Like a sleazy saloon card shark, the Democrats keep pulling the race card from under their sleeves. This occurs with so much frequency that it is becoming hard to know what is, and what isn’t racism. To accuse someone of wrongdoing is not racist, no matter what their skin color is. Acts of racism have become so infrequent, that there are those who go to great lengths to create them out of thin air.
Recent tweets by President Trump asking some Congresswomen to “go back to where they came from” neither called anyone by name, nor by their race, yet a firestorm erupted in the mainstream media calling Trump a racist. More recently The President called out a particular member of Congress for his poor performance in working to improve the lives of his constituents. The fact that the Congressman has done a terrible job, has nothing to do with the color of his skin, yet, because the Congressman is black, Trump again, and is being labeled as a racist. This kind of blurred vision of what is, and what isn’t racism has to be corrected, otherwise people are going to live like caged rats. What will it come to? If someone looks at a person of different skin color in a perceived manner of sorts, will that be racist?
The extreme fear being created, by this false type of race baiting, is actually creating the racism that it claims to protect us from. It used to be that you had to make a direct derogatory statement or action, with malice explicitly because of a person’s skin color to commit a racist act. Now, all you have to do is tell someone to go home, or criticize their job performance, and you are a racist. If I were a dog and was trained to sit, for a white owner, and I failed to not only sit, but lie down and roll over when I was confronted by someone other than a white person, I would be considered a racist dog, according to the expectations of these Democrat nut jobs. The extreme paranoia being caused here is beyond absurd, has nothing to do with equality, and will ultimately lead to more racial tensions than this country has seen since The Civil War!
It has gotten to the point where people that are dangerous to society are given preferential treatment, so that those who deal with them avoid having the race card pulled on them. This includes law enforcement officials and even judges. The race card is thrown around so often that it has perpetuated intentional taunting of law enforcement, in an effort to push the boundaries of what the definition of racism is. The level of disrespect for law enforcement in multi racial interactions is unbelievable. Now Congress has to actually consider creating a law to stop it, because people of color are throwing buckets of water on the police. If spitting at a police officer is considered assault, then I think it should be a no brainer. I don’t care what anyone says, this is not what Martin Luther King Jr. had in mind when he spoke of “equality”.