End Divisivness

Almost all the Democrat candidates speak of unity. They are consistent in their message that President Trump is divisive. The problem lies with where and what the Democrats consider divisive. The main thing to consider here is that all the Democratic candidates want to unite only those who agree with their Socialist agenda. They have absolutely no concern for Middle America, whether the middle consists of moderate Democrats or Republicans. This is not supposition. The message from nearly all the Democrat candidates is unified.

 It is also apparent that any point of view that is in opposition from theirs will not be tolerated, even from those in their own party. So the deceptive talk of unification is the same language President Obama used, when he said “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”, “if you like your health plan, you can keep your health plan”.

 There is only one objective for those on the Democratic platform. The objective is to sell the wealth of this country to the highest bidder, to borrow against the net worth of this country, to line the pockets of those in power, and forever enslave those who drive the commerce and wealth of this country to support the grand ideals of those in power.

If these Democrat’s mouths move, they are lying.  Absolutely none of their proposals are feasible, none of their promises are economically sustainable, nor can be kept to the American people. The promises of unity are only meant for those who tow the line, and follow in lockstep. This is the way of all the tyrants that govern Socialist countries. It is the only way to sustain the expense of these governments. It works for a while, but eventually the people whose paychecks fund the government, grow weary of how hard they work, because there is little reward. Why work hard, get a meager wage and see your neighbor get government freebies? Soon the working become the enslaved people also getting their share of the government handouts.

Then, like all the countries that embrace this form of government, there is ultimately some kind of revolt. Sometimes the populous buys into the promises of another tyrant, sometimes, not. In most of these countries, the citizens are unarmed, or inadequately armed to defend against such tyranny.

In the USA, thankfully, from lessons learned, when the founders wrote our constitution, they had the insight to allow Americans to arm themselves to resist this kind of tyrannical take over. As long as we have a second amendment that gives us the inalienable right to keep and bear arms against those who would terrorize and oppress us (as the Democrats are proposing) we can prevent their Socialist machine from having absolute rule over the people.

Citizenship Question

Once again, we can thank President Obama for the civil unrest caused by another attempt to “fundamentally change” our government, a campaign promise made by the former president. The citizenship question was included on the U.S. census form for fifty years, until Obama in his infinite wisdom decided to remove the question from the form.

 This, I believe was done as an intentional ploy to cause civil discourse, just like inviting Black Lives Matter to The White House, giving credence to a group of anti-American thugs, whose sole purpose is to attack law enforcement, under the guise of claiming racial injustices. President Obama was often biased, in favor of the black individuals that were  involved in racially charged incidences, without waiting for investigators to examine the facts, such as the Martin, Gates Jr. and Brown cases. In these cases, however, Obama was in error in his stance.

This and other racially charged events have caused a racial rift in this country with the sole purpose to divide Middle America from the left. I believe there are two reasons for this; the first is to get a grasp of the actual ratio numbers, strictly for political statistics. The second, is to energize the progressive base and give merit to the instigation, and perpetuate the false narratives being taught in the Liberally run education institutions.

I grew up in the sixties, and remember the real disparities and racial tensions in this country. We as a country were on the path to eliminate these problems through comprehensive legislative reforms. That was all changed in eight years, when Obama, was elected into office. He then selectively appointed a not one, but two successive racist Attorney Generals in Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch. Holder even stated in an interview that he was more loyal to his race than America itself.

 Although many are trying to paint President Trump as a racist, it is only the exaggerated perception of what truly is racism that stokes the accusations.  Since Obama was elected, there has been this narrative, that if somehow the racial playing field isn’t drastically skewed in favor of people of color, then somehow there is racial injustice. Over six million more people were given food stamps and debit cards, during the Obama presidency, and disproportionately so to African Americans.

 The Democrat Progressives now want to shove this same garbage down everyone’s throat again, but now with Mexican and Central American illegals. This is why they are desperate to keep everyone in the dark about the actual number of illegals.The idea that giving economic freebies to people of color somehow makes us all equal racially is flat out absurd. I frankly am tired of this song and dance routine from Democrats. They have been putting on this show since the sixties. It started with “Affirmative Action”, then the lowering of academic scoring on achievement tests, in some cases as much as twenty points out of one hundred. Then it went to the public service sector with the same lowered academic standards for fire, police, and sanitation workers. The results of which have only disadvantaged those whom these applications were supposed to be helping. The positive result from all these “gimmicks” has bought Democrat votes.

The Democrats are simply trying to apply the same principle with the illegal immigrants that they are actively incentivizing to flood over our borders. The Democratic Party is bribing all the people of color that they can, for votes, with the lure of give-aways, in the form of social welfare programs, off of the backs of hard working taxpaying Americans. I’ve said it before; every single immigrant, no matter the country of origin, applying for refugee or asylum status is to be fitted with an ankle monitor, must be sponsored, and will only be eligible for social services, if their claim is approved!