With the 20th anniversary of the attack of 9/11/2001 approaching, we can be sure of one thing. We are witnessing a “Time Warp”. With the fumbling blunderings of the Biden administration, we have now returned to pre- 9/11 security risks to The United States. The Taliban is now at or above pre- 9/11 military capability. Our liberal friends in Congress have brought us to pre- 9/11 immigration standards, making great strides to bring as many foreign nationals from The Islamic countries into our country than ever before.
The common denominator is The Democratic Party. During the latter half of Bush’s 1st term, the Democrats controlled Congress, just as they do now.
All I can recommend at this point is, that if you work in a tall building, you may want to seek another career and if you plan to fly and you see anyone dressed like those guys in Afghanistan, you may want to consider a different flight.
There’s an old, but wise saying: ‘When people don’t learn from history, it tends to repeat itself.’