
The recent nightly demonstrations aimed at bringing awareness about racial divisions in America have gone off the rails. It has only served to harden the lines of racial division. It’s extremely difficult for white people to close the racial gap, when almost all the faces of the looters and rioters are black. It’s equally hard for black people to close that same gap when these overzealous white cops exceed the bounds of their authority and cause these tragedies to black suspects. Normally, these things tend to be forgiven and settle down over time, but there are those who thrive on this hatred.

People like Al Sharpton fan the flames of anger long after they should normally extinguish themselves. Organized hate groups like Antifa have no place in America. These groups cloak themselves in the name of justice, yet they are the epitome of those injustices. It is a well known fact that a majority of people of color that are relegated to the low rent slums of the inner cities would rather blame “rich white people” for their disparity, than motivate themselves to do something about it.

 The Liberal Democrat policies of giving easy access to Social Welfare makes it too hard for the poorly educated, and unskilled, to pull themselves out of that trap. It is a vicious cycle. The Social Welfare Programs keep these people locked up in Section 8 Housing where there is little opportunity to gain the education and the skill needed to thrive in society on an equal playing field. The generational dependency created and perpetuated by these flawed policies are a major cause of the racial tensions in America. In essence the racial anger of blacks against “rich white people” is a just one. It is “Rich White Democrats” that have created the very circumstances that perpetually keep these people locked away from most of society. Only when The Welfare Programs are totally overhauled to create conditions for training, education, and the dignity of work productivity are incentivised can the gap begin to close. When this happens it will unwind the cycle of dependency dis-incentivizing the looting and generational hatred of “rich white people”, while at the same time building trust between those of different skin color. There is no “switch” to suddenly turn this off. Both sides of the argument know full well that trust is earned, not given.

Why Democrats Want Open Borders

The Democrats push for open borders is not accidental, or just a push to the left. The push for open borders is deliberate and pre-calculated in the party think tanks. Since the sixties, the Democratic Party has kept African Americans on the plantation, with legislation designed to keep poor blacks appeased through massive hand out programs, while fighting against any tax reductions. This was done because the Democrats knew if taxes were lower, that would create opportunity. Opportunity is the antithesis of the Democratic philosophy.

 Democrats were successful for decades to hide their true intentions, because human nature of free and easy hand-outs for the most part kept the poorer African American population at bay. Now, as more light is being shed that the whole purpose of these easy access welfare programs was to keep the blacks down, and keep their voting bloc. The African American people are waking up to realize that through hard work, like every other American, dignity, and responsibility are the path to a better future. Not generational dependency.

My point is that as more of the African American population come to realize they have been duped by Democrats, simply for their votes, the Democrats need another sucker to dupe. This just conveniently happens to be the massive influx of poorly educated illegal immigrants that are pouring into our country.

 Just as opportunity for better education for blacks in the sixties provided the ignorant populous needed for those additional votes then, there now is a new readily available source of ignorant voters ready and willing to swallow the guff of freebies to provide a whole new bunch of suckers to vote Democrat for the exchange of the welfare bribe readily available.