Warren’s Worker Party

The Socialist Elizabeth Warren is shouting at the top of her lungs “I’m for the working people”. Unfortunately, the last Socialist to make those claims started The National Socialist Workers Party. In other words, The NAZI Party. These so called “Progressives” are really just plain old Socialists, under a different name. They all have the same common denominator. They boast of income inequality, social justice, and prosperity for the working class.

Unfortunately the easy money confiscated from those they deem as “enemies of the state” or have too much “income inequality” corrupts even the well intentioned, eventually. It’s very simple, really, as tons of cash pours into the already swollen government, more government employees are needed to regulate it. As more of these employees get access to the cash cow, corruption and improprieties increase with them. As this increase occurs, so does the jealousy of those who bear witness, and like a virus, it eventually is caught by the entire population. There become those who work for the government and everyone else (the poor and less fortunate). All one needs to do is open a historical reference book.

It’s always the same, and always ends the same way, in every country, everywhere, at every time in history. First they disarm the population, then they begin selectively stripping wealth from those evil rich people, then the cycle unfolds. We as a nation don’t need “Robin Hood” to be our president!

Taking Back America

Is anyone else completely fed up with the “Shell Game” tactics of our F.B.I. and D.O.J.? These smug and arrogant bastards like Comey and Strzok have a self-righteous and indignant manner worthy of a good beat down! Just seeing the Cheshire smirk on these guys faces pisses me off.

In a way I can understand it. After all, there is no consequence for any of their indiscretions. They swear before Congressional committees that they are upholding the laws of our nation and protecting the American people, yet in order to do so they have to ignore certain ones. Particularly those that apply to them.

I see plenty of non-government people being convicted, like Cohen and Manafort, for lying to the F.B.I. and D.O.J. officials. By their own admissions, Comey, Strzok, Mccabe,  Clapper Lynch, Holder, and Clinton, and a host of others, are all guilty of domestic espionage (foreign espionage in Clinton’s case) lying to Congress, and federal prosecutors, and treason, yet not one arrest or conviction! Better face up to it, folks, there are two standards of criminality in this country. One for those who are supposed to serve us in government, and completely another for the rest of us.

Unless and until true representatives of the American people, and American values, are elected and  they are willing to disinfect the scourge of Socialist ideals plaguing our public institutions, will we then get the (people’s government) back!

The Unaffordable Care Act

The Republican Party has been dissected by the aspirations of the quickly growing Socialist party to which the Democratic Party is leaning towards with gusto. The lack of adequate leadership and political conviction is tearing down the fabric of conservatism, for fear of political backlash from Democrats and the bias media.

The whole premise to “replace the A.C.A. or Obama care” as it has been affectionately referred to, is an intimidation tactic by Democrats for political gain. There is no real substantive argument to replace the “health care insurance tax” other than to give the insurance industry another government subsidy. There is absolutely no reason that Republicans can’t repeal the tax immediately. The failed leadership in congress by Paul Ryan is solely responsible for the delay.

Apparently, the Democrat’s intimidation of both media and political reprisal has gotten to Ryan. Simply put, the repeal of the tax is an easy Yay or Nay matter. The intimidation from Democrats that there is no replacement seems to be the stickler for the Republicans. These little panty-waisted gutless, spineless girly boys that call themselves “representatives” need to pull up their pants and stand for something for once, before they allow these Socialist Democrats to govern from a bully pulpit, behind the scenes. Wake up! You dummies, repeal the stupid tax, already, and resolve the rest through reconciliation. If Paul Ryan doesn’t have the backbone, get rid of him!

Ryan and McConnell are the two biggest obstructionists to the Republican Party, short of Schumer and Pelosi.

The simple solution to this legislative nightmare is that the Congress votes to repeal the tax. Then the Senate approves it. Then the President signs it. Then new legislation is created to force the insurance industry to not only cover “pre-existing conditions”, but to create guidelines as to what qualifies as such, and to place a mandated cap on what the insurers can charge for their rates.

What does the term “pre-existing condition” mean, anyway? Once you head down that slippery slope, the door is wide open for loose interpretation. Does a peanut allergy you had since childhood qualify? Or how about arthritis from an old football injury? Or maybe persistent migraine headaches. Diabetes? Should Americans reimburse the insurance companies for someone’s Tylenol or Insulin that they are claiming on their insurance?

The idea to hold Americans hostage so that the insurance industry can get fatter is absurd. Under the A.C.A. the insurance industry determines what a “pre-existing condition” is then, by law, Americans are being forced by law, to compensate insurers for the coverage that, again the insurer deems is appropriate.

The  A.C.A. is a prop-up for the insurance industry, that makes the insurance companies richer. This is amusing, since Democrats created the law, yet have also claimed that big rich companies are America’s evil, and demonize them at every chance they get.

The only difference between this tax and the Boston Tea Tax is that Americans haven’t got the guts to stand up to fight against it!



America: Now a Socialist Dictatorship

The most logical explanation for the lack of due diligence by the Justice department and the FBI with regard to criminal indictment of Hillary Clinton is that the bid for the presidency was planned immediately after her defeat to President  Obama for the democratic nomination in 2008. President Obama appointed Mrs. Clinton to the State department with premeditation that Hillary Clinton would rerun for the 2016 bid for President. This is why an Obama administration could never let any indictment occur under Obama’s watch.

The intentional misdirection and refusal to indict are obviously meant to protect the President’s legacy, as well as keep his promise to Mrs. Clinton. The appointments of Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, James Comey and two other supreme court Justices, are all pieces of a nearly indestructible corruption scheme that preserves the sanctity of all whom it is designed to protect from the laws of the land.

This is the epitome of the definition of the phrase, “absolute power, corrupts absolutely.” When politics persuade the Justice department and military decision, you have a dictatorship. That is Obama’s great achievement for change.

The recent discovery of direct communication from the White House to military leaders to spin the narrative about ISIS, combined with the refusal of the justice department to indict a public servant even though these blatant violations of the legal statutes are facts not supposition.

Obama has fundamentally changed the United States Government. We now live under rul of a socialist dictatorship. Here are the common similarities to other socialist regimes:

  1. Social unrest – clashes between law enforcement and citizens – riots in inner cities.
  2. Disparity between the elites and the poor.
  3. Politicized military and justice department.
  4. Socialized medicine.
  5. Media bias – censorship for the socialist party.
  6. Socialist candidates running for office.
  7. Political elites of the party exempt from prosecution.
  8. Stifling of free enterprise to favor cheap imports.
  9. Massive government control of entitlement to include food stamps, free rent,  heating bills, phone bills, electric bills all paid for by the taxation of the middle class worker.
  10. The deliberate brainwashing of our youth by treasonist liberal socialist educators at our universities and even at the grade school level.
  11. Legislation through executive orders.

There is only one thing left – disarming of citizens for total control of the population.

A few more corrupt supreme court justices are all that are needed to complete Obama’s agenda.

Donald Trump’s slogan should be:

Make America, America Again.

More Americans Murdered

written – June 17 2016

The FBI, CIA and IRS are under the direction of the U.S. President. In all three attacks, Orlando, Boston and San Bernardino, the FBI had knowledge of the killers. They could have enforced the law and held all of them for suspicion of Treason. All three attacks would have been prevented. Obama is directly responsible for all the deaths. I believe the FBI has orders from the president not to enforce the laws regarding treason. Obama’s direct threats made when he spoke at the Orlando memorial for the victims, promising more attacks unless his gun control agenda is agreed to, only reinforces this theory. This is also why Hillary Clinton will never face any charges for her acts of treason. If Obama and those who agree with his socialist policies are not stopped, our constitutional rights will be stripped away one at a time until we are under a dictatorship like other socialist countries. The military and other federal agencies are there for the people’s defense and protection not pawns for the President’s personal agenda. This is why a TRUMP presidency is such a threat to the corrupt, secretive and dishonest Obama administration. Additionally the burdensome medical insurance tax should not be given such a glamorous name as Obama Care. It is just one of the many steps taken by this administration towards a dictatorship socialist government. I am hopeful that a DONALD TRUMP presidency can reverse the tragic loss of constitutional rights and socialism that the country is inevitably headed for.