Attorney General Sessions’ Testimony

The Democrats have sank to, what I thought was not possible, a new low. The frugal attempts by these elite morons to discredit Sessions demanding documents that explain the policies of the Attorney General, regarding preserving President Trump’s legal privileges in an open hearing is beyond reproach.

Sessions, a 35 year public servant, handled it a lot more reserved than I would have. This waste of taxpayers’ money for an obvious witch hunt has gone on long enough, and I for one am completely fed up with this nonsense. There is nothing there! Are we at a point in history where the news media reports, from anonymous sources,  dictates who and how Congress investigates matters? All these innuendos are coming from an openly admittedly bias media.

President Trump clearly intended to misdirect the conversation in the interview on N.B.C. with Lester Holt, when he said James Comey was fired because of the “Russian Investigation”. The fact of the matter is, that what was said in the interview, set Democrats hair on fire, unfortunately for these crackpot, disgruntled, Democrats, the President’s interviews with media, and what is said, does not warrant wasting taxpayer money to prove or disprove those statements.

Simply put, what the President says or tweets are not criminal, regardless of how egregious it is perceived. Since when do Lester Holt’s gullible interpretations dictate the course of congressional hearings anyhow? These attempts by Democrats to bring “legal action” for the perceived intentions or interpretation of what was said or not said at any given moment by President Trump simply does not qualify as criminal activity.

During the hearing Sessions was asked about the seriousness of the leaking of information to the media. I suggest that, since there is an ongoing investigation into the matter, that the personal cell phones of every Democrat at these hearings be subpoenaed after the hearings to catch the criminal leaker.

I am assuming that during an ongoing investigation, that this shouldn’t be a problem. No one should be considered beyond suspicion at this point since the matter has been publicly announced. As soon as a leak reaches the evening news, all the cell phones become suspect and under law, can and should be confiscated for evidence, just as it would be for any suspect of any crime regardless of race or social status in America.

What is even more disturbing is that these are high crimes against our democracy, i.e. felony crimes and just as valuable evidence was obtained by law enforcement, by confiscating and unlocking the phone from the San Bernardino terrorists, so should any evidence held by any member of Congress. I have no doubt that it is entirely possible that members of Congress, itself, are responsible for some of the leaks.


The Russians are coming! NOT!


I find it quite remarkable to compare the criticism that was directed at Donald Trump for remarks made about Muslim immigration, to the stark difference with regard to the Russian hack and subsequent reaction to it. The poor disadvantaged Muslim immigrants that don’t deserve to be scrutinized to the extent that was suggested by Donald Trump.

What is completely acceptable, however is to impose economic sanctions, directly affecting the Russian people, most of which struggle economically as it is. The justification of which, being the exposure of crooked Democrats undermining the very fabric of our constitution by using media propaganda, similar to tactics used by Nazi Germany to convince the German people of a sure victory in WWII. 

The astounding ease in which the media has demonized an entire country of people, based on little more than a few e-mails is disturbing to say the least. More disturbing, even the conservative media outlets are buying into this propaganda, repeating the narrative that Russia “interfered” with our elections.

I guess it’s okay to demonize Russia because it affected The Democratic Party and an imposed perception that it affected Hillary Clinton. Funny, how the scale of importance varies, when it comes to national security, vetting Muslims is wrong, but the D.N.C. we need to protect that at any cost.

In my opinion, from Russia’s perspective, this imposition of sanctions could be considered an act of war. Where the hell is the U.N. now? How can everyone be buying into this? Can anyone tell me anything that Russia has actually done against the U.S.? They are currently carrying our astronauts to the space station, they are one of the U.S.’s largest consumers of grain exports, they supply much of Europe’s natural gas and petroleum. I would like to know one thing that would be gained by making Russia an enemy of the U.S.

To condemn them for what has proven to be nothing less than an enlightening revelation is pure insanity. Hasn’t the Obama administration done enough damage? It’s reality check time!

The sooner January 20th comes, the better, all we can do is hope this guy doesn’t do any more damage before he leaves office.

Russia’s Gift to the Uninformed

The mainstream media would love to have naive Americans  believe that Russia “interfered” with the election process. Even worse, the supposedly tolerant left would put America into another “cold war” or worse, with Russia all because of the deceptive practices of both Hillary Clinton, and the Democratic National Committee that have graciously been exposed by the alleged Russian hack into the D.N.C. e-mails. Now president Obama, abusing his authority once again, is using the weight of the U.S. government and all it’s power to place sanctions against major world power to try to disguise the problem.

Let’s take a closer look at this, folks. The Democratic National Committee is just that, a committee, not a federal agency. No American has been harmed. There has been no accountable financial loss. The e-mails were not top-secret military classified. No propaganda was used or inserted into the hack, nor was the actual voting tally process interfered with. The only thing to come out of the hack were true revelations of dirty and deceptive practices being perpetrated by the Democratic party. If anything, the revelations show attempts by Democrats to interfere with the election process through deception and dishonesty.

I submit to everyone that president Obama has not only overstepped his authority, but intentionally placing Americans in harm’s way by antagonizing , and illegally sanctioning  Russia. Its called treason! Obama should be arrested and tried for the crime, and not be allowed to even finish his term in office. The president of The United States does not have the authority to take personal vendettas against foreign countries.

Although the hack itself it can be considered cyber espionage, the D.N.C. has its own responsibility to take counter-measures, just as you or I would if our e-mails were hacked into. The federal government has no jurisdiction here. The Obama administration is using deceptive language to call this an “interference in the election process” to overstep its authority into a private enterprise’s matter. This is a very slippery slope and people need to realize that this is what liberal progressive government is all about. Inclusive and intrusive into everyone’s lives, vulnerability to a leadership that has gone off the rails. What’s next, debtors prison? Religious inquisitions? Military home invasions to remove firearms? I don’t know what has happened, but I always thought “liberal” meant free from government intrusion.

These Democrats are so hypocritical they don’t even know what they themselves stand for or believe in. Big intrusive government is socialism and has nothing to do with being a liberal, and democratic means that people are inclusive in government. The party is either Liberal, Socialist, or Democratic it can’t be all three at the same time. That’s why they lost the election. The don’t have a single platform to represent to the American people, not interference from Russia as some would like us to believe. Is Russia now going to be the sworn enemy of the United States now, over Podesta’s e-mails?

Jill Stein, Sell Out


Well it looks like the Democrats have subverted another person, who originally claimed to have their own platform. Jill Stein’s ability to raise 4.8 million to contest the vote counts in states with narrow victories for Trump, didn’t happen by accident.

I have no doubt that if the donations are traced, the Democratic party is behind it. Since a recount would only benefit Hillary Clinton, if an error was found, then it serves Jill Stein no purpose to do so.

Unfortunately, however, Donald Trump had enough electoral votes without those states being contested. Just another crybaby liberal that should move to a socialist governed country, and rid us of their tantrums.

I think a few years in Cuba would do Jill Stein some good, as well as a couple hundred thousand of these bratty brainwashed kids that are protesting.

 They could replace those hundreds of thousands who risked their lives to come to America from Cuba for a better life, and found it here by becoming productive members of society.  Let them see what happens to a person who protests the government in the streets of Havana.

Obama’s Failed legacy as the first African-American President


I was apprehensive, but spoke openly how Barack Obama could possibly be the greatest African-American person, for his achievement to be elected president.

I have heard many things regarding his accomplishments while in office. The first being that he inherited the worst economy since the great depression. Unfortunately, the cause of the economic downturn has been completely distorted, suggested  it was the result of Bush-era policies. This is false! The economic downturn was a direct result of liberal democratic policy, from a super majority controlled Senate, during the last two years of Bush’s term in office. Barney Frank and Chris Dodd proposed legislation that was passed forcing the banking industry to adopt regulations, under the guise of anti-discrimination laws, forcing the banks to write mortgages, abandoning the practice of income verification.

Frank can be quoted as stating that homeownership is a “right” and to deny a mortgage based on income verification was discriminatory. Subsequently as standard operating procedure, mortgage ‘securities’ that are commonly used as financial instruments and traded in the stock exchange were written. Many of these financial documents are not only traded, but often leveraged (marked up) for many times their face value.

When the people who were given these mortgages naturally defaulted, because they could not make their payments partially due to their incomes not being verified, these securities written against them became valueless. Since so many of these people ran to the banks to take advantage of these new regulations, there were literally hundreds of thousands of these worthless securities amounting to billions, on the trading floor at one time.

Additionally, legislation passed during the Clinton administration, de-regulating the banking and insurance industry, allowing insurance companies to perform banking activities and banking companies to offer leasing and insurance products, only served to exacerbate the situation.

So in fact it was a direct result of democrats that caused the financial and insurance collapse that President Obama supposedly “inherited.”

 Even though Obama appointed two liberal supreme court justices, they still found many of his executive orders unconstitutional.  So in fact, rather than being a great, leader Obama allowed himself to be used as a pawn to further an agenda to those much richer and more powerful than he, for example George Soros and Warren Buffett, both men who lovingly embrace a socialist ideal.

The implementation of the socialist designed health care tax, was just another confirmation of his allegiance to these treasonists, along with the intentional appointments of the two successive racist, and corrupt attorney Generals. Thankfully, his entire legacy will be erased from history, a legacy that in reality was never his to begin with. It was an intentional attempt to subvert the very fabric of our freedoms by bastardizing the constitution, leveraging our concerns for the equality of all men against us.

With the election of Donald Trump, a lesson needs to be learned from the Obama Presidency, that no matter how many players are put in place to destroy the fabric of the American way of life; the common man can come out of the shadows to keep freedom alive and out vote those who have been bribed by the lure of entitlements, and brainwashed to believe that a socialist society can survive in a constitution based government.