Finally the Democrats are getting a taste of their own medicine. Does anyone remember what happened when Republicans allowed the government to shut down during the Obama administration? President Obama made darn sure that the impact to the public would be maximized, so that Republicans would be forced to concede.
Well the shoe is on the other foot now. The outrage from the left is not so much for compassion, but because they have no choice here. They must concede politically or they face dire consequences at the polls in the midterms.
President Trump must be applauded here as he has them at their own game. If the Democrats don’t come to the table on this one it will bite them in the ass big time, since the same laws designed to allow leniency put in place by Democrat controlled Congress are now being enforced to the letter of the law, and having a huge backlash to the liberally controlled Democratic party.
It should be pointed out also, that every piece of legislation has compromise to both parties. Just like the military sequester and the omnibus bill both parties must come to the table. The left wants to end family separation, so they must concede on border security. This is and has been the way of things in Congress.