Nationwide Election Fraud

Trump was right that his campaign was spied on. He was right that the impeachment was without merit. He has won almost every legal challenge put before his administration. How many times does the “boy who cried wolf” have to have wolves actually show up before he is believable? Not many people question Dr. Fauci and he’s only right about half of the time. Now, a reporter from Nevada has come forward, admitting that he intentionally submitted several fraudulent mail-in ballots, and all were counted as valid.

It isn’t Russia or China, or Iran that is interfering with our elections. It’s actually happening from within. The Democratic Party has no bounds in its quest for the destruction of America to attain an Ideological aspirational experiment, mostly perpetuated by those with not only big pocketbooks, but who have no idea how the experiment may turn out. Just a bunch of theoretic nonsense that has failed everywhere any reasonable facsimile of it has been attempted. There can be no doubt, whatsoever, because the Democrats have shown their hand time and time again over the past four years. 

Where the hell are the laws concerning treason in this country? The founding fathers who wrote The Constitution considered the crime as serious as murder in the first degree, and the penalty for someone convicted the same, death, by public execution. There was good reason for this, because if left unchecked, it threatens the very freedoms that are assured in The Constitution and the Bill of Rights, themselves. Well, guess what, it has gone unchecked for decades, and here we are.

 Clinton has committed it by selling our Uranium to Russia, Comey has committed it by lying to the F.I.S.A. courts, also, possibly John Brennan, former CIA Director Eric, Holder selling weapons to a foreign nation covertly, Clapper at minimal perjured himself before congress, Biden with his nefarious dealings through his son Hunter, Lynch with an obviously planned interaction with former president Bill Clinton, again covertly, Schiff with his obstruction of a congressional investigation, and withholding controvertible evidence, maybe even Obama being aware of all of it from the start.

The crime is serious and demanded the death penalty at one time, now, not even an indictment or penalty at all. Maybe if we hanged someone in the Washington Mall Square, it would bring an end to it. What the hell is John Durham waiting for? How many years and milking the taxpayers, does an open and shut case take to write a report on it? Muller got forty million or so, with no obligation to reimburse the taxpayers for him and his team of angry Democrats’ failed endeavor. What the hell is Wray doing? This is beyond shameful or disappointing, it’s atrocious at the very minimal description. I don’t believe in defunding the police, but if Washington can’t convict anyone of a crime, the most serious crime that has been written into law possibly ever, maybe they are the ones that need to be defunded!

Google, Facebook and Twitter – Treasonous USA Monopolies

As much as I hate the idea of the government regulating any private enterprise, Google, Facebook, and Twitter have become too big for there to be reasonable free market competition in the tech industry.

When a person uses the Google search engine, they are not offered any alternate choice when using the site. Just as Bell telephone operated in the mid part of the last century. Eventually the government had to step in to allow the free market to compete. The same is applicable for Twitter and Facebook. There is no “Squawker” and “Headbook” to compete with these behemoths. The fact that there is now surfacing rumors of censorship of conservative viewpoints on these sites that claim ambiguity as their primary objective, poses another problem with deceptive marketing practices.

Since these platforms have only existed for a few decades at best, and have expanded technologically exponentially with only self governance they have been able to stay ahead of any attempts to be comprehensively monitored for their bias, because of the limited personnel working outside of these companies, that have the intellectual talent to do so. Like any other company that operates in this country there has to be some level of transparency to either the public, or the federal government.

An even more serious issue has arisen with Google, refusing to work with the U.S.military, but willing to aid the Chinese government, including making  military intellectual property of the U.S. vulnerable to hacking through open access to their cloud platform. This is the true definition of treason for an American company to aid a direct military adversary of the U.S.

So I am afraid at this point there is little choice, the federal government must intervene before our military and search information on all of Google’s hard drives becomes compromised leaving our Electric grid, business infrastructure, millions of Americans personal information, our banking, military secrets, our intelligence agencies and who knows how much other information could be accessed.The defiant acts of these tech giants to provide transparency could be the beginning and the end of a global tech war with the U.S. as the loser of that war!

The ability of a few ideologue employees that work at these tech giants could control the flow of information and determine the outcomes of free and fair elections, putting at risk the very fabric of a free America. If people are concerned about Russian interference, they should be extremely concerned about those who could interfere from within our own cyber infrastructure.

Former Secretary of State John Kerry & the Iran Nuclear Deal

It is being reported that former Secretary of State, John Kerry, is working “behind the scene” to keep the Iran Nuclear Deal alive. Now let’s think about that for a moment. On its face, it sounds like no big deal, but I have to wonder how one gets the contact info for the Mullahs in Iran? I seriously doubt that any average American can just get on the phone and call up any given leader of a country.

So that must mean that John Kerry is using top government clearance information, obtained while he was serving as Secretary to deliberately go behind the backs of the C.I.A., and other officials assigned to these matters of foreign diplomacy for his own purposes. Doesn’t that genuinely undermine the normal process of diplomacy assigned to the responsibility of the current Secretary of State?

I can see no better example of treason. This is the definition of treason – A former top-level government official, working with foreign governments on top-secret matters, concerning nuclear weapons.

Where the heck is the F.B.I., The Justice Department, the C.I.A., and the Foreign Intelligence Committee on this? Kerry should at the very least, be brought in for suspicion of both espionage and treason immediately.

Unless and until some of these high-profile people are treated  under the same rule of law as average Americans, there can be no faith in the legal process in this country.


Shakeup at the FBI

As most of us knew all along, the corruption from the Obama administration is well entrenched into the D.O.J. and the F.B.I. The Mueller investigation is a sham, and the mounting evidence being brought to light is mounting daily; proving only that the collusion here is between Russia and the Democratic Party and not the Republicans, as the corrupt media would have everyone believe. The Clinton’s involvement with the Russian government is being exposed as nothing short of treason.

Treason, once punishable by death, has now become a crime of passion, with little or no consequence. Peter Strzok of the F.B.I., is a key figure in all sorts of politically motivated misdeeds. Including a direct intention to undermine not only the 2016 election, but an active participant to directly undermine the authority of the sitting President.

If ever there was a person suspected of treason, this guy is the definition of the legal term. Yet, as I write this blog, he has not only not been charged with a crime, he is still on the taxpayer’s dime simply demoted to H.R. where he can screen future applicants to the agency.

The media went haywire when president Trump compared the F.B.I. to the K.G.B., but I’m afraid, he is absolutely correct. When agents of the most powerful enforcement agency on the globe can run their own agenda over that of impartiality, it becomes exactly like the K.G.B. with people being arrested and sent to Siberia as enemies of the state, or some other fabricated charge.

Unless, and until, people like Strzok start being properly charged and punished for these heinous crimes, the “deep state” will only get deeper and more corrupt to a point that its power is unquestioned for fear of any whistle-blower being sent to Siberia, or San Quentin, or Attica or Rikers Island. Once sent to a given institution, your voice of innocence becomes very small. If this evil, created by the Liberal Socialist Barack Obama, and allowed to flourish unchecked for eight years is not rooted out, the next Liberal Democrat to become president will have to push very few buttons to create the ultimate Liberal euphoria, complete government control over the population, not only in the U.S., but worldwide.

These recent revelations about political bias in our most powerful government agencies should be very disturbing to anyone of any political affiliation, as it threatens the freedom of all Americans.

Another Liberal Lunatic

On July 7, 2017 I watched a portion of a Liberal show on Television. It was a video of Linda Sarsour, a person of Muslim faith, and pretty well-known in the Liberal circle.  Ms. Sarsour was even praised by Obama a few years ago, calling her a “champion of democracy” or something similar. In this video Linda Sarsour made direct terrorist threats against the United States government, calling for jihad. In this climate of “lone Wolf” attacks, and the fact that America is currently at war against terror, this woman has committed an act of treason. She should be arrested and interrogated to see what ties she has to possible home-grown terrorists as well as what connections she may have overseas.

Not only did she call for jihad against the United States of America, but also called on those of Muslim faith to refuse to assimilate to U.S. culture. This is a direct violation of our immigration policy. Any person entering this country attempting to gain citizenship is required to take an oath of citizenship, and pledge their allegiance to this nation. Where the heck is law enforcement? If the lack of enforcement on this type of behavior continues, it can only embolden more of these lunatics to act against our democracy, and tear at the very fabric of society.

Freedom of speech ends when threats are made, and there has to be a clear line drawn here.


Russia’s Gift to the Uninformed

The mainstream media would love to have naive Americans  believe that Russia “interfered” with the election process. Even worse, the supposedly tolerant left would put America into another “cold war” or worse, with Russia all because of the deceptive practices of both Hillary Clinton, and the Democratic National Committee that have graciously been exposed by the alleged Russian hack into the D.N.C. e-mails. Now president Obama, abusing his authority once again, is using the weight of the U.S. government and all it’s power to place sanctions against major world power to try to disguise the problem.

Let’s take a closer look at this, folks. The Democratic National Committee is just that, a committee, not a federal agency. No American has been harmed. There has been no accountable financial loss. The e-mails were not top-secret military classified. No propaganda was used or inserted into the hack, nor was the actual voting tally process interfered with. The only thing to come out of the hack were true revelations of dirty and deceptive practices being perpetrated by the Democratic party. If anything, the revelations show attempts by Democrats to interfere with the election process through deception and dishonesty.

I submit to everyone that president Obama has not only overstepped his authority, but intentionally placing Americans in harm’s way by antagonizing , and illegally sanctioning  Russia. Its called treason! Obama should be arrested and tried for the crime, and not be allowed to even finish his term in office. The president of The United States does not have the authority to take personal vendettas against foreign countries.

Although the hack itself it can be considered cyber espionage, the D.N.C. has its own responsibility to take counter-measures, just as you or I would if our e-mails were hacked into. The federal government has no jurisdiction here. The Obama administration is using deceptive language to call this an “interference in the election process” to overstep its authority into a private enterprise’s matter. This is a very slippery slope and people need to realize that this is what liberal progressive government is all about. Inclusive and intrusive into everyone’s lives, vulnerability to a leadership that has gone off the rails. What’s next, debtors prison? Religious inquisitions? Military home invasions to remove firearms? I don’t know what has happened, but I always thought “liberal” meant free from government intrusion.

These Democrats are so hypocritical they don’t even know what they themselves stand for or believe in. Big intrusive government is socialism and has nothing to do with being a liberal, and democratic means that people are inclusive in government. The party is either Liberal, Socialist, or Democratic it can’t be all three at the same time. That’s why they lost the election. The don’t have a single platform to represent to the American people, not interference from Russia as some would like us to believe. Is Russia now going to be the sworn enemy of the United States now, over Podesta’s e-mails?