Dismantling American History

Now that the ‘RaceTrain” has a full head of steam, there’s no telling how far off the rails it can go. Kneeling during The National Anthem has nothing to do with race. It is just another excuse to show how unappreciative these high paid athletes are for the country that made their astronomical salaries possible. Athletes that disrespect America need to be released from their contracts so they can have the opportunity to go to another country to play their sport. Failing to punish these acts of disdain for our country only serves to reinforce the false idea that this is a racial issue. 

Tearing down historic landmarks and getting away with it has also served this country a major injustice. I remind people that almost a million lives were lost during The Civil War. These landmark iconic statues are there to remind us what not to historically repeat. Tearing them down will only lead us to repeat those horrific acts at sometime in the future, as their legacy is forgotten. Like the act of kneeling during The National Anthem, this has less to do with race and more to do with Anarchy. One can’t help but to notice the age group of those who are destroying these statues. All college age brainwashed socialist Anarchists trained by our own university professors. I suggest that those who support these idiots read the book 1984, by George Orwell. It was required reading for my generation in 10th grade English classes. Obviously it is no longer.

While we’re on the subject of demolishing history I guess maybe we need to take down The Vietnam Memorial because it’s a reminder that Vietnamese people died. We may as well remove The Pearl Harbor Museum while we’re at it. Any statues of Andrew Jackson have to go because of The Trail of Tears as he marched Native Americans westward to the reservations. Heck, we can’t have any George Washington statues because he is believed to have slaves, and that also means eliminating his likeness from the dollar bill. Maybe we could replace Washington’s face with Al Sharpton’s. After all, he’s pretty popular with The Black Lives Matter movement, and he’s a sucker for all the attention.

 I wonder if any of these B.L.M. activists have taken any time to consider all the white people that gave their lives to give these idiots the right to try to tear down our country. I can tell you one thing; the number of white lives lost is astronomically staggering compared to all the black lives lost for any reason worldwide, especially if you include those lost to Nazi German prison camps. 

These organized protests are nothing more than Anarchists who aspire to live in a socialist utopia. Since their aspirations are so high, we should give them a real taste of it like they do in Cuba. Round them all up, by force, and put them in prisons for social dissidence against the government. Let them stay there for a few months as political prisoners, until they plead with the president for a pardon, or until a new administration that has compassion for them.

Covid-19 craze

How do we even know how truly significant this CoronaVirus is? Scott Shellaby, otherwise known as “The Cow Guy” a trader The New York Stock Exchange articulated it very succinctly this morning. “We have nothing to compare it to,” he said. Where are the statistics on all the other pathogens that infect Americans every year? Why are we not rigorously testing for Influenza like this virus?

How do we know that this isn’t just a minor virus with a whole lot more attention being drawn to it in a presidential election year? Why was there not nearly the same attention given to H1-N1 or Swine Flu? The mortality rates for the Swine Flu were higher than this one to date according to the CDC. Also according to the CDC, “From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, CDC estimated there were 60.8 million cases, 274,304 hospitalizations and 12,469 deaths in the United States due to the (H1N1) pdm09 virus.”

 During this 2009 pandemic did the main stream media report hysterically every minute and drive people in fear to hoard food? Were we testing people for the virus? Did people stop working and hide in their houses? NO!

 The crazed media has The President, and everyone else chasing ghosts with a fly swatter. This virus is no different than any other pathogen. It comes and goes, predominantly in the winter months. 

The Federal Government or local governments, for that matter can’t force people to “stay home for the good of the rest of society” without being able to accurately target those who pose a danger to society. What has the media driven us to, a society subservient to the government like Russia?

 Last I checked this is America, a free country, where The Government is supposed to be subservient to the will of the people. There is a process for this kind of thing; first the threat is identified, isolated, and then Marshall Law must be declared to keep those that are infected from contaminating others, while the threat is being neutralized.

None of these guidelines have been adhered to prior to The Federal and local Government’s requesting people to “shelter in place”. They have the whole thing backwards; keeping healthy people at home to keep the sick ones from infecting them!

COVID-19 Vaccine

I keep hearing talk that a vaccine for the Corona Virus could be months out before it can be approved by the F.D.A. Wouldn’t the “Right to Try” law prevail here? If this virus has even one fatality, then anyone who fears for their life should have the opportunity to have any experimental vaccine tested on them, therefore bypassing the F.D.A’s cumbersome approval process.

 The biggest problem with this virus is the blanket media frenzy to put the entire country into panic mode. Do the math: There are 327 million people in the USA and 3,200 people have the virus. That is 0.00000978593 of the American population – way less than 1%. In real terms, if you were in Miami at the stadium watching The Super Bowl in a packed house, one or possibly two people might test positive for the virus. More than a thousand times the reported deaths every year are caused by Influenza, not the Corona Virus. 

The Liberal Media outlets that are intentionally spreading this panic need to be fined for this behavior. “Freedom of speech” does not mean you can run into a movie theatre and yell “FIRE!!! 

If The White House should do anything, it should be to set a national standard for what percentage of infected persons actually qualifies as a “Pandemic”. The fact that this Corona Virus has not been previously identified does not mean that it hasn’t existed before in humans, in fact, this could just be a name being labeled to what most people consider “The Common Cold”.

This, I believe, is a typical tactic used by Democrats, and their complicit media, to exaggerate the incident, cause fear, and panic to divide and conquer to gain public favor in the upcoming presidential election in November. This of course is a huge gamble, but look at the history of attempts to bring down this president. So far all huge gambles, and so far all have ended in utter despair. 

Any reasonable person should see this for what it is. The idea that this viral infection means certain death for those who contract it is simply propaganda that is being spread to forward some other agenda, and based on history, most likely The Democratic Party. 

During his entire term, Liberals have accused President Trump of being a “Protectionist”. I would like to remind the skeptics that it is “Globalist” and “Open Border” policies like those of The Obama Administration that are responsible for exactly this scenario. The resulting economic collapses and social chaos are an inevitable bi-product of those types of policies, simply because they are too reliant upon global stability. This is an unmitigable circumstance for any one country to have control of. If anything is to be learned from this so-called “Pandemic” it is that this country needs more “Protectionism” not less.

Corona Virus Politicization

All the Liberal news networks are trying to peg this virus’s implications to the population on the Trump Administration’s ability to nail it down before it becomes a pandemic. These buffoons are missing the point completely. The truth is that previous administration’s corporate tax policy and out of control unions have forced the pharmaceutical industry to outsource all the manufacturing to China. These self righteous Democrats have done nothing to curb the fact that slave and child labor in China has been an acceptable way for this country to profit, as opposed to manufacturing goods here.

Particularly most of the medications that keep us alive! Now these idiots act as if it is a huge surprise that we are caught with our pants down when it comes to helping those who need those same medicines to keep from dying. Now you have people like Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden wanting to put our government in charge of all our health care. Did anyone in government not anticipate that allowing a Communist country to take over the responsibility of manufacturing all of our most essential medications like blood pressure and antibiotic medications, that there was no chance of that coming back to bite us in the ass at some point?

Not only is China responsible for creating this disease, but now America is dependent on them to supply the medicines necessary to treat the illness. This is akin to going to war, and relying on the enemy to supply us with the weapons to fight back with. I am so astounded with the irony here that I can’t even describe it.

Qasem Soleimani Aftermath

There are concerns that the Iraqi government will vote to oust American troops in response to the air strike that took out the top Iranian general. Great! Let’s finally leave. In doing so, however, let’s not do what President Obama did by leaving all our logistics and weaponry behind. If we pull our troops from the region, every single piece of hardware must come back with them. There should not be so much as a laptop or gas can left behind! President Obama pulled our troops out and left I.S.I.S. all kinds of military equipment, even M-1 Abrahams tanks, that were then used by the enemy to kill Americans when we had to go back to engage I.S.I.S. Fighters.

This has been the problem with all of American engagements in the region; we keep failing to learn from history! Frankly, we are not welcome there and have no business being over there.

Bribery or Quid Pro Quo?

The Democrats are trying to impeach President Trump based upon the presumption of a Quid-Pro-Quo, or bribery as they are trying to change the linguistics. Unfortunately, interaction that The State Department, The Office of Foreign Affairs, or any other agency does, that concerns a second party, or foreign country, can be considered a Quid-Pro-Quo.

 For example: The United States will send troops to a foreign nation if that nation has a cease-fire and is unable to thwart off a national threat. Our troops cost The American taxpayers money, therefore it is a Quid-Pro-Quo for The U.S. to send troops, and that action must be directed either by The President or Congress. So, I guess, under the current standards for impeachment, every military intervention to give assistance to a foreign country should have prompted an impeachment hearing. 

Here’s  another example: In order for foreign nations to rely on N.A.T.O. they are expected to pay The U.S. a small percentage of their G.D.P. Guess what? This is a Quid-Pro-Quo! These types of deals happen all the time, and frankly, both The U.S. and the nations that these deals are made with would be in a world of hurt without them.

 What do you think every trade deal with every country we do business with is? Answer: A Quid-Pro-Quo! As a matter of fact anything that is traded, sold, or bartered, if it is of any measurable value to one party or another, is A Quid-Pro-Quo!

Take the Vote NOW!

The Whistleblower Law clearly states that the whistleblower must have eyewitness account of the incident to be considered “credible”, as I suspected since the beginning of this witch-hunt. Mysteriously the rule changed right before the complaint was filed. I submit therefore that whoever the Inspector General was that deemed the information given by this whistleblower to be credible to The Director of National Intelligence, is a mole acting on behalf of Democrats to take Trump down. They should resign to save face now, or be fired immediately for failing to follow the letter of the law.

The Director was also told by the Inspector General that the whistleblower followed the law, and he expressed that adamantly in the hearing. Guess what? That was also misinformation given to the Director. The whole thing stinks, and not only the complaint, but the process should be investigated. 

In light of this new revelation, anything the Director of National Intelligence said in response to questions in the Congressional Committee hearing should be stricken from the record, and any future subpoena issued to anyone from the committee, based on the whistleblower’s report be deemed null and void.

 I want to know how these Congressional Democrats can be punished for this travesty of justice. Are there no repercussions for rogue behavior of these congressmen and women? I thought they were all supposed to be attorneys. This whistleblower report is nothing more than trash to be discarded in the waste paper bin, like yesterday’s newspapers.

 I think Republicans should bring impeachment to the floor now, and force a vote now. This way we can put all this nonsense to bed. I don’t know why they have to wait for Democrats to hold their hand for everything they do. GROW A PAIR!!!

The ‘I’ Word -Part 1

President Trump needs to be less transparent. There was no need to release any transcript unless Congress goes through the appropriate steps to obtain it. Any risk to national security, is because the transcript was released bypassing the proper procedural request.

The Democrats are now calling President Trump a liar because they claim that “there is no evidence” to support his claims about  former Vice President Biden and his son, with regard to the former Vice President making a direct threat to shake down the former President of The Ukraine, in exchange for foreign aid. The only reason there is no evidence is because of the failure of The D.O.J., The D.N.I., The C.I.A., and The F.B.I to investigate Biden or Obama about the Ukraine shenanigans concerning Biden and his son’s affairs there.

Anyone that thinks Obama had nothing to do with it, or knew about what went on, really must think Obama was the biggest dummy ever to be born. Biden boasted about the deal publicly. My advice for the President – MAKE YOURSELF A LOT LESS TRANSPARENT! Anything you say or do needs to be reviewed by your counsel. Wake up! There is an open impeachment investigation. In other words, Mr. President, you are being accused of a crime. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE TO ANSWER ANYTHING YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO HAVE AN ATTORNEY PRESENT BEFORE ANSWERING QUESTIONS. Anything said will be turned around to incriminate you.

President Obama hid all kinds of stuff with no press conferences, the $150 billion to Iran, The Dream Act, Solyndra, ‘keep your doctor’, and only after these things were put into motion, did the press get informed.

 Let the Democrats beat this dead horse for the next twelve months. If you keep giving them fodder, regardless of your innocence, they will prolong the accusations. It’s of no consequence now, but next September it could come back to bite you.

There are a lot of idiots that by the bull crap the Liberal media outlets and social media are selling to them.

 A little less arrogance, a little more poise might serve you well, President Trump, at least for the time being. I know, it’s not getting past The Senate, but let’s get there first.

El Paso Tx Massacre

Liberals and their complicit media outlets are again desperately stretching the facts in a feeble attempt  to convict President Trump for the hate crime in El Paso, Tx. President Trump made one off color remark during a protest in North Carolina about there being “two sides” to an interaction between protesters – which is completely true, by the way, regardless of the public opinion of the two sides involved at any protest. 

This recent crazy person who aspires to be a White Nationalist should have been flagged long ago, as well as all the other shooters in previous tragedies. These social media giants can shut down conservative speech at the drop of a hat, but refuse to expose these nuts, because as a result of their actions, the Liberal narrative for gun control becomes louder. To put it as plain as can be, it appears to me that Facebook must have known what this guy was up to and did nothing because it promotes their Liberal agenda, regardless of the lives lost. It follows an old wartime adage that the ‘end justifies the means”. 

Truth be known, these idiot White Supremist are spawned from the Democratic Party Conservatives, who refused to accept The Emancipation Proclamation at the end of The Civil War, not President Trump or Republicans for that matter. Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, set forth that very proclamation. To go one step further, these jerks also align themselves with The Nazis, The Nationalist Socialist Workers Party. This was formed by Conservative Socialists in Germany, around 1940, and is a similar ideology as that which Bernie Sanders is so fond of, Democratic Socialism! The prefixes to the word Socialism don’t change the tragic outcome from its implementation.

Pelosi and Schumer’s Political Posturing

Today, May 22, 2019, there was a meeting scheduled with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi to supposedly discuss an infrastructure plan with President Trump. Before entering The Rose Garden, however, Pelosi thought it would be a good idea to stop and do some Trump bashing to reporters.

Like any red blooded American, this did not go over too well with The President. President Trump told the two of them that there would be no deals with Democrats until the bogus investigations came to an end. Schumer and Pelosi immediately retaliated and told the bias media that Trump had a temper tantrum. Trump did exactly what he should have done! The time has long passed for President Trump to stop cooperating with these idiots. He has gone far and beyond what he had any obligation to do as far as cooperation goes, and that is where the problem lays.

This is a textbook example of giving an inch, and the opposition taking a mile. It was one thing to cooperate fully with the Muller probe, but that is where the line should have been drawn. Attorney General William Barr should have never been instructed to turn over the report’s findings to the salivating, bloodthirsty, angry, Democrat oversight committee. He was under no legal obligation to do so.

It is now time for President Trump to end the “Mr. nice guy” approach and utilize his executive privilege, or whatever else in his legal authority to end the onslaught from these angry Democrats. If these Democrats are going to continue to throw these baseless accusations at The President, then let them prove them. Last time I checked, this is still a free country, and the burden of proof lies with the accuser, not the accused!