Just when we all thought that we were finally rid of this chaotic, hapless, demented Biden administration nightmare, the stage four Alzheimer’s patient that unfortunately is still The President of The United States, is now attempting to hurl America into WW3! This recent “Go Ahead” to Ukraine to launch long range missiles into Russia, binds America into a “Boots ON The Ground” war with nuclear armed Russia because of our treaty obligations with N.A.T.O. As far as I know, not sure if I can trust any media, at this point, but supposedly President Zelinsky has taken up the offer, and launched them.
In case anyone is unaware, N.A.T.O. has a treaty with Russia, which it has violated, by engaging in the conflict in Ukraine, dragging The U.S.in as well. The treaty specified that no N.A.T.O. country was to “Set One Foot” into Ukraine. I hate to be the bearer of uncomfortable news to swallow, but Russia isn’t the “Bad Guy” here. I’m praying that Putin has the will to restrain somehow, until President Trump can be sworn in, and bring a sensible reasonable end to all of it.
This whole conflict in Ukraine is the fault of a reckless inexperienced leader, Vladimir Zelinsky and his greedy ties to the corrupt leaders of N.A.T.O. along with the corrupt members of Congress that are funneling European and American taxpayers money to Ukraine, much of which is being laundered back into all of their pockets, all at the cost of innocent lives of both Russians, and Ukrainians. I hear that over a million have been killed already in this waste of a conflict. This further shows how The Democrat Administration cares not for The American people it’s supposed to represent or the potentially millions globally that are now seriously at risk. Anything in their mindset is acceptable, if it can hinder a Trump administration.