Hello Socialist America

In recent Trump rallies the President has touted that “America will never be a Socialist country”. Oh how I wish that were true. Unfortunately, America has become more of a Socialist country than most people realize. An aging population of “baby boomers” has grown very comfortable with the convenience of social welfare programs. Why do you think there is such an influx of immigrants attempting to enter the U.S.? These people are from countries that have Socialist governments, so they well understand how to fit into the social welfare system.

 Our public education system, governed by mostly union representation, has brainwashed most of our young population into the belief that Socialism is a viable alternative to personal aspiration. The fact is that the unions are modeled almost exactly after a Socialist government. That model then influences the manner in which union teachers shape our children’s minds. The union, being a central organization that governs its workers, that are all given the same wage and benefits through its representation. These unions are further propped up by The Federal Government’s support through The Department of Education, which by the way, is a blatant overreach.

 Nowhere in The Constitution does it allow for the government to have this function, or that of social welfare. Objections can also be raised for The Departments of Energy, Commerce, and Transportation also, all created simply for the purpose of taxation.

Recently there has been another push to convert our nation to a Socialist country, in a very discreet manner that almost no one has probably thought through. It’s being perpetrated under the guise of environmental concern. It is none other than the electric automobile. Has anyone thought about where and how the electricity charges these vehicles? These vehicles are not saving the planet. The utility companies that produce power for these vehicles are tightly regulated by the federal government. It costs as much to produce the electricity, and has as much or more impact on the planet as the fossil fuels that it is designed to replace. Anyone thought about the entire refit and repair industry that has to be created to support these vehicles as they age? Electric vehicles are designed for one purpose alone, to create dependency. A dependent population is a compliant one and one that is easily duped.

There is only one viable solution to the use of fossil fuel that allows for the capitalist free market to thrive. It’s called Hydrogen. It’s believed to be the most abundant atom in the universe. There are many reasons that this resource is being discouraged from public use. The most prevalent one is that it is dangerous and explosive. The fact is, like any other energy source, technology and innovation provide the mechanism for safety. Gasoline is explosive. Nuclear power is explosive. Electricity is explosive, none of which are anywhere near as abundant, and leave only water as a byproduct when utilized.

 It’s simple; really, the fear is that technology will eventually allow people to utilize the energy source without government interference. In other words, it would be free, and relieve the population from energy dependence both on the corporate and federal sides. Hydrogen, by the way is already widely being used for rocket fuel and in commercial applications for plasma cutting.

 My advice; don’t be like the rest of the sheep and follow the herd mentality of electric grid dependency. After all, if all these newbie millennial Democrats are pushing it, there has to be a catch.

Revoke Security Clearances

President Trump needs to revoke the security clearances for any and all the Democrat Senators and Congressmen and women who refuse to accept the findings in the Mueller report and continue to accuse the President of treason.

Not only that, but these Democrats need to be sued for slander at the very least. Now let’s give them what they are craving, a real investigation, to find out the who, what, where and how this witch hunt was started to begin with. The Republican party needs to take a page from the Democrat’s playbook, grow a ‘pair’ and follow through with something for a change, and forget about political optics for the sake of the truth.

History teaches us that the optics are being given to us by the corrupt liberal media anyway.

Late Night Comedy with the Senate

William Barr, the Attorney General testified before the Senate on May 2, 2019. I wouldn’t call it a testimony; however, it was more like late night comedy. Any person, regardless of political affiliation, couldn’t help to come away from that in total astonishment. The Democratic hacks are so far off the rails; even the staunchest Democrat supporter had to scratch their head in disbelief.

 I hate to say this, but the worst displays of irrationality were displayed from the African American senators, particularly Harris and Booker. This has been the pattern for decades. Well educated people of color in these type of positions in government, have a history of creating division and discontent, through this type of theatrical rhetoric. It is directed at the less informed, poorly educated people with whom they identify closely with simply by skin color. It is done for the sole purpose to anger people, and keep themselves in positions of authority, by gaining popularity through voter deception.

 As far as the Mueller report, there is no ’there’, there. The Attorney General was under no legal obligation to release any of the Mueller report, period!  He also has the absolute authority to analyze the report, and make any legal decision necessary as to its findings. It is obvious that Democrats have no problem trampling all over our Constitution in favor of their unwavering desire to have absolute authoritarian rule of The United States of America, and access to its extraordinary wealth. Fortunately there are the calm, level headed Republicans that overwhelmingly are exposing just how bat crazy these partisan Democratic nut jobs really are.

The staunch comparison from calm and level headed questions directed at Attorney General Barr from Republicans, compared to, what seemed even angry irrational and often nonsensical questions by the other side of the aisle, which often cherry picked only a couple words of the report of some four hundred pages, made things very clear. The Democrats have no concern for the American people, or even their own constituents. This is about revenge, for the flawed and failed run at The White House by Hillary Clinton.

The hypocrisy is big enough to choke an elephant.  Where was this same media outrage when Attorney General Eric Holder stated that he was President Obama’s “right hand man,” or when it was discovered that Holder had a secret operation to provide weapons to the Mexican drug cartels, one of which was responsible for the death of Brian Terry, a U.S. border agent? He was even held in contempt of Congress, but nothing ever came of it. He was never charged with anything. Lois Lerner pled the fifth for the weaponization of the I.R.S. against conservative nonprofit groups. She has never been charged with any thing. Attorney General Lynch had a, what was intended to be secret, meeting with former President Bill Clinton, during Hillary’s campaign.  Fortunately, and much to Lynches dismay, there was a news reporter at the scene that captured the incident. She never recused herself from the hapless so called Clinton investigation, or had to appear before the committee to explain herself under oath in an open forum. It was all done behind closed doors. Surely a comparison of transparency can’t be made of this administration.

Methane to the Rescue

These days there is a lot of conflict about global warming and the practical solutions that avail mankind. I have blogged before about the use of the most abundant resource on the planet, and possibly the universe, Hydrogen, as a possible aid to solve some of the energy challenges facing humankind.

There is another abundant resource that is a direct byproduct of humankind’s exploitation of the harvesting of animals as a food source. Although widely criticized by those on the extreme left, there is still a need to consume the protein source not just for the protein, but the vitamins and minerals that often are hard to find in plant based nutrition.

One day, it is inevitable that fossil fuels will become a scarce commodity. Before that happens, however, there are many other practical alternatives that may need our attention for consideration. Not necessarily as immediate replacement, but to stem the tide, as to not use up the fossil fuels so quickly. As a consideration, instead of abandoning the idea of meat protein, because of the methane emissions, how about capturing the methane gas as a viable fuel source for various uses?

There are methane plants in operation right now that uses refuse and other sources of humankind’s waste products for raw materials to produce the fuel source. Since there is a strong argument from those on the left that immigrants do jobs Americans doesn’t want to do, maybe we need to have huge collection facilities for our waste. Immigrants would then, instead of qualifying for public assistance programs, first serve for a period of time, to collect the waste from cows and any other sources for use in methane plants creating another energy resource for all of us.

 This would slow the inevitable expiration of fossil fuels, have the people pay their way into our society as unskilled labor, and of course help solve some of our energy concerns in the process.

ISIS Brides

Now that the defeat of ISIS is imminent, the brides that left America and the U.K. want to return home. These women swore an oath of allegiance to ISIS when they joined up with them to kill Americans, and westerners in general. I believe that they should return home, but not as free citizens of their countries of origin. They are enemy combatants, they supported the attacks on American and allied soldiers, and therefore they should face military tribunals and be punished under military law.

 Just as someone who aids or helps a murderer commit a murder they are just as guilty as the person who committed the murder! Additionally, these women have now given birth to children who are not only most likely to be radicalized, but resentful of the loss of their fathers, who undoubtedly either died in combat or were captured as enemies.

These women renounced their citizenship when they joined ISIS and now want to return and bring with them the next generation of ISIS fighters into America and the U.K.


What most people don’t understand about the border wall is that it’s all about respect. Most homeowners in most parts of the world don’t need a physical barrier to delineate their property lines. There’s usually a hedgerow or different type of landscaping or even the grass is cut at a different height. In most situations the neighbors respect those borders. They know not to walk their dog there, not to park their car there, not to dig or plant bushes there.

The problem arises when the neighbor fails to respect the boundary in some way. First, one might call some official, building or code enforcement inspector, surveyor, or law enforcement if things get too far out of hand. If those efforts fail, most reasonable people decide that putting up a physical barrier is way better than a physical confrontation with the neighbor. It is way less expensive too, rather than having an assault charge is brought against you.

This is exactly the case at the U.S.-Mexico border. It’s not about the drugs, human trafficking, gangs, or family units trying to gain access to our social services. All those things are matters of disrespect. The people that are crossing our southern border, in most cases know damn well were the border is, yet they make a choice to disrespect it. Rather than physical confrontation, even though it has gone way beyond that, a barrier must be put in place. Just as you would do if your neighbor kept disrepecting your propterty boundaries.

All efforts to deter the disrespect through peaceful means have failed at the U.S.-Mexico border. The ignorant neighbors at our southern border need to have the physical barrier to restore their respect for our property.

Why Democrats Want Open Borders

The Democrats push for open borders is not accidental, or just a push to the left. The push for open borders is deliberate and pre-calculated in the party think tanks. Since the sixties, the Democratic Party has kept African Americans on the plantation, with legislation designed to keep poor blacks appeased through massive hand out programs, while fighting against any tax reductions. This was done because the Democrats knew if taxes were lower, that would create opportunity. Opportunity is the antithesis of the Democratic philosophy.

 Democrats were successful for decades to hide their true intentions, because human nature of free and easy hand-outs for the most part kept the poorer African American population at bay. Now, as more light is being shed that the whole purpose of these easy access welfare programs was to keep the blacks down, and keep their voting bloc. The African American people are waking up to realize that through hard work, like every other American, dignity, and responsibility are the path to a better future. Not generational dependency.

My point is that as more of the African American population come to realize they have been duped by Democrats, simply for their votes, the Democrats need another sucker to dupe. This just conveniently happens to be the massive influx of poorly educated illegal immigrants that are pouring into our country.

 Just as opportunity for better education for blacks in the sixties provided the ignorant populous needed for those additional votes then, there now is a new readily available source of ignorant voters ready and willing to swallow the guff of freebies to provide a whole new bunch of suckers to vote Democrat for the exchange of the welfare bribe readily available.

Dear President Trump:

For Christ’s sake, there is another invasion force of migrants heading here, Pelosi will not negotiate, it is time to call this a national emergency, already! Let the chips fall where they may, politically.

Face it Mr. President, the next two years are going to be nothing less than more of this crap from the Democrats. Ask yourself, what do you think Obama would do in this situation? The answer is anything that is necessary to move forward with the agenda. Stop playing a stooge for the Democratic left, grow a pair and get this done. Otherwise the Democrats are going to find a way to tie you directly to the suffering of those laid off government workers. Face facts! The Democrats are just hell-bent on impeachment anyway. ”The Art of The Deal” will not work in this situation.

 Obama had no problem governing from the Executive Branch and neither should you, Mr. President. Forget about the optics, and just get things moving forward, despite Pelosi, Schumer, and the rest of the Socialists. The political price has already been paid at this point.

Government Shutdown

There is a perfectly reasonable way to deter these government shutdowns. When Congress reaches these types of impasses, and the government is partially shut down, the first people that should go without a paycheck should be those responsible for the shutdown. Both houses of Congress should be the first to lose their paychecks. Like Dr. Phil says, “You just don’t reward bad behavior”.

 As with any circumstance, if your son or daughter wrecks the car, they must learn from the experience before you buy them a new one, otherwise the mistake will reoccur. Such as the case before our country now. Only Congress can fix this, and only Congress should be punished for it. I suggest that not only they not be paid, but that the pay they would normally receive be redirected to keep National Parks and tourist sites open.

Not only are these politicians not learning from their bad behavior, but they are thumbing their noses at any attempt to rectify the situation. Nancy Pelosi somehow has the notion that the President serves at her convenience. Her most recent stunt, demanding that the President not give The State of The Union Address as scheduled, containing blatant language in her letter to him, that directly contradicts the President’s constitutional obligation and authority (see Article II, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution). The President is required to give the address, and he has the authority to call both houses of Congress before him to do so, at any time he deems it necessary. Pelosi and these other obstructionists have the tail wagging the dog here. Neither the President nor the public serve Congress, they are there to serve the people.

 Nancy Pelosi is directly responsible, and she and others have either been vacationing in Hawaii, or Puerto Rico, or planning to be a.w.o.l. with a trip at the American taxpayers expense, which includes, by the way, a security detail, to the Middle East for another week.

This further solidifies the fact that Nancy Pelosi has no regard for the welfare of those who are going without pay, which she espouses to be concerned for. Graham Ledger, a commentator on One America News articulated perfectly, what President Trump should do: He should give The State of The Union address, as scheduled, call both houses of Congress, as is his Constitutional authority, and at that time call the border crisis A State of Emergency and put an immediate, stop to these obstructionists agenda, for the sake of the laid off workers and the rest of America.

Flawed USA Immigration Policies

I have my own personal “tale of woe” to tell about how our nation’s flawed immigration policies have negatively impacted my life. I want people to really understand the mentality of most of these migrants from a personal interaction perspective. I spent the better part of my life working in construction, side by side with migrants from all different countries; I can tell you first hand some facts that may elude most folks.

 Most of the immigrants that I encountered were here illegally. People need to understand that for the most part, these immigrants come from extreme poverty. Yes! Extreme poverty! The American ghetto looks like paradise compared to this kind of poverty. In most of these Central American countries, for a few pesos one can buy a live chicken and some dried beans or rice, enough for the one or two main meals during the week. These people come from countries where the law is taken into one’s own hands for the most part. The police are mostly pawns for the drug and other illicit trades. Sexual assaults, muggings, robbery, murders, drug overdoses, and homelessness, are simply the normal way of life and a direct result of the dysfunction of how these Dictatorship governed countries operate.

Now back to my original point – when I worked on job sites and had conversations with those who knew enough English, they came here and worked, with the sole intention to bring the rest of their family here. As much of their paycheck as possible was sent back home to be saved up to be able to pay the coyotes to bring their family here. As more and more of these migrants entered the construction field, the price paid out for jobs dropped. As a drywall subcontractor, paid by the square foot, and making decent money, in just a few years, it became impossible for me to afford to have a new vehicle and a mortgage payment. The main companies that I subcontracted work from figured out that it was way more profitable to bring in illegal workers, house them, train them with the skills necessary, in house and pay them less than half of what it cost the company to sub out the jobs. These immigrants came from such poor conditions that to be crammed eight or so people into a small apartment and getting a paycheck of any kind was like a gift from God to them. I have to laugh out loud, when these politicians make general comparison of economic strife of these immigrants to our way of life here in America, and use these skewed guidelines to form the concepts of immigration laws.

This is a story that millions of American workers could tell, if anyone ever had the wherewithal to research it. Every single subcontractor that I was associated with experienced this, and this was back in the early nineties. I can only imagine what has become of the industry now. All this type of labor is probably being done now by first generation immigrants. I guess that’s what President Obama meant when he and other Democrats said “they are doing jobs no Americans want to do”.  What they mean is the jobs that no Americans can afford to do anymore. Fortunately, for myself I was able, with some continued education, a sharp wit, a few lucky breaks, and hard work to change careers. May of my colleagues lost all they had worked for years to accomplish. That is the true immigration crisis in America, not the bleeding heart propaganda about how hard it has been for these people that struggle to reach our border.