy name descriptive of a Socialist country, maybe even Nazi America.

 As these Socialist lunatics seek to fund “The Green New Deal” or any of some fifty or so other Socialist programs they are going to target the richest first because the targets are so lucrative. As more and more people flee from the workforce, for the easier path of free welfare, the need to fund the programs will become more desperate. Bezos and many others have embraced the Democratic Party with such vigor that they neglect the fact that they are “dancing with the devil”. The first thing I and the rest of Americans should do if any of these idiots get elected is sell all your investments, withdraw your bank accounts, and bury your money in the backyard somewhere, along with your firearms.

 Make no mistake these power hungry aspiring dictators first want to get their hands on The Federal Reserve, and when that’s not enough money to pay for their crazy schemes, they are coming after the rest of the corporate and private sector’s wallets. I wonder if anyone else has considered that if “The Green New Deal” is implemented, that it will bankrupt America. As it slowly does so, the need to borrow trillions of dollars to pay for it will make America extremely vulnerable to foreign invasion, especially to the creditors from whom we’ve borrowed. Face it no other country on the planet is going to sign up for this lunacy. Once America has succumbed to the Socialist ideal, and stripped of its ability to finance the military, it will be an attractive target for those nations that would aspire to rule over us.

The Smollet Case Socialist Sideshow

One thing I hope can be gained from the Smollett hoax is that the same accountability be held for the media outlets that rushed to be the judge, jury, and executioner of the Trump supporters when the story first broke. The propagandized media has had a consistent narrative of divisiveness since the election of President Trump. This rush to judgment before the facts needs to be punished or it will eventually lead to civil war in this country.

The Congressional leaders need to be held to account also. These Congressional leaders that embrace the divisive rhetoric call themselves patriots. They are not. It is called subversiveness. Their sole intention is not to serve their constituencies, but to subvert not only the duly elected President, but the will of the American people to attain their personal aspirations in the pursuit of power. Just take a look at what most of these congressmen and women have announced publicly; they all want to be president. How can Americans elect a presidential candidate that not only exhibits the disregard for the rule of law, but also  the sheer frothing at the mouth desire to have absolute authority, completely disregarding the will of the American people? These Democratic candidates not only desire the presidency, but some have publicly admitted through their Socialist ideals, actually desire to be Dictators of America.

The hypocrite multi-millionaire Bernie Sanders, for example; of Jewish decent, who slaps the face of every oppressed Jewish person from the concentration camps of Nazi Germany, (a Socialist Government), to those who were persecuted by Czar Nicholas, calls himself a Democratic Socialist. Newsflash! There is no democracy in a Socialist government. This form of government has complete rule through the will of the dictator, and his appointed military generals, period! This goes the same for all these other clowns that want to be Dictators of America. This, by the way consists of most if not all, of those Democrats that have announced their candidacy.

The phrase ‘Democratic Socialist’ is a made up buzz word to deceive the poorly educated in matters of politics. There is either Democracy, (free will of the people to govern themselves through an elective process), or there is Socialism, (government rule over the will of the people). In every case of Socialist rule, the elected Dictator professes that the people can elect anyone they choose. Unfortunately, once in power the corruption of said power denies the will of the people, and the election process is then rigged in favor of the Dictator. How long has Putin been in power? How about the Castros? Maduro of Venezuela is downright refusing to leave his position. What makes anyone think that Dictators Sanders, Booker, or Harris would be any different? Unless and until any given Dictator feels that their personal agenda has been accomplished, (which, by the way is never) they will refuse to step down, unless maybe if their successor has the same agenda as theirs.

Democratic Socialism

For decades the Democratic Party has based its fundamental principle on the idea that government can simply tax and spend its way to solve the challenges that confront it. This principle was effective for a while, but runaway spending and unchecked expenditures have made that theory unworkable.

 It is human nature to be greedy. Decades of unchecked greed through lobbyists, nepotism, and government contracts through connections have severely diminished the ability of government to provide responsible and reliable results for its endeavors. There are decades of research results that show the ineffectiveness of government. There have been accounts of government spending twenty dollars for a wrench that cost fifty cents in the private sector.

Now there is a push from Democrats on the extreme fringes of the left of their party for Socialism. Given the inability for government to efficiently operate at every level as it is, who in their right mind would think that the U.S government could make a successful crack at Socialism.

It barely functions on the guidelines set forth in a clearly written constitution that outlines every aspect of what is needed to succeed. The propensity for rampant corruption and chaos is just a brief distraction from the rule of law away. Not only would it be a disaster, but the conditions are perfect for failure, given the level of incompetence and corruption that infects our government as it is.

Imagine the level of rampant corruption without the regulations and guidelines that partially keep things in check now. Allowing the government to have the ultimate authority over the will of the people is absolutely insane!

Trump’s Deal & State of Emergency

Today President Trump finally declared a State of Emergency with regard to the invasion at our southern border. This is long overdue, and what most people like Jim Acosta @ C.N.N. don’t want to recognize, is the crisis has long been manifesting itself within our borders.

 Our Public Assistance programs are shelling out hundreds of billions of fraudulent payments to illegal immigrants that are living in America. Yes, my friends, that’s right, billions with a B. Recent investigations show that about seventy percent of those here illegally are tapping into our public assistance programs, and most of them have no plans of letting go of this cash cow. Most of the others are in prison, and they too have no intention of letting the cash cow go either. The problem can’t be blamed solely on the illegal immigrants, though. The federal government has an extremely poor track record of both verification and accountability in most of the welfare, or Socialist programs, as I regard them.

These programs are a runaway train wreck waiting to explode one day, as they drain the resources paid into them by working businesses and individuals. This is why people abuse them, because the federal government rarely actually sends a person of authority to the locations where the payments are going, never mind, to verify who is actually spending our money or cashing the checks. This ballooning financial burden gets a little worse as each illegal gains entry and immediately begins exploiting this lucrative means of income. The biggest lie being perpetrated by C.N.N. and other networks including Fox is that most of the people climbing our fences at the border are coming to work. Why the heck would someone who is used to getting paid twenty dollars a month working in Guatemala work here, when they can get twenty thousand or more annually on public assistance? Loopholes in the system and the lack of checks and balances can pay for food, housing, transportation, medical care, education, even funeral expenses.

This and finding a way to give voting rights to illegals is the real reason the Socialist wing of the Democratic party is fighting so hard to deceive Americans. It’s simple, if illegals keep pouring in, and the government continues to support them, the voting bloc of the dependent grows to a point where it out numbers those who are opposed. Socialism is then the inevitable outcome.