Dear President Trump:

For Christ’s sake, there is another invasion force of migrants heading here, Pelosi will not negotiate, it is time to call this a national emergency, already! Let the chips fall where they may, politically.

Face it Mr. President, the next two years are going to be nothing less than more of this crap from the Democrats. Ask yourself, what do you think Obama would do in this situation? The answer is anything that is necessary to move forward with the agenda. Stop playing a stooge for the Democratic left, grow a pair and get this done. Otherwise the Democrats are going to find a way to tie you directly to the suffering of those laid off government workers. Face facts! The Democrats are just hell-bent on impeachment anyway. ”The Art of The Deal” will not work in this situation.

 Obama had no problem governing from the Executive Branch and neither should you, Mr. President. Forget about the optics, and just get things moving forward, despite Pelosi, Schumer, and the rest of the Socialists. The political price has already been paid at this point.