Covid-19 -Who benefits the Most?

The C.I.A. needs to follow the money trail on the creation and spread of COVID-19. This is the ideal scenario for Bezos, Soros, Gates, and the Clintons- a perfect experiment or microcosm as it were for Socialism in America.

 So far the American people have complied like the perfect lab rats they are, buying into all the Socialist conformities, and narratives that are needed for the experiment. Regardless of who funded this viral experiment that has been unleashed on the American people, it started in China. Of this we are certain. So, I recommend that China pays for the recovery effort, no matter what the price tag is to the American taxpayer. A good start would be to forgive the debt on all the bonds and other financial instruments that China holds. The tariffs on Chinese goods should be increased dramatically also. It is flat out criminal to hold American taxpayer’s feet to the fire for this.

As a prophylactic measure, all temporary visas from Chinese nationals should be revoked, at least until we can sort out the origin and subsequent rapid spread of the virus. We can’t rule out the possibility that this virus was brought to this country, and spread intentionally by Chinese agents of their government.

 After all, we are finding out, although painfully slowly, that there was an effort by The Chinese Government to censor the origin and those involved in the release of this virus from at least one lab in China. I have one question about that: Why? If there was nothing sinister about it and it was accidental, why try to cover anything up? I think that the deeper that this is investigated, the wider open “Pandora’s box” will become.

Suspicious Packages Sent to Democrats

Even though suspicious packages which may or may not contain explosives, have been sent to prominent Democrats, Soros, Clinton, Waters, and Obama, it would not surprise me if it is a disgruntled, incentivized Liberal Democrat who is responsible. As a desperate attempt to influence people to not vote for Republicans in the upcoming midterm elections.

What is very suspicious to me, is that none of these devices detonated.

Caravan from Central America

An invasion force from Central America is fast approaching our southern border. Some of the people may have ill intent to our nation, and some may just be looking for work, while others may seek asylum.

Since political correctness dictates that all are assumed to have innocent intentions, we must treat them all the same. Just like screening at all our airports, to avoid missing the one that does irreparable harm, all Americans are screened. This is no different. In order to be effective, all these individuals must be verified as to their point of origin, their destination, their contacts here, and their intentions if they are allowed to enter.

Since this influx is similar to an invasion force from another country, it must be treated as such. The border agency does not have the resources, and frankly this is above their pay grade. The United States Military, however, does have the capability to handle such things. The United States has no choice at this point, to properly address and assess these people it must be deployed, and in adequate numbers as to not be overwhelmed. If the invaders use force to gain entry, then equal and opposing force must be given to neutralize the threat.

Once the enemy surrenders and has been captured in the military operation each individual can be assessed as to the threat level and appropriate action can be taken on a case by case evaluation process. There is no other reasonable response that can be taken at this point. The invading force has grown to that of a whole battalion of forces of 14,000 strong.

DEPLOY THE ARMED FORCES AT ONCE! Failing to do so may historically, go down as the biggest blunder of the Trump Presidency, if not, any presidency.