Homemade Wine Recipe

grapesHomemade wine:

  1. In a clean 5 gallon bucket put 2 to 4 quarts of berries or fruit.
  2. Add ½ cup sugar for every quart of fruit.
  3. Add 1 gallon of water for every quart of fruit. If no pesticides can be assured do not wash fruit prior to use.
  4. If using washed fruit drip 1 slice of white bread on top of mixture (be sure to crush of smash fruit and stir thoroughly.) On top of the slice of white bread add 1 package yeast.
  5. Cover bucket with a clean T-shirt or pillowcase for 2 weeks or until the mixture stops bubbling.
  6. Pour into wine bottles and place rubber balloon over bottleneck.
  7. Wait three days and if balloon fails to expand, cork bottle and allow to age for 3 months in cool dark place.

****Simplified Version****

Use 1 gallon of organic fruit juice without preservatives and add 1 cup of sugar and one gallon of water. Repeat steps 4, 5, 6 and 7 above.


  1. If using wild fruits yeast and bread ar sometimes unnecessary and fermentation will just take a little longer.
  2. If wine is too bitter, mix 1 part sugar to 2 parts water and add when serving.