Funny thing about Tennessee, it has some of the lowest cases of Covid in the nation. It also has one of the lowest percentiles of vaccinated persons in the nation. That is until Biden wanted to up the percentage of vaccines in Tennessee; Lee agreed so he could get Federal dollars, and then-just like that-covid cases start to go up. Tennessee isn’t called “The Volunteer State’ for nothing. Tennessee is usually the first state to volunteer emergency personnel to any state in need. Another thing about Tennesseans is they are no stranger to authoritarian scams.
During prohibition poor starving families were targeted for making moonshine. The Depression had driven the prices of grain and corn so low that people were literally starving to death unless they could find a more profitable use of grain.
After that The T.V.A. came and literally drove whole towns out of low lying valleys so the state could build hydro-electric dams. More recently there’s The Tennessee Wildlife Management Agency, a rogue agency that is governed only by itself making decisions about wildlife management oftentimes with little study or concern for the wildlife they are supposedly managing.
Then there’s The State Capital that is notorious for ignoring the needs of the rest of the state in favor of city ordinances that don’t apply elsewhere. All these things have significance when it comes to this experimental vaccine. Like the famous song lyric by the rock group “The Who” “We Won’t Be Fooled Again”.
Fool me once, shame on Lee. Fool me twice shame on me.