Step down McConnell

Mitch McConnell has shown his hand. He can’t be trusted to support The Trump Administration, or The Republican Party, for that matter. There must be a way to oust a member of The Senate when they cross party lines in such an egregious manner.

His willingness to concede Donald Trump’s election results even as litigation and other irregularities haven’t been resolved is outrageous. As far as I know, only The Democrats have sought concession from The President. He has even gone so far as to try to urge other Republican Senators not to even consider the available constitutional options that may ultimately, and deservedly give the win to Trump after all.

 McConnell’s actions can only mean one thing; his integrity as Majority Leader has been compromised. It’s obvious that someone has either bribed, blackmailed, or threatened him to do this. In any case, his actions demand that he step down or be removed from the position by some other means. These are not the actions of person The Republican party needs as Senate Majority Leader. Lindsay Graham is a perfect substitute that has not allowed his integrity to be compromised like McConnell’s obviously has been. 

Democrat Presidential Ticket

Does anyone else find it strange that an apparently confident, self assured, woman of color in that of Kamala Harris, would be comfortable agreeing to take the position as V.P., knowing that she is there simply to fulfill the token quota individual to meet the standard of Affirmative Action for the Democratic ticket for the presidential race. After all, what else does the extremely white, extremely old guy, career politician, Joe Biden have to offer to the presidential race. Soooooo sad. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Contangions From China

The thing about China is that they develop very little of their own product and technology. Most of what they build, manufacture, or develop comes from stolen Intellectual Property. The problem with this is that while reverse engineering these ideas, the Chinese cut certain corners in the development phase.

 Often, inferior materials are used to manufacture whatever it is, so that it can be developed both rapidly and inexpensively. Most Americans are well aware of the staunch difference between an American made product, and a similar one that is made in China. One can just imagine the big difference between a product that the Chinese make for export as to the one made for domestic use in China.

My point is this that all these viruses that keep “escaping” from China are being developed from stolen intellectual property. The process is then to reverse engineer the information to develop whatever is in the encrypted file that they’ve managed to obtain. Rather, however, than use the exact specifications for the thing, they substitute with Chinese quality specs. This is why the system, at some point inevitably breaks down and something goes wrong. An exact standard to develop and contain these contagions is not followed, either for cost effectiveness, lack of adequately trained personnel, or unavailability of quality materials needed for the project.

Attorney General William Barr Controversy

Rumor has it that a thousand judges, I can assume they are all Democrats, have signed a petition forAttorney General William Barr to step down. This is all because Barr agreed to a judge’s decision reversal about the sentencing recommendation reduction from nine years of prison time for Roger Stone, a long time associate of President Trump, which would probably have him die of old age in the correctional facility.

The whole Democrat dumpster fire started because President Trump tweeted that he was dissatisfied with the decision. This, however, happened after the judge presiding over the case flip flopped a couple times and before Barr or The President even weighed in, publicly about the issue, but as usual the Democrats and their media servants are so hungry for some red meat that can be used against The Trump Administration, that they flew off the handle and jumped to conclusions, and aired them on primetime, before knowing the actual facts and timelines of the situation. 

I suggest that The Trump Administration keep track of the names of these judges and seek to have them thrown off the bench. Any judge that is willing to make a predisposed decision before the facts are laid out before them has no business occupying the position. I feel sorry for the poor bastards that are being tried in courtrooms before these hacks, no matter what the political affiliation, and forget about it if these judges already know that the person is a Republican.

The Democrats keep hammering it home that nobody is above the law. The problem is, as an example, that The Speaker of The House of Representatives can commit a class b felony by tearing up an official document that is destined for The Library of Congress, in front of millions of witnesses, but not tickets are written, no charges filed. This country has a huge problem when political theater is exempt from legal ramifications, never mind the double standards for these treasonous Democrats that are supposedly public servants.

 Any American has to be extremely concerned about these obvious miscarriages of justice regardless of political affiliation, unless they are living under a rock. To condone this stuff is like betting on a race horse, knowing damn well it’s on steroids or a boxing match where one guy has lead weights in his gloves, and profiting from the results.

 I don’t care how devoted someone is to a political affiliation, there is right and there is wrong no gray area with this stuff. Has this country got to a point where winning is all that matters? No matter how rigged the contest? Would it be okay if The Chiefs won The Super Bowl because they had a copy of The Forty Niner’s play book?

Mike Bloomberg as the Democratic Nominee

Mike Bloomberg would probably be a pretty good prospect for The Democratic Party as the nominee if it weren’t for two things: The first and biggest problem is that he thinks that the system is so corrupt that he can just buy the nomination. The second and pretty ugly truth is that through all his corrupt actions in the past, as mayor of New York City, he drags a ton of baggage with him.

Does anyone remember that as mayor, Mike Bloomberg changed the law that stood for at least a century, that instead of serving the standard two terms as mayor; he decided that he was deserving of three terms, and he changed the law to make it so. Needless to say, at the time, this infuriated both Democrats and Republicans.

There were some candidates that were looking forward before that happened, to run for mayor, and unseat him. So, the policies like “stop and frisk” and the targeting of predominantly poor black neighborhoods are really small potatoes in comparison to this dictatorship move.

 The other problem is that Bloomberg is apologizing for what successfully reduced violent crime in the city by seventy percent. All just to appease those voters on the left that if not for anything would find some identity political thing wrong no matter what someone does, less so with Democrats, but there’s no getting away from that. His flip flopping is so obvious. 

Trump may be a lot of things, but at least he, if nothing else, is principled. Bloomberg also boasts of creating five hundred thousand jobs, but in a city of twenty million, that isn’t a very high percentage. I’m sure if someone was to do some research about Donald Trump, as a businessman created far more, and comparatively many more of those jobs went to minorities in construction not in the financial sector of Wall Street, like Bloomberg.

Cuomo Prime Time

Although I consider myself a conservative, I do watch the Liberal newscasts (I use that term lightly) to gain perspective. I was watching Cuomo Prime Time this week and it infuriated me as to how utterly racist the two African American guests, one was a woman and one a man. I don’t know their names, and it really doesn’t matter. Both of them insisted that President Trump is a racist based on some off color remarks made when he was first in office. One was pertaining to a remark that he made with regard to immigration about accepting those from the underbelly of society from as he put it “s#%* hole” countries. The remark as I remember it was in reference to The South American Triangle as it is referred, but the male guest seemed to think it was about African Countries. If, by the way, we go into that, what has Somalia contributed to the world, other than piracy in The Mediterranean Sea? How about Nigeria, another shining gem of corruption? How about Rwanda, where genocide is a way of life for those who are unlucky enough to live there?

I just wish people would think about the insensitive racial blabber that they are about to spew before they speak. Just because they are black or brown, it doesn’t give them a free pass. I wonder what the threshold of time must go by before any white person, never mind The President, can be forgiven from these racists for any verbal transgression, intentional or otherwise?

How long was it before Al Sharpton was forgiven for perpetuating a lie to accuse two police officers of a racially motivated conspiracy, almost destroying their careers, based on the testimony of a crack addict that was left naked on the highway by her estranged boyfriend. How long was it before President Obama was forgiven for telling America that Republicans in rural districts are poorly educated and cling to “Their guns and religion”? How long did it take to forgive Eric Holder, a sworn public servant, as The Attorney General of The United States for saying he is more loyal to his race than his duty obligations as A.G.? 

You know what’s disparaging to blacks and minorities? It’s telling them they are too stupid to be given equal test scores in both academia and standard achievement tests.

A reminder for all these white people haters like Congressman Al Green, or Congresswomen Maxine Waters, Rashida Talib, Ilhan Omar, Mazie Hirono, and who knows how many others that are sworn to serve their constituents; it’s Black History Month and these public offensive displays are not what the great Martin Luther King envisioned for equality of the races.

 The Congressional idiots that came before them, mostly old white guys, creating “equal opportunity” programs giving people of color hand-outs, and special considerations on aptitude and achievement standards for everything from public servants to collegiate carve outs is primarily responsible for the generational racial divide. The Democratic Party, for decades has been bribing people of color for giving them their dignity in exchange for these hand-outs. Can anyone blame them for being resentful towards whites? But we need to move past that and forgive the transgressions and fix the programs that are responsible not endorse and expand on them as The Democratic candidates that are seeking the presidency are now proposing.

Impeachment Circus

After several excruciating hours of watching this “so called impeachment”, and I use the term in this manor because it is the best way to describe it; it is clear that The House of Representatives failed to follow the legal avenues given to them to take this action against The President. This Impeachment is illegitimate.

 The Congress failed to make resolutions by a vote to assign any one or more committees the authority to issue subpoenas in an attempt to resolve the dispute between The Executive and Legislative branches. Secondly, the Congress failed to bring those witnesses to bear through the courts (if they had properly authorized the subpoenas) from The Executive branch.

This whole process, if done properly, may have been enough to remove The President from office if two thirds of the senate could be convinced. Unfortunately, however, in Nancy Pelosi’s deluded mind she thought that all that legal mumbo jumbo was beneath her. This impeachment is no different than a false arrest where a suspect was not given their Miranda Warning. In all cases of the law procedure matters. This procedure is invalid, and on those grounds alone should be moved for immediate dismissal.

No court in the United States allows the prosecutor (District Attorney) to proceed with any case, unless they have followed proper procedure: In the arrest, the treatment, and the incarceration of any defendant. The President may not be “above the law” as The Democrats have so persistently argued, but neither is The President exempt from being afforded the procedural process that would come to any other defendant or accused. In this case The Senate has become, temporarily “the highest court in the land” with The Chief Justice of The Supreme Court presiding over its proceedings.

 If this case lacks even the most minor flaw in the procedure of the case brought before this court, it must reject it in its entirety, regardless of the severity of the crimes alleged. Even murderers are set free if the arrest procedures were not followed. What is really surprising is that the prosecutors, in this case, every Democrat in Congress, all are attorneys and are well aware of the rights of any accused person. If I were Chief Justice John Roberts I would be outraged that these prosecutors would dare to insult my intelligence by bringing this flawed case before me, and thinking that I would give it five minutes of my time before throwing it out of my courtroom on its merits alone.

If The Democrats want to remove this president, then they need to start all over. That means bringing the accusation before committee, voting on resolutions to validate the subpoena process, allowing testimony from all relevant witnesses, going through The Judicial to allow for witnesses that The President has afforded Executive Privilege to be given the opportunity to testify, rewrite The Articles, hold another vote to move forward etc… etc… etc… Then and only then can this hold the credentials to be reviewed by what is at this moment in time, the “highest court in the land”.

Senate Circus

The Senate impeachment circus is a culmination of what began in Congress as apparently the latest, and hopefully, the last of the many failed attempts by the Democratic Party to oust President Trump from office.

 As a whole host of guesses as to what the Democrats could hang their hats on of what this president could be charged with, it seems that the best they can come up with is “Abuse of Power”. This innocuous term can be used to cover a lot of ground. In this case, however, the supposition is that President Trump improperly used his office to get “dirt” on his political rival.

The rival they refer to is the former Vice President, Joe Biden, who has now thrown his “hat into the ring” to try to win the Democratic nomination to run for president in the upcoming 2020 election, along with about a dozen other folks. The problem that The Democrats have in making up these accusations is that Joe Biden is no more of a political rival than I am. Unless and until, the nomination for the candidacy for the office that Biden is seeking run for is secured, he is of no threat to The President. In other words no rivalry exists between them. So, regardless of what The President sought or didn’t seek at the time, it is of no consequence, no political fallout came to Biden, other than that of his own admission, and certainly, it would not be a criminal act even if there was, nor would it rise to the level of an impeachable act. No harm, no foul.

Articles Handed Down

The judicial committee handed down two articles of impeachment this week, and with no surprise, also gave tentative approval of The U.S.M.C.A., but apparently there are a lot of strings attached by the organized labor unions.

 The first being “abuse of power”, the accusation being that President Trump abused his position to have a foreign country investigate a political rival when he asked The Ukrainian President to investigate the actions of former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter, allegedly, in exchange for financial aid. The accusation being that Trump was trying to interfere with the upcoming election, or ask The Ukrainian President to do so, for his own political gain. The problem here is that Joe Biden has not yet been endorsed as the Democratic candidate, so therefore he is not a political rival, the aid was not withheld, and no subsequent investigation of The Bidens ensued. 

The second is “Obstruction of Congress”, for withholding both witnesses and documents from Congressional subpoenas. Unfortunately, here too, The President retains the right of Executive Privilege, and Congress must apply through the courts to have their requests be adhered to. Both Adam Shiff and Gerald Nadler failed to follow the law and proper procedure in both their respective committees and make those requests to the courts. Instead these guys who accuse Trump of being an imperialist have done that exact thing themselves, bypassing procedural law and ramming this impeachment down everyone’s throats in just over two months, all the while claiming to be constitutionalists.

 Lastly, of course, The Democrats had to pass some version of The U.S.M.C.A. because they were getting such flack from their constituents back home during the holiday. I say too little, too late! Vote them out in 2020!

Bloomberg joins the circus

Bloomberg has jumped in the Presidential race, and is already flooding the television with ads. He is boasting as a unifier, job creator, and all around problem solver. In his ads, however, a familiar theme is being put forth. He boasts of health insurance for all, yet if you like your insurance as is, you can keep it. The unfortunate thing about that is that ship already sailed, and sunk with President Obama.

 It is a virtual impossibility to have government run health insurance and leave the free market as is. For no other reason than the simple concept of billing, as the government seeks reimbursement from the taxpayer, whatever the standard rate becomes, the private industry will seek the same. There will be a veritable feeding frenzy because the taxpayer funded liability has literally, an endless supply of funds, whereas the private industry has to have a little thing called transparency.

 So, as more people lean on the government for their health insurance, the private industry simply can’t compete, and collapse is imminent. In short, the Bloomberg ad that you can keep your insurer is a flat out lie.