A memo apparently has been sent to The White House demanding that President Trump surrender his tax returns for congressional scrutiny. The memo was sent from The I.R.S. Problem being, however, the memo was sent by an attorney employed at The I.R.S., not the agency itself.
It seems to me that this attorney is a holdover from the Clapper, Lerner era at The I.R.S. You remember, Lerner pleaded the fifth in the conservative non-profit targeting scandal, and Clapper was shown to have lied under oath, as her superior at the agency. The I.R.S. has rebuked the validation of the memo’s request of The President, because it was not an official agency request. It seems to me that a rogue attorney at The I.R.S. needs to be fired immediately. After two and a half years, this administration still needs to weed out The Obama loyalists from government.
This particular attorney reared his ugly head, so he’s an easy stand-out, but I wonder how many more are lurking about as secret obstructionists trying to thwart the progress of President Trump and undermine our rule of law.