On the Matter of a Manufactured Crisis at the Southern Border

On what most on the left considered short notice, President Trump gave a public address to the nation to explain his concerns for the security and well being for the American people with regard to the situation on our southern border.

The disturbing thing was not what was said in the address, but the response from the leaders of the Democratic party, particularly the comments made by Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. Immediately following the President’s remarks, they issued their rebuttal. Their claims were that the crisis on the southern border is all a manufactured crisis by the President. The complicit media then set out with the usual propaganda campaign, literally repeating the hypocritical statements from Pelosi and Schumer word for word.

The Democrats are accurate in their analysis that it is a manufactured crisis, but it has been manufactured by the Democrats, through an aggressive advertising campaign perpetrated by operatives that have been deliberately sent to the Central American region to convince people, particularly, pregnant women and children, to come to America for the promise of a better life, with all the freebies that come with our social welfare programs. These people were deliberately told that there were  loopholes in American immigration laws, and to claim asylum when they arrived at our border. These migrants were also told that women with children would be cared for and given entry into America. The people were then given instructions and routes to follow, as well as some logistics to provide food, water, and shelter along most of the journey.

The sad thing about this is not only  the denial by Democrats to admit the facts, but the cover up of the whole scheme. To deny that there is a crisis at the southern border, and having the complicit media follow suit is nothing less than criminal, and those responsible for this humanitarian crisis should be prosecuted. The media has been reporting about these migrant “caravans” for months now, and not only is this a threat to national security, but the migrants attempting to get here are being sexually assaulted, robbed, plagued with illnesses, and risking their very lives because of the deception perpetrated on them by these Democratic operatives. All  this done to try to gain Democratic majority and control in government to figure out, in their best interest, ways to spend the American taxpayers money.

You can be certain that someone in a think tank operating in the interest of the Democratic party somewhere, thought this mass migration would tear at Americans heart strings and guilt all of us into favoring the Democratic party for compassionate humanitarian reasons.

Let me put this out there: If twenty five strangers showed up at your house demanding not only entry and permanent lodging, but to be fed, clothed, and medically evaluated, and treated if necessary. Would you just open the door? This is the situation at our southern border. Pundits on both sides of the aisle are criticizing the President for considering a declaration of national emergency to address this situation. There are even Republicans that are saying that there is a high political price that President Trump faces for doing so.

The Democrats are already trying desperately to come up with ways to impeach the President. How much higher can the political price get at this point? If the President acts now, I submit that he can fund the project of protecting Americans from this imminent threat through military action, deter the incentive, as well as remove any political leverage that the Democrats are holding over him on this issue. The Army Corps of Engineers can then build the wall, as well as roll out rows of razor wire in areas where it isn’t practical because of adverse natural terrain to construct the wall, barrier, or fence, as some would rather call it.