N.F.L. and Hilter

The N.F.L. rules are as follows: When the National Anthem is played or sang the players are to “stand at attention, helmets in left hand, and refrain from remarks or gestures.” These overpaid ignorant people, barely out of the hood, most of them have no clue about sacrifice and service to this country.

The greater problem lies with the Socialist principled unions that these players have pledged their allegiance to. When any player signs a contract to play for a team, at the professional level, they are committed to a union contract as well. Whaaaat? You didn’t know that? These unions are greatly influenced by Liberal senators and congressman through lobbying campaigns in which huge sums of money are leveraged to help with a campaign, or financing of a new athletic facility. These clowns aren’t doing this of their own accord; they are being coached to do so by the Progressive Left that governs these union entities.

One should look back at our historical records to see that a great conqueror once said “divide and conquer”. This tactic is being implemented in America with the Liberal media who is in league with these Socialist union entities at every fabric of society. Teachers unions, the food service industry, law enforcement state and federal employees, Utilities, electricians, carpenters, the media agencies, plumbers. All these union entities are huge corporate enterprises that exist solely on the backs of not only the workers that join, but drive up the expense of doing business in all aspects of our lives.

Bureaucrats in these financially swollen institutions dictate prevailing wages, import expenses, salaries, and guidelines to justify “protection of their members”. A lot of the social unrest in this country can be directly attributed to these Socialist principled entities. If one follows the principles of The Constitution, these entities are just shy of committing treason against the citizens and country they claim to serve. Many of these institutions have minimal “hours required to work” to assure the worker of union protections. Anyone heard of NAZI Germany C.A. 1943, “an hour worked, a German Mark earned” government proclamation made by none other than Adolf Hitler.

Abolish the unions, and this country becomes a Constitutional Republic once again.

Liberal Protesters

These brainwashed protesting rioters are perfectly suited to become servants of “The New World Order,” a society dreamed up by elite progressives. This order would do away with the constitution completely, in fact, it cannot exist under a constitution. It is a socialist ideology where one of the current wealthy elites would rule over a world society, someone like George Soros or Hillary Clinton. One centralized government, where the populus would basically work as servants to pay for its operation. What do you think the Clinton’s Global Initiative means? Reverse the spelling and you have initiate globalization. This is sad, and I think a dysfunctional educational system is mostly to blame.

Years of union run education have deprived our children of the ability to think outside the realm of what is expected of them. Simply put, unions are a form of socialism, and their infectious influence festers into the minds of those whom they have a hold on. In layman’s terms, a union is a centralized entity which operates on a portion of the salaries of those who are members of that union. The union decides what salaries and conditions are best for the workers, then demands them from those who would employ the workers. The downside being that the operational or management expenses of the union often become intrusive to the salaries of those it is intended to serve.

The workers become complacent, and their productivity, or in this case the teacher’s performance drops. It is an eventual inevitability of the system. At one time, unions were necessary to protect the rights of workers, now they are obsolete, government  has instituted laws and regulations that perform the task of worker’s rights. The teachers unions should be abolished, and a comprehensive curriculum guideline should be established by the Department of Education, one that is historically inclusive, not selective. One that punishes teachers that have an agenda contrary to the United States constitution, or deliberately teaches socialist propaganda to our youth.

I think Betsy Devos may have an uphill battle on this front, but if something isn’t done to reverse the decades of complacency in the union run education system, our country’s youth will become nothing more than a bunch of lab rats for another failed social experiment for the history books.