Inauguration Anticipation

When Obama won The White House in 2008 and a battle weary George Bush was finally able to retire, the wait between election day and inauguration day seemed to pass quickly. I think it was because of the uncertainty of what was to be. When Romney was defeated in 2012 it passed quickly because of the Benghazi scandal and the questionable nature in which Democrats were able to deceive the American people deferring intentionally the actions of The White House’s blunder until after the election.

Now, however, it is the certainty that Donald Trump is going to rectify the disaster that has gripped the nation over the past eight years that is excruciating to wait for. This has been like a starving person waiting on a line for food, and hoping there will be some left when they finally reach the front of the line.

As a self-employed land developer, I have seen a total shut down in the real-estate market, low interest rates make it almost impossible for banks to write mortgages. All my assets have basically been frozen for almost nine years. The rise in health insurance costs have forced me into foreclosure on one of the assets. The Affordable Care Act, which should be called The Insurance Monopoly Tax, has bankrupted most of the smaller competitive insurance companies.

The racial divide created by an omnipotent and divisive successive pair of Attorney Generals could be compared with the dark ages of the late 50’s and early 60’s of bigoted segregation, only the color of actors has been reversed. The liberal agenda to be politically correct  without any regard for common sense has led to several attacks on American soil by foreign actors taking advantage of the blind ignorance of these policies.

The nation’s debt doubling under the load of artificially generated statistics with regard to economic growth by dumping cheap money into the economy, in just eight years. The quagmire of failed foreign policy that has left America in a problematic situation, both with allies and adversaries. The intentional corruption of our republic to conform to an ideal of global socialism, leaving our very way of life in tatters, by bastardizing the constitution through executive action.

All this falling on the shoulders of the incoming commander-in-chief, a tall order to say the least. It is the promise of real hope for a free and sovereign America, the way America is supposed to be, that makes the wait untill inauguration so very excruciating.

I doubt that the intentions of the liberal socialist Obama administration can be reversed in two terms of Donald Trump, I can only hope that there can be a successor with the courage to follow him, and stand for American liberty, and thwart those who would let liberty be swallowed up by the obscurity of all the other failed socialist experiments in the rest of the world.

Fear is hitting the Democrats Hard


Does anybody wonder what happened to the 12 trillion dollars of new debt that Obama created since he took office in 2008? How can it be possible to spend, what amounts to the entire unfunded liability of The United States of America, plus 50% in just eight years?

The answer is not as complicated as one might think. Most Americans go to work, deposit their income in an account and spend the money according to priority. If their expenses are greater than what they earn, they borrow the rest, or sell something they can live without to make up the difference.

The Federal Government works in much the same way except they can cheat the normal boundaries that most of us are confined to. The first thing that can be done is to regulate the rate of interest that is earned on deposits. The next is to print more or less money, lowering or raising the actual value of it. The third, and probably most importantly, is to sell something that is not needed, unfortunately, that happens to be in the form of printed documents known as U.S.Treasuries, Securities, and Bonds, all of which  can adversely affect the U.S. economy, depending on the manner in which they are used. 

Just like when a person sells a car, they try to get the most money they can at the time of the sale, The Federal Government sells these financial instruments when it wants more cash. The downside to this is similar to what happens to anyone when they  try to buy them back. The resale is often far more expensive to the original owner, sort of like a pawn shop.

When President Obama took office in 2008 the democrats in power had a huge dilemma. How do they cover up the cause of the financial crisis, and convince America that Obama is doing a great job with the economic recovery? The first was easy, blame the downturn on president Bush’s policies, the gullible public bought it wholesale, even though Bush’s policies were those implemented by a Democratic supermajority in the Senate, led by the charge of Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, and reckless liberal lending regulations. The second dilemma of showing positive economic growth, that was easy, too. Just sell something that isn’t needed, like the country itself.

Since it has been made very clear that the liberals are not happy with the shape of government the way it is, then selling the country to preserve the delusional experiment of socialist reform was of no consequence.

Remember the statement “I am going to fundamentally change government.” By slowly selling off Federal financial instruments and funneling the funds back into specific areas of the economy, like The Federal Reserve, The Internal Revenue Service, The Veterans Administration, probably some for media censorship, propaganda, and other government agencies, the data would reflect slow but steady economic growth.

Just as what has been reflected over the past eight years.  A little under nine  percent of the U.S. debt was used to prop up the insurance and financial industry, and a little more for the auto industry to bail them out. Where did the other ninety-one percent of incurred unfunded liability (11 and 1/4 trillion) go? If the economy was recovering, then why  would The Federal Government need to borrow that much money?

The bottom line is, it has been very expensive to our nation for the democrats to try to keep Americans fooled for eight years, and the exposure of the probably greatest fraud ever committed historically  is about to be revealed to us, by finally having honest representation in government.

I hope Americans will learn from this very expensive lesson,  that government through deception, is no government at all, and the ideology of a liberal socialist nirvana is far too expensive, just to satisfy a handful of political elites because the rest of us will not benefit from a socialist government.

Hopefully as the scope of this fraud is exposed by a Donald Trump administration, and the web of deception unwound, Americans will learn from it and be a little more wary of democrats offering gifts. Hopefully this level of deceit and corruption won’t come back again for a long long time.


The First Attempt at Socialism in America


Many people may not know this, but socialism was first attempted in America in 1620. In the year 1620 the famous voyage of The Mayflower anchored off the New England shoreline. The ship set sail with 102 passengers of men, women, and children. The people on board were dissatisfied with the government and the greedy corruption of their homeland.

The people on board were of strict religious conviction, similar to the modern-day Amish. The colony was governed by a man named John Carver who died in the spring of 1621. Also on that first voyage was a man known as William Bradford, he kept a detailed journal about that first attempt to colonise the land where they came ashore.

The Puritans, or Pilgrims as they are now referred, believed that only through a communal effort could they attain enough provisions to survive in this new world. In Bradford’s journal he describes how everyone was assigned different tasks to achieve a common goal to support the whole community. In the journal, Bradford describes how dissention, apathy, and jealousy quickly began to consume the colonists.

Men became jealous that their wives were doing tasks for other men, that those who were stout and suited for heavy jobs were becoming jealous that others had easier duties, and so on.  It was described in direct excerpt from Bradford’s own words, “For the young men that were able and fit for labor and service did repine that they should spend their time and work for other men’s wives and children, without recompense. The strong of men had no more division of food, clothes etc., than he that was weak and not able to do a quarter the other could, this was thought an injustice. The aged and graver men be ranked and equalized in labor and food, clothes, etc.. With the meaner and younger sort, thought it some indignant and disrespect to them. And for other men’s wives to be commanded to do service for other men, as dressing their meat, washing their clothes, etc. They deemed it a kind of slavery, neither could husbands brook it.”

 Needless to say that in the first winter, between forty-five and forty-eight people perished according to historical records. After the second year of this governmental practice, and more deaths, it was decided that some radical new approach was needed if the colony was to survive. The elders of the community decided that this way of communal living was not God’s will, that there would not have been these deaths and famine and adversity and ill will toward their fellow-man.

It was decided that property rights be given to all those proportionate to each family’s needs, and that each would be responsible only for themselves. This was a huge success. Bradford wrote, “By the time harvest was come, and instead of famine, now God gave them plenty, and the face of things was changed, to the rejoicing of the hearts of many, for which they praised God. And the effect of their planting was well seen, and for all had, one way or other, pretty well to bring the year about, and some of the abler sort more industrious had to spare, and sell to others so as any general want or famine hath not been amongst them to this day.”

These lessons have been tried and failed since the time when man had the ability to convince another that it was for a greater good, that I will govern, and allocate resources equally so that all may prosper from the collective. Unfortunately for those who are subservient to those who govern there is no equality. Man is greedy by nature, it has served him well to survive all kinds of adversity, communism, and socialism exploit the greed while capitalism curbs it and keeps it in check, through the process and rights of individual liberty creating a more respectful attitude towards our fellow-man, not only for his or her achievement, but for the potential of what is achievable.

“A Country Divided, Is Easily Conquered.”


I believe the recent riots in Charlotte, North Carolina are a direct result of an intentional  propaganda campaign from the Obama administration to divide America and continue down this path of socialism in America.

The racial division has been intentionally set in motion to perpetuate a sinister agenda by the left, in an effort to socialize America. If elected, you can expect soon after that, Hillary Clinton will swoop in and resolve the issue, simply by creating some other entitlement for these terrorists to appease them.

The rioters that are causing the terror in the inner cities based on no more than bits of video from a cell phone, will be given some kind of federal recognition or some other form of gratitude, further plunging this country towards the desired socialist state of the political left.

Face it folks, Donald Trump is the only hope to preserve the remaining bastion of hope for a free America! He is exactly correct when he says Hillary Clinton doesn’t want to serve the American people, she wants the American people to be her servants (subjects.)

Donald Trump has repeatedly expressed his intent is to serve as commander-in-chief, with emphasis on his devotion to help all Americans to achieve a better America for themselves and the country. Hillary Clinton can’t achieve any of her proposed goals, without  intentionally disparaging all those who don’t share the same liberal socialist values as herself, i.e. the  “deplorables.”